Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Stop defending amoral business practices. This is about goading the potential whales who haven’t dropped the money yet into doing it. “This is about Prestige.” Yet every other gold-sink mount in the game is still here.

And just so you know, I’m NOT ok with other rewards being timed exclusive either. It’s all apart of the FORTNITE style marketing strategy Blizzard is adopting for this MMO we all have to PAY for to play.

Don’t be Blizzard’s stooge, demand better from them.


This is tater logic


Cant help but notice the timing of this announcement i mean shadowland pathfinder complaint threads are at an all time high then suddenly this issue arises and now it seems to be what ppl are currently focused on

In the words of the famous Leroy Jethro Gibbs “rule 39 theres no such thing as a coincidence”

Because you’re wearing a mask, we can hardly hear you :stuck_out_tongue:

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To make you spend $$$ on dem tokens

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A year, if we’re lucky. Probably more like 9 months. Further, this is something that should have been communicated to us back when BfA launched. They need to fix whatever communication breakdown they have on their end. There is absolutely no reason this should be announced after we found out about it through datamining.

Having a lot of gold from WoD and Legion is not “prestigious”.


Blizz: Removing vendor mounts makes the game more immersive.


I suspect those people harassing me can far too well.

I can’t wait for Bornakk to tell us about how much better the game is for him with this mount being removed from vendors.


What the absolute ^*&%!

I have been scrimping and saving for the mount all expansion and now I have to bid on it if it comes up which is a big fat maybe?

This is a STUPID idea the mount should not be on the BMAH.


Just pay half your rent in wowtokens, lol, ez

I’ve always wanted to have the nicest cardboard box home in the world.

Better yet just ask your landlord if he accepts bitcoin


The mage tower challenge wasn’t obtainable through paying blizzard large amounts of money, this “challenge” is.


Anyway for a Feast of Strength, It is not worth it even if it is one of WoW’s worst expansion.

And just imagine the price then when we players bid on it. :roll_eyes: Not good not good at all.

Some landlords accept m+/aotc carries to mark off rent, ofc (yes this a joke, i don’t support/condone this practice)


I mean, the idea behind it is a joke. It exists to remove gold from the market, and yet, by removing it, they are removing some gold, sure, but it won’t be here forever, and thus, we’ll eventually run out of gold sinks.

I can’t think of any other reason for them to remove a 5 million gold mount other than trying to make people panic and get people to spend money on WoW tokens for gold before the mount vanishes from the vendor in 9.0.

This is so incredibly scummy and shameless if that is the reason lol