Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

How dare you.


A year is not “long term”. Long term is five, ten, twenty years or more. I would have had the required gold within four years. So, if “the intent” was to make the mount for people who work at making gold over the long term, why is it being removed from the vendors after two years (without even mentioning the mount was time limited at the start)?

Also ditto to everyone saying we don’t know when Shadowlands is releasing and may well have far less than a year.

Removing long term goals from a subscription based game is just plain stupid. It doesn’t matter what the actual item is. If Blizz wants players to remain subscribed, they should be releasing more things to work toward over the long term, not taking things out. Now I have one less reason to stay subbed. Good job, Blizz.


Flagged for trolling


Keep in mind that abusing the flagging system can get your account actioned. If you feel that I was trolling, have at it though.

I’m not sure what would make anyone think that comment is trolling. Not agreeing with what someone else says doesn’t mean they were trolling.

But you are trolling. You are actively trying to get people upset over a technicality, that’s trolling


My comment wasn’t based on a simple technicality, It was based purely on the fact that they are not removing the mount from the game as others have stated. That’s not trolling, that’s the truth. I’m not sure why that would be upsetting. You do you though, I won’t be responding to you anymore since you consider something like that trolling.

Have a good day.

Just reiterating. I do not support this move by blizzard to put the mount on the BMAH.


Yes removing things gives less reasons to grind(which I would think Blizz would want more). Removing things for the sake of being ‘exclusive’ or ‘special snowflake’ is a stupid move to pull. Really we already got exclusive mounts like the high tier PVP mounts and the mounts that drop in high level raiding (that they then nerf bat the heck out of the drop rate later…).


Hail, folks!

Here’s my daily post expressing complete dissatisfaction with Blizzard’s terrible handling of a problem they created, again!

See you tomorrow :wave: :smiley:



I didn’t know where to make this post - but I felt that I needed to express my feelings with Blizzard’s decision to remove the Brutosaur from the vendor and instead place it on the black market auction house.

Before you continue reading, it’s important to note that this post is meant to be constructive and help share some of the community’s thoughts. Or at least mine.

Seldom do I create forum posts, let alone ones that express my frustration with a certain system or decision. The last post I remember making with regards to this type of sentiment was regarding paragon mounts (which I am still strongly opposed to and would like to see managed more sympathetically in the future).

The decision to remove the Brutosaur from an easily accessible vendor (mind you with no valid / legitimate reason - at least not one that we know of yet) left a very, very bitter taste in my mouth. I viewed Blizzard in such a great light previously, but this decision made me start to question whether my optimism was justifiable. You’re probably now thinking how absurd it is for someone’s views to change as a result of such an “insignificant” change. But this is how I feel - and while I’m trying to avoid sounding dramatic, this really did affect my ability to enjoy WoW knowing decisions like these are acceptable.

"Well, you probably weren’t ever going to buy it, so why does it matter?".

It’s not so much about the ability to buy it at a certain point in time, it’s more so about you setting a goal for yourself in the future, and someone walking in front of your vision and stealing that away from you.

"What? but you can still get it on the auction house…"

Yes, but it’s VERY difficult to obtain anything on the BMAH due to competition, inflated pricing, and the fact that quantity is limited to 1 per highest bidder.

"Well, it’s going to be cheaper on the BMAH so why are you complaining"

No. We don’t know that yet. In fact, it’s likely this will be put at a base cost of 5m gold, just like it’s original cost. Regardless, you’re missing the point.

"Ok, then stop being lazy. Just farm gold. You have 8 months, lol".

Farming gold is not as easy as it sounds, especially not for everyone. Some people are super intelligent when it comes to making gold and can play the auction house, and others can put in hours to grind materials to sell. The point is, I don’t want to spend my next 8 months grinding gold. That’s not fun, especially not for something that I feel shouldn’t be removed.

"So you’re telling me you’re just lazy and don’t want to farm gold? that’s your fault then. Just sell WoW tokens or something"

Well, not entirely. I can do it, or at least try. But why does this option have to exist? Why can’t it stay the same way? Who did the Brutosaur mount hurt? The population maybe, but… it’s a game… and also - I really don’t want to spend $500? $600? on a mount…

"Ok so it’s a game, why are you complaining…"

At this point, I at least hope you’ve enjoyed the little back-and-forth conversation I had with myself. If you don’t sympathize with my feelings, it either means you don’t really care (which is fair, that’s not a bad thing), or you already have the mount and that burden has been lifted off of your shoulder, so why care anymore anyway.

“You’ve spent 30 minutes writing a complaint, and you’ve proposed no solution, how is that constructive?”

Look, I really appreciate all the work Blizzard has put into WoW. But the solution is really that simple… don’t remove the mount from the vendor. Let it stay. Let people be able to buy it in 1 year… 5 years… or even 10.

Please… please let us continue having a goal. Please allow us to continue seeing people ride the mount and hoping one day we can get it without bidding up to 9,999,999 on the BMAH. Please allow us to save for a few years if that’s what it has to take to get this mount. Please don’t remove things from the game when they don’t need to. Please let us continue enjoying what you’ve created without having to stress, worry, panic that it’ll go away when it wasn’t intended to go away (i.e. not a clearly limited time thing like challenge modes - which are by the way, a test of skill and not wealth (unless you buy it)).



Just usual stupid stuff from blizzard.


it’s a dumb, knee-jerk reaction from blizzard on something that doesn’t need to be messed with. Just leave it alone, it will become irrelevant after a while. No need to mess with it and stick it on the BMAH and further harm people with it.


If they would have told me this at the start I wouldn’t have bought heirlooms before the brutosaur.


How many heirlooms did you buy? I bought almost all the necessary ones and it’s still not even a dent in the $5 million gold price.


I bought all the BFA upgrades, it was like 2.5m IIRC.


Well hot damn, that’s a lot of coin. Yea, that’s a significant dent!


I am looking into other mmos right now. I am still here for now but my mind is opening about how little this company actually values us as players.


All companies see players in the same light, as their means to making money. That’s how business works. You’re going to be sorely disappointed if you think there is any business any different when you open the curtains.


I more or less agree with OP entirely.

I do not support moving that mount to the BMAH.


This right here is my biggest issue. In Battle For Azeroth ALONE there are 16 other GOLD EXCLUSIVE vendor mounts to be purchased. A lot of people, especially collectors, invested in the cheaper vendor mounts to get their collection numbers up, knowing that they can get the Brutosaur sometime in the future.
Oh, just kidding, they’re removing it for no reason.
I swear, had this been announced a month or so after the expansion launched, there wouldn’t be a fraction of the people upset about this.
Also, this is coming from someone who has owned the Brutosaur since day 1. I really hope Blizzard chooses not to go through with this punishment for players when it was Blizzard themselves that lacked the foresight to worry about gold inflation.