Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I literally do not believe you, sorry.

This sounds like one of those House Hunters people: “My wife is a puppet-carver and I catch butterflies in my spare time. Our budget is 17 million!”


Hey now, be fair.

It’s still possible you might get three stupid people to pay you 1.5 million for a pet each if they’re not paying attention and they’re half blind and maybe they need adult supervision with their money.

That just leaves you a half mill from world quests.

Easy, right? I mean Lissie did it.

First off, why not? What is so wrong with that?

Second, and more importantly to me personally, why are there no other brutosaur mount options?

I don’t need or care about the AH vendor. I only ever wanted a sauropod dinosaur mount. I was diligently saving up my gold, expecting to amass the required amount by the end of the next expansion–a reasonable time frame given my play style and time available for WoW.


Kaivax, please talk to the devs (or whoever made this decision) and help them understand that removing player’s long-term goals removes their desire to play. Keep the rarity of your damnable traveling auction house if you must, but at least make some other models of the brutosaur available.

Thank you.


I just wanna point out that is highly inaccurate. The mammoth was seen purely as a luxury splurge mount. The repair vendor was handy, but it wasn’t that great. Almost useless if you were an engineer yourself…which everyone should be. You couldn’t mount inside most raids to use it, there was always a repair right outside, and ICC even had a repair inside that was better than the mount because it used Ashen Verdict rep discount. Plus Jeeves was a thing, and saronite scrapbots were very affordable.
The mailbox was a far bigger game changer than the mammoth, and we’ve put that on 2 pets and a toy now. (And gave them to everyone in WoD). Many frugal players that can afford a Brutosaur won’t bother with it because it only takes a moment longer to use an alt to mail an auction item to yourself. Having the Brutosaur today still leans heavily on having a personal mailbox to go with it.


This sort of logic is why I rerolled a Mage. Because time and again, Blizzard picks predictable winners and losers and then chooses the most arbitrary and antagonistic courses to pursue.

Hoping to get a Brutosaur 3-4 expansions from now? No piss off. They’re removing it. Want Jaina’s Elemental Mount? Suck it. .1% after BFA. Want to do DPS as a Priest? No. Shut it and heal your betters. Nerf X% to all Shadow damage. +20% to Mage.

I just got tired of it all. As far as I can tell, if you want a game that the Devs are willing to listen, and actually work with you in, FFXIV is there waiting for you. And they do not care if you have phones. The nature of the community is a direct result of Blizzard’s antagonistic nature toward the game and it’s design. Hence why the phrase ‘no fun allowed’ is so common.


You’re so wrong it’s crazy. The repair and vendor was and is still extremely useful and sought after, if it wasn’t it wouldn’t be so common today.

Actually some of the pets from Mechagon and Nazjatar easily sold for 50,000 gold each… That is 1% of the total gold for the brutosaur each time one of the pets at that price range sold. Not impossible if RNG smiled upon you and you spent a lil time doing these things and once your neck maxed out all your azerite world quests rewards turn into gold/war resources. So definitely not impossible. Just not everyone enjoys mindlessly doing world quests or occasional rare farming.

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For sure it’s not impossible. That’s the difference in a player that understands the AH and how to sell items and someone who doesn’t. It’s amazing how much you can make off the AH if you put effort into it.

If the powers that be keep making decisions like this, there’s a good chance that years from now you’re going to look around and find that seeing players won’t be as common as repair mounts are today.


5 mil in 3 months isn’t mindless WQs and occasional rare farming. I’ve mostly done WQs at 120 and have made a total of maybe 300,000g in BfA. Nothing like the gold I made in Legion.


Cowardly? That’s the most direct and non-cowardly response you could have asked for. He told you - us - bluntly and without sugar-coating it exactly why it’s being removed.


Long term goals that keep players subscribed are better for the game. Not destroying players’ faith in the developers and making them doubt how they’re spending their money is also good for the game.

I’d like to know exactly how “exclusive, limited, and prestigious” items are good for the game. How do they keep the majority of players subscribed? How does suddenly changing the availability of an item convince players they can trust the game developers to not pull the rug out from under them another time? How does mistrust encourage players to continue playing?


The excuse is cowardly, not the fact that he responded. That was why I said “excuse” and not “response.”

It’s cowardly because it is hiding from their blatant miss-step. They’re hiding behind the terrible excuse of gold inflation as to why this mount needs to be a rarity, which means it should have been announced as temporary from the get-go, all the while not once explaining why people having the repair mounts is a bad thing. -_-

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No, I’d say that’s the difference between someone who spends their playtime focused on the AH and one who wants to quest and get gear. If you don’t have an army of alts to take advantage of something repeatable, or have whatever the chosen profession of the xpac is, then you’re left with the risks of AH flipping. I’ll probably hit Heart Lv 70 right as 8.3 comes out, so that source is out for me too.

Point is, don’t act like making vast amounts of gold is trivial.


I think you’ve missed his point. His post was actually spot on. And don’t forget the meta-point he made is that the auctioneering reasoning for removing this mount is moot given the flexibility of mailboxes from toys and alts that camp near the AH.

I can’t agree more with you. It’s almost as if you saw right through this excuse/explanation.


Could you just change the way they’re purchased? Maybe with an item like the wowtoken that keeps up with inflation?

Cool. Just give us a Brutosaur mount without the vendors then.


That’s who, I believe, the mount was directed at. It was meant for players with an overabundance of gold, many of them are the players who dedicate a good amount of time and effort into the AH and other means of gold making.

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Do we have an ETA on this mount removal?
I am not that good at making gold at all and i am real close to the amount needed to buy it.

And there we finally have the actual reasoning, folks. They just can’t abide something becoming more commonplace over the years since its addition to the game. Never mind that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount costs five million gold in an expansion where Blizzard is doing its darnedest to drain the supply after doing jack-all in WoD and Legion despite being warned… No, it’s players that have to be punished for the sins of the WoW dev teams.

At least the removal of the Plagued Proto-Drake rested on the philosophical basis of “challenging content” post-Naxxramas. This is a naked grab at depleting players’ gold / $$$ through “FOMO” (fear of missing out) and just being outright elitist.