Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Maybe not pay to win, but it certainly is pay for convenience, which is still scummy.


They want to keep it uncommon due to them not thinking things through before releasing it. Hence why it shouldn’t have ever been in the game to begin with. They opened that box already. It’s too late to take back, just as it was for all the other gold sinks, yet here they are, making thousands of dollars, all because supposedly they didn’t think of the consequences of making a mount with an AH on it until it was over halfway through it’s availability.


There is literally no way you can ask anyone to believe you. In an expansion marked by bad faith, cheap scams and outright lies (remember how you said that Teldrassil wouldn’t end how we thought it would?), you cannot, you should not and you will not expect players to take you on faith.


You just said that this was a mount not intended for the average player, and acknowledged that it was a mount intended for whales who can pony up piles of cash. The sure-fire way to win the mount is to pay the $500-$600.

More like pay to be exploited

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What do I get to exploit if I pay?

They’re recycling the plot of Warlords of Draenor after recycling the plot of Mists of Pandaria. What on god’s green earth makes you assume the best interests of the game are a priority for them?


The economy, perhaps. As more people buy tokens, the price goes down (though it’ll never go to the 15k I thought was about doable) and each token is worth less gold, meaning later whales will have to be bigger and bigger.

That doesn’t sound like exploiting the economy to me.

Incredible. You wait two weeks to address this dumpster fire and you come back with “we’re taking it away to make it more exclusive” as though the thought just occurred to you. Also what inflation? All you’ve done in BfA is drastically cut all non-token gold sources.

What is your PR department even doing? Did they get fired along with all the CS staff?


not saying blizzard handled it perfectly, but you all act like 9.0 is coming out tomorrow. you have a ridiculous amount of time yet to work on this mount. it could be a LOT worse. Some of us were around for wrath protodrakes and amani warbear in BC when we found out they were going away and our chance of ever seeing them were next to nothing without much notice. If I was given at least 9 months notice for either of those, I definitely would have them now.

5 million in 9 months? that’s a joke. You want to rake in some gold? gear up a M+ carrier toon and pile in gold from people trying to get those rewards (which you have even LESS time to acquire than time remaining on this mount btw, so it’ll probably sell for even MORE than this dang thing is worth)

I make more gold now than i ever in wod. PIles if 2000 gold emisarry rewards, at least 1-2k worth of gold world quests on board. 1k in missions up all at once. yes a lot of bonus gold right now is from level 70 neck, but even that’s a joke. I have two chars with that and i don’t even raid or do dungeons or islands and am lucky to play 1-2 hours a day.


Sure it is, its right there in front of you.

Are you gonna pretend that becoming a M+ carry seller is just an everyday feat for a casual player? It’s a sad statement to begin with that selling carries is now the best gold source in game.


Can I do that with benthics, some upgraded to level 2? I’ve never done a mythic raid before.

This mount was never intended to be purchased by the everyday casual player in the first place.


People weren’t saying the auctioneer would be removed. They were asking for it to be removed and to release a recolor without it at a lower price.


Apparently it’s intended to be purchased by people with disposable cash. Stupid players, thinking they’d be able to play towards it like they did the other goldsinks!


Some trolls were saying that. The ah mount will be removed they said.

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Well that’s garbage game design. Rewards like these should be something anyone can work toward.

Taking it away is a blatant cash grab, and all the excuses and shilling you can offer won’t change that. Kaivax’s nonsense up there just cements it.


Are we just going to pretend that people aren’t also going to complain about the price being increased?

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