Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I’d love to have that mount, but I’m not shelling out $500+ in tokens to get it in time.

What a stupid idea.


or they could keep on selling it and you could stop being poster children for vile avarice.


Oookaaay. Well then. I guess some folks just like to start fires. :roll_eyes:

Maybe Blizz will give them a forum vacation if they keep it up.


The fact that they haven’t responded to any of the backlash proves to us they know that we know exactly what they are doing and it’s extremely scummy and shameless.

If we were wrong about them removing the mount from the vendor just to get some extra token sales they would’ve responded days ago with the real reason as to why they’ve made this decision.


They aren’t removing it from the game.

Yup, the ol’ lawyerly technicality rears its ugly head. The mount is only being removed from the vendors and put on the BMAH. And the rumor that the AH vendor is being taken off the mount is bogus as well.

That still doesn’t make this decision a good one, nor does it set a good precedent. If players feel the time to achieve a goal will suddenly be shortened, they’re more likely to not even try. If they’re told ahead of time exactly how long something will be available, they’ll plan accordingly. Suddenly moving the goal posts mid-game is never a good thing.


Wait! I’ve figured it out! A compromise for all…

Remove the vendor from the mount! Let the old brutosaurs keep them, but new ones have a transmogrifier instead!

Tada! Make it so, Blizz. Stop annoying your customers.


I didn’t bring this up right now. I’m not really sure what this has anything to do with anything.

This wasn’t in my comment either, I was simply stating that they aren’t removing it.

I’m not sure what’s going on here, all I said was that they are not removing the mount from the game because they aren’t.

It’s only having it’s availability being reduced by 99.999%, totally not the same as being removed.


I would be plenty happy with a plain brutosaur model with no vendors. Of course, as you said, the original model can still keep its vendors (and be available on the BMAH). I just want some way to reliably purchase a brutosaur mount for a set amount of gold once I’ve amassed said gold.

I don’t want to be tied to the BMAH, hoping for the mount to appear–and then hoping I can get it for the gold I have and not gold-cap. Or hoping I can get it at all because people keep sniping it.


It doesn’t matter how many more 9’s you add to that the fact still stands that they are not removing the mount from the game. You’ll still be able to obtain it. Start saving gold and buy it before it’s added to the BMAH, if you can’t save it before that they buy it when it’s on the BMAH for probably much less than 5 million gold.

I was only adding more information. My second paragraph wasn’t intended to be commenting on your post. That’s why I made another paragraph. Sorry for the confusion.


They are massively reducing the ability to purchase the mount. Stop hiding behind “they’re not actually removing it”. It’s a cowardly argument and you should feel bad for using it.


I don’t feel bad for telling it like it is, they are not removing the mount. I’m not sure why you’d even call that an argument, yet alone a cowardly one, it’s just a simple and basic fact.

I see you just want to go in circles today, have yourself a great day.


Because you’re arguing on a technicality. They are significantly reducing access to the mount, something you have repeatedly ignored with your “they’re not actually removing it” nonsense.

No. That’s you. That’s all you do. That’s all you ever do. You just keep repeating the same things over and over and over again, even when you’ve been proven wrong. You just dump out any information that’s been given to you so you can keep posting the same disinformation.

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I didn’t argue, I simply stated that they aren’t removing the mount.

I’ve yet to provide any false information. I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove with this comment but I am not spreading any false information around.

Anyways, later.

to make the 5 mil you have two choices make a minium of 16k a day every day until the xpac is over to ensure you have the 5 million… or pay 580 dollars in tokens to get about the same amount…


less then 5 mil on the bmah lol that mount will be gold capped so darn fast if zulian tigers go for over 5mil and they don’t have multi passenger capabilities as well as a repair and a ah on it…


Players that have millions and millions of gold laying around to blow will have already bought it. You aren’t going to be bidding back and forth with gold tycoons.

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And you have repeatedly ignored the fact that they are vastly reducing access to getting the mount.

The way you keep saying they are not removing the mount, while ignoring that the BMAH is a massive step down in availability, is deliberate misinformation.