Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

  1. Anchor weed is a necessary commodity. It sells.

  2. Weren’t you the one talking about having an army of alts?

  3. The cost of materials is minimal. Herbs are really cheap right now. It costs me about 20-22k gold in herbs. I make about 400,000 gold back with that 22k investment. So about 378,000 gold profit. (edit: oops, bad math, about 30k investment, 370k profit)

It’s “harder” in BfA in the sense that you have to do more than just opening your phone. But it’s not hard at all. What level of difficulty is acceptable for you if doing any of the things I talked about is too much for you?

That’s all I was sayin’

Carry on good sir.

Ive hated this removing stuff from the game “for prestige” BS since burning crusade… we pay you to ADD content not remove it!

I have rare items you cant get anymore and I’d be perfectly fine if they were available again.

I just don’t get the mentality of needing to prevent others from getting enjoyment from the game just so you can.


Right still removing it from the vendor is still just dumb. Like get your development in order and so doing this crap where oh hey here’s a quality of life adjustment. Next expansion development team: yeah we didn’t like that so f those guys we got rid of it. Like this back and forth crap what you guys keep and take it is crap. Either don’t release something or pull your pants up and deal with the fact you released it.


“We want to ensure, just like removing portals, that you have a reason to afk in the capital cities because forced population is our only solution for new players to believe that WoW is still limping along. We’re running out of ideas on how to make Azeroth feel relevant and we really hope you don’t notice.”


Honestly dont know why we give the panda the time of day…

I haven’t seen anything you’ve ever posted to contradict that.


BfA has been an exercise in frustration for the players, and a case study in lack of forethought on Blizzard’s part. While this is a “reasonable explanation” (and truthfully, any comment at this point is appreciated), under this reasoning the mount should never have been implemented in the first place. IMO you do more harm to yourselves than good at this point removing it. I never intended to shell out the gold for it, but I do believe that players would have altered their practices much earlier if they had known the mount was only available for a limited time. So let’s just be clear - people aren’t upset that it wasn’t intended to be permanent, but that it’s announced VERY late in the expansion cycle and now there is concern there isn’t enough opportunity to make up for lost time collecting currency. People KNEW the mage tower Artifact skins were obtainable for a limited time, same for challenge mode dungeons, etc - and they made the effort during that time to work towards those goals. Not so now - and the statements I quoted above make it seem like players are being punished for your lack of forward planning & communication.

In the end, I think your team should be asking yourselves - what exactly are you worried about? If you’re worried the auction house is the only reason to visit cities, then do something to address THAT issue. Give us multiple reasons to be places. It’s a shame that of the wonderful city locations in game, only whatever hub is current for the expansion and Stormwind/Org usually see players congregating. If you’re worried about the spectacle of a bunch of giant dinosaur mounts - O H M Y G O S H - you built another neat thing for people to see in game. Congratulations! It’s not like it’s linked to some special event like the Scarab gong/AQ mount, or something really difficult like the mage tower challenges.

Just once this expansion, I would like to see the WoW development team say to the player base, “we screwed up, here let us make it up to you” - in this case, you could put up a cheaper version of the mount WITHOUT the AH NPC, for those who still want to ride a long necked, gigantic dinosaur. There is precedent for this, as there are multiple varieties of yak and mammoth mounts. You guys need the positive PR move.


This is reasonable–but could there be a brutosaur for sale which doesn’t have the AH vendors on it, perhaps? Maybe something a little cheaper just for people who like the dinosaur itself? Ty.


Any chance we could get another Brutosaur without all the fancy stuff on it. At least for me Id be happy to have one with just a single player saddle on it so I at least have access to the model.


They are removing it from the vendor so it isn’t as mainstream as the mammoths are now, adding a recolored or reskinned one but even cheaper ruins that whole reasoning. I sure hope they don’t.

Exclusive, limited, and prestigious items are good for the game.

But in WOTLK they had two other mammoth mounts.

lol. So even that wasn’t exclusive.

EDIT: Oh haha, let me correct myself: FIVE OTHER MAMMOTHS.
EDIT EDIT: Oh, and in MoP they also had other Yaks.


The context of their recent comment was very much about an overabundance of the AH vendors; not the dino model.


Blizzard is talking about not wanting every toon to be running around with the AH mount not the model itself.


Nah. Since the introduction of the WoW Token, anything you can pay for with gold that goes away later could also be called “buying from Blizzard” if you want to think about it that way. Achievements, titles, raid mounts, etc. There have been lots of things that you could buy a carry for that aren’t in game anymore now.

If that’s the logic then when is gold acquisition so terrible in BFA, it’s impossible for any new player to come into BFA and reasonably get 5m gold before the end of the expansion, even if they started right as BFA started. WQs award less than Legion WQs, missions don’t even provide enough gold to warrant spending the resources on, the only reliable way to make gold this expansion is gorging the AH or selling carries. You could dump a ton of real money into the game too via WoW tokens, but that isn’t reasonable.


Over nine thousand ^ this. Seriously guys. The hubris has felt so thick this expansion.


Great response! Let this be a template for the future.
When you are planning to do big things like this, just TELL US WHY!
At least if you give your reasoning, people won’t constantly stew in speculation.

Even if people disagree with the why, understanding philosophy is important when discussing changes, and this one shuts the door on much of the issues.

I totally agree with the sentiment about gold inflation and the AH mounts.
Looking forward to seeing what comes next expansion!

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This won’t be any less wrong just because you repeat it every three posts in this thread.

Yes but that’s at least buying from players. You can buy this directly from Blizzard, by buying tokens and then turning around and giving the gold back to an NPC vendor.

For what it’s worth, the prevalence of paid carries and the advertising that come with them are a festering cancer on this game’s culture.


Silently sits on long boi thinking it was dang hard to earn this mount in three months without selling any carries or playing the AH flipping game as it were Nope? Well I can say I made my 5 million rather easily in a three month period doing world quests and selling pets I got off of the Mechagon, Nazjatar and Warfront rares while doing said world quests just on two toons… This isnt an impossible task. It just requires a lil heart and dedication… But what do I know?

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