Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

What? Are you being serious?

When they add it to the BMAH and remove it from the vendor, yes, it will be a massive step down in availability.

Removing it from the vendor and adding it to the BMAH is not removing it from the game so I am not spreading misinformation or disinformation. You’re either trolling me or you don’t know what the terms misinformation and disinformation mean.

Then why did you keep arguing with me about it?

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I’m not arguing that fact. All I did was state that they are not removing the mount from the game and then you tried to claim I am spreading misinformation and disinformation.

If you think it’ll really go for less than gold cap, you’ve been drinking too much of Blizzard’s Kool-Aid. Limited availability of an in-demand item always drives up the price. Someone will always have just that much more gold to bid–until the price hits cap.

Okay, maayybe it’ll go for less than cap the first time or two it shows up–but it will still be more than 5 mil. And that will be two players out of the hundreds who want it who might get it for under cap.

It really depends on when the mount shows up. Early in the expansion, it’ll possibly go for less than cap. But there’s no telling when it’ll come up. No knowing how many times it’ll come up. That uncertainty leads to desperation and high bids. There’s no getting around the fact the the mount will be more expensive once it goes on the BMAH.


Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Truth. All we have now is speculation. But I think my speculation is going to be closer to reality than yours. :wink:


I think it won’t be. So here we are. Opinions are just that, opinions. So, we’ll need to see how it works out in the end and how much of a fact it is. I don’t doubt that the first time or two there will be players bid like crazy, but after it’s on the servers a couple times it’ll go way down.

Let’s not forget that there aren’t many players running around with even a million gold. if the forum is anything to judge by 200k is rich to half of these guys.

I just figured out the flaw in the excuse that it has to go away because it’s a dinosaur. Shadowlands is where things go when they die. Therefore all the dinosaurs will be there too.

…including about 10 bajillion murlocs.


That’s pretty good dude! You could definitely get a gig making fake apologies for flailing companies. :laughing::+1:


Hadn’t though about that until you said it…



Kind of hard not to notice the radio silence from Blizzard on this.


Yeah, unfortunally this was a well caculated plan and I dont think we will ever hear any comments. Itll just get swepted under door till we all give up or quit, not saying people will quit over this but it could be that final nail for some.


I have to agree with you here. How many things can they take away before people give up and quit? Currently on my list of things I’d like to have back:

Flying with out insane time gating/grinding
my Water Strider (as it was)
Ranged SV hunter
Lower GCD

and the hope that one day I could grind for the Brutosaur


I’d add the restoration of the deleted portals, whether in a centralized portal room or part of a hub network. I hate how the game is focused on NEW EXPANSION and doesn’t work to integrate the expansion into the world it’s supposedly a part of anymore.


Loss of ranged survival still gets me to this day. I’ve had no luck finding new main now for two expansions, im not sure if im gonna do a third like that.


I didn’t understand what I was feeling until you put it into words. Every expac feels, more and more lately, that it’s an entirely different game disconnected from the core of WoW. I mess around on KT/Zand and when I go back to EK/Kal, heck even BC or Wrath, I feel like I just changed games entirely.

Edit; I think the excessive removal of things makes this more noticeable. I’m not against removing content entirely, (things like AotC/CE, mythic mounts going from 100% to 1%, etc are totally cool) but a lot of what they choose to remove doesn’t make sense (a long term goal that’s also a gold sink). Seeing something like that in the game that I can’t get just feels… weird? Disconnection is the best word I have but I already used it (again, there are exceptions, like the seasonal PvP mounts and the mage tower - those at least make sense).


Isolating expansion zones (rather than integrating the world with a robust portal network and giving us a reason to be in that world), rental abilities, chopped up professions. There’s no world to World of Warcraft anymore. It’s painfully clear the developers wish they were making stand-alone games where they didn’t have to deal with any of the pesky continuity WoW is burdened with.


It’s interesting that a thread about the removal of a mount from the vendors has become a discussion of all the things removed from the game. No, “interesting” is the wrong word. It’s depressing.


I mean, I called this stuff out in the water strider discussion about how we can’t give them an inch because otherwise they take a mile. Removing an ability doesn’t mean removing a mount, but they start removing mount abilities, now they move on to removing a mount. My question is, what do they remove next? All “gold-sink” mounts? Flying? I don’t like them just removing things from the game with no real explanation and without taking into consideration player feedback.


Maybe. Or maybe we have 8 months. Nobody knows because the release date isn’t set in stone yet.

Yes, over the long term. Not “on a deadline”. And the more players trying to grind out 5 million gold, at the end of an expansion when AH activity is already down, the harder it’s going to be for everyone.