Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

That’s not even slightly true. I have been playing the AH actively since Cata and you are just flat out wrong. Not only are you wrong just generally speaking, but also wrong because you are ignoring that if you make money passively AND actively… You now have double the money.


If the reason the Brutosaur will be unobtainable is because of the AH on it, then please add a non-AH brutosaur. There were non-repair mammoths from the very beginning, and a brutosaur is just really cool without the AH functionality.


Yes it would have. Look around at the forum. Players blow up over anything. We have threads from groups of players who upset over a charity pet. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. It’s not worth going back and forth over.

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This, I could care less about having a mobile AH, everything goes to my bank alt anyways. But that would make less people drop FOMO money on tokens to get it, so don’t hold your breath.

Lol what circular logic nonsense.


I’m not denying that players blow up. What i am saying is that it wouldn’t have blown up nearly as big. Me personally, and i know there are others that feel the same, would have been much better with the idea had they announced it from launch instead of waiting over half it’s availability time.


Maybe they weren’t aware that they were going to do this? Changes and ideas do happen mid-expansion.

You are just biased because you hate the playerbase, which is fine, but it makes your opinion on actual issues way less valid.


They should have thought of that before releasing a gold sink.

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Where did I contradict myself? What did I say in my second post that contradicted what I said in my first one?

If we compare the income from not logging in, yes you could make more during Legion.

But if you compare income from actually logging in and playing the game, BfA vastly pulls ahead. And it’s not even a lot of work. I have 11 alts at or above 110 from Legion to do exactly what you described. What I do with them now is I have alchemy on all of them and I do the anchor weed transmute on all of them, every day. On my server anchor weed can go for 90g a piece. You get minimum 10 per transmute. From 11 alts, that’s minimum 110 anchor weed a day. At 90g a piece, that’s 9900 gold A DAY for 10 minutes of work. And that’s not even including all the other things you can do for easy gold.

Yeah, I hate the player base of the game I spend the most time on…

I have a wonderful group of players and friends I play with on a steady basis, I even pug often.

truth be told, not a single opinion here means anything.

In WoD I made 30k a day from my 11 garrisons, and a good chunk of that was purely raw gold.


Way to contradict yourself within one post.


I’m talking about one example. There are many other things you can do with an army of alts on top of the anchor weed transmute.

I personally don’t care about losing the ability to easily purchase an AH mount, what I care about is losing the ability to easily purchase a Brutosaur mount if I don’t come up with 5 million gold before Shadowlands launches. Replace it on the vendor with a version that doesn’t have an AH and I’d be perfectly happy, even better if it just had a generic saddle instead of the big Zandalari themed seat it has now (cause Horde = bad, and Zandalari = Horde).


How’s that tree holdin’ up?

That’s true but it’s nowhere near as easy. That’s the point I am making. I could have done stuff ONTOP of the garrison with my alt army (which I did), but the income from the garrisons ALONE far surpassed anything else.

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You should probably leaf now.


So all you have to do is 1) be on a server that isn’t dead. 2) have 10 alts at 120 with alchemy. 3) ignore the cost of materials for the transmutes.

Then it’s so much easier to make gold instead of Legion where you could get over 100g per WQ in raw gold generation.

I’m not saying it’s impossible to make gold in BFA. I’m saying it’s harder to make gold in BFA than in Legion. That’s all


I agree. WoD was a really good time to make gold, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it.

I wood, but I’d get fired by that lumbering orc : /