Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

With all due respect, why are you gonna try to tell people what to do and make it sound simple and easy when you don’t partake in the content that you’re discussing? You’re an MVP. Surely, you know how that looks, right?

I would be much happier to hear and read you discuss things that you do partake in, with an in depth discussion. Not hear something that comes off as baseless conjecture.


Gold is easier to make in BfA than it was in Legion. Get your neck to 70 and you won’t be able to go anywhere without tripping over a pile of 2,000 gold. Every 3000AP emissary gives 2,000 gold instead. Every mission table that used to give AP now gives gold. Every WQ that gave AP now gives gold. Every bonus roll token that doesn’t give you loot gives you 2,000 gold instead.

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What about PvP mounts and titles, the MoP and WoD challenge mode rewards, mythic raiding mounts, ect? If you want to earn these things then get better at the type of gameplay you strive to earn rewards in. I don’t believe in handing out trophies to everyone, players who excel in a type of gameplay should rewarded, exclusively, for their effort and skill.


Explain to me how to make 5 mil in about 7 months then, without boosting, on a server where BoE flipping is exceptionally slow, without a 800k+ liquid to start with.

I’m projected to be at 3 million by August at my current pace, which is rather unreasonable. I’d have to swap servers to get the income off crafting to push it over, which should not be expected.

You cannot use other servers economies to bolster your stock.

Then put in a new mount, TELL us it’s leaving, and let us actually have the time to obtain it.

Learn your lesson and actually communicate with us going forwards, instead of pulling the rug out on people who had reasonable expectations.

I used to sell carries.
It’s how I got my spiders.
It should not be the expectation or the norm for people to make money.

The auction house should be, and frankly, on several servers, most professions are complete garbage. I’m sitting here leveling alchemy for the first time in forever because blacksmithing just cannot provide any sort of meaningful income on my server anymore. I’ll probably get some surge in 8.3 but it’ll die completely within a couple weeks.

This isn’t MoP where crafting professions worked.

Reminder: Gold Sinks need to exist.
5 mil is 5 mil. No matter what expansion it is.

Sure would be nice if people stopped using examples where it was known the content would be removed when implemented as examples against “TSM the Mount removed with a year’s notice with the worst economy the game’s had practically ever”


The fact the mount is being removed for for literally no reason is ludicrous

No other vendor mount has ever been removed, but magically a mount that is a huge gold sink, is going away.

It’s beyond asinine and whoever came up with this idea.


Okay I mean this is all nonsense because this has nothing to do at all with making the game better in literally any way. It’s a mount.

I also do show appreciation when they do something good, by PAYING THEM MONEY. I don’t have to suck up to them on the forums to show them that I like the game. That’s ridiculous.


The fact is, we don’t know how long we have.

Big difference here is those were obtainable strictly through gameplay. The brutosaur is obtainable by paying blizzard hundreds of dollars.


That’s hilariously untrue. Missions used to give several thousand a day with alts in Legion and that could be done on your phone. If you did do WQs in Legion you could get up to 150g per WQ with follower items alone, that’s in addition to whatever reward the WQ gave.

Furthermore once 8.3 hits azerite will no longer turn to gold but instead be a completely useless reward like war resources!


All of which we knew off rip would be limited time. Blizzard poisoned the well here. As I’ve said more than once, this is bad juju because the lack of communication means at any point in the future, Blizzard can decide: “Let’s make that limited time” and then we have to hope some random forum schmuck makes a thread about datamined information so we get told.


Sigh, they always have to ruin everything.


Well, it’s their game, they can do what they want. They don’t have to communicate everything to us. I see why they don’t communicate more anyway, players just blow up with rage over anything they do anyway. Look at the charity pet, are you kidding me?


Just want to say again. I do not support this going to the BMAH.

Thank you.


Sure. And you can make an argument that most people are dumb.

However, that doesn’t mean Blizzard just gets to skip out on their responsibility to be upfront with us about things they should be. The customer is not always right, but the customer deserves basic respect.


Sorry that you have to play the game to make gold. That sounds like an awful situation for you. I’m sorry you have to go through that.

Gold IS easier to make in BfA. It just requires you to play the game and not rely on passive sources.

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When all else fails start insulting someone that has a differing opinion. I’ll be ignoring your nonsense now.

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You had nothing of value to offer from the start, so I don’t see this as a loss.


I have no idea what goes into the mentality of blindly defending blizzard solely for the detriment of other players. I am only here giving feedback because it’s so blatantly ridiculous. I feel so bad for the mount collectors. They already get milked enough as it is.


You just literally contradicted yourself. You could make more gold in Legion by opening your phone for 5 minutes a day. I’m not even saying I agree with that design, I’m just saying it’s factually inaccurate to claim it’s easier to make gold in BFA in both playing the game and doing missions.


If they had communicated this wouldn’t have become what it is.

Also, yes, it’s their game, but if they start this new precident they will lose players overall.


So it’s being removed because it affects your ability to give the world a false sense of population by funneling players into capital cities.