Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Bad joke is still a bad joke… :smile:


Which is NOT the portal room in either Orgrimmar or Stormwind and thus cannot be accessed from said rooms or by any character below 110 or 110+ that hasn’t opened up the BfA hubs.

No. There is a portal to Azuna, which is a zone, not a floating mage city.

Correct. We used to have portals to the shrines as well as the jade forest. You specifically asked:

so I answered with a few that I thought of off the top of my head. The portals to the shrines were removed and the portal rooms do not have them.

This doesn’t work for most characters. I have put in bug reports and posted about it more than once. Even characters that are on level and have quests in Outland can’t always get ported.

This only existed if you had the rep and had done a particular quest line.

Really? Were you unable to even read the link I provided or are you simply incapable of realizing you’re completely and utterly wrong?

But hey, thanks for allowing me to respond to your reply and thus bumping the thread again. Yay.

In case anyone from Blizz is actually reading this, I disagree with the decision to remove the brutosaur from the vendor. There is no reason or precedent for such a move. Even with this accidental notice, it would require accumulating 100,000 gold per week for just under a year to earn enough to purchase this mount. I’m certain that Shadowlands will be launching much sooner than that, so it would be necessary to get more than 100k/week to make the deadline. I usually average 20-30k, so my only option would be to buy tokens–which I’m not going to do.

I had been carefully saving my gold for the last year because my one major goal was to have a sauropod mount. I don’t need the AH on it, I just want a brutosaur mount. Thanks for taking away yet another goal I had. If you keep this up, I may soon have nothing left to play for. Good job.


I mean that is subjective but k.

really nothing to be said about the rest.
but 100k a week is pretty easy. since bfa launch ive made 2 million without even trying, also while spending it constantly, if i buckled down and did some farming, i could easily make more then 100k a week.

Or just work for a day, buy 5 tokens, no problem, and boom you already have 1 mil. do that 5 more times and well…

Cause idk about you, but i think buyying gold is fine, i rather spend some irl cash that was much faster to earn, then spend FOREVER farming gold.
Or going to a chinese gold site.

I’m having a little trouble making these two comments fit together. Is it easy to make gold fast, or does it take forever? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m an artist/writer married to a musician. Yeah, not going to waste any real money on tokens to buy a virtual mount in a game I have less than an hour or so to play each day. But thanks for the tip! It never would have occurred to me that tokens were a possibili—oh, wait. It did. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Just got a cool new printer today–gonna put some of my art on greeting cards. Big arts and crafts fair coming up, and I’m hoping to farm up some real money. Good luck to you and your easy/time-consuming gold making.


Subjective is just a poor excuse to justify a bad joke.

Remove all Dinosaurs… joke makes sense.
Not remove all Dinosaurs… joke doesn’t make sense which equals bad.

Not hard to understand.


I love this. USD 500 (more or less the price of a Brutosaur in tokens) for one day of work. USD 13,000 a month if you don’t work Sundays. USD 156,000 a year. USD 156,000 = about 240 salaries in my country. What you need to make in a month to be able to buy the Brutosaur in one day of work is what many people earn in a whole year. About 3.5 Swedish/Swiss minimum wages, 8 British/German/French/Japanese/American minimum wages, 12 Spanish minimum wages, 17 Portuguese minimum wages, 48 Argentinian/Brazilian minimum wages… Yeah, just work for a day…

EDIT: Sorry, he said “1 day = 5 tokens”

USD 75 * 26 (days) = USD 1950. Almost twice what they make in Spain, 2.5 in Portugal, 7 times in Argentina and Brazil.


Besides the extra portals they added in Legion, making it easier to get around, They removed all of the portals in Legion, WoD, and Pandaria bases with the exception of the main city.

They also locked the portals so that if you were not high enough to be in the zones, you could not take a portal to the zone. While this doesn’t seem terrible, it is inconvenient. I wanted to take my level 60 toon to Pandria to quickly level cooking so that she could make the Thanksgiving foods, however, she cannot go through the portal anymore.

As for the water-walking, just keep in mind that they have been trying to remove water-walking since Legion alpha. Since consumables are usually tied to xpacs, there is a high probability that the water-walking mount equipment might end up being grayed out, or limited to prior xpacs when the new one comes out.


While I expected it, it’s sad to see that instead of keeping the thread going and keeping our point loud (thread has slowed considerably, granted we are on holidays here in the US), the devs seem to have gotten away with giving us a rant thread so we can get it out of our systems and they can go through with their crappy nonsensical change.


I really hope that when more staff get back to the offices after the holiday weekend wraps up that we get some good news and that they back peddle on this decision :angry:


As it is the holidays, it will give them time to not care about the issue and in 2 weeks probably a lot of people will have forgotten or will just not care that it will be removed in 9.0. Such is the Internet and online community.

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It’s proven a sadly effective form of containment ever since they moved to the new forum layout. I’ve seen it several times, on a variety of topics. And they still haven’t addressed the camera changes, or druid “class (not a) mount”, or guild officer controls, or…

And so here we have another one, ‘announced’ on a Friday before a holiday week. And this isn’t quite big enough to get people to quit like “no flying ever” did in WoD, so the extra week to let it simmer down may turn the trick.

I wish it was different. I wish I trusted that Blizzard still understood their playerbase and wanted as a primary goal to make them happy. I know many of the development crew must still feel that way, but the corporate attitude obviously shifted years ago. And artificially limiting the sale of a desirable, difficult to acquire cosmetic item like the Long Boi is just one more proof of it.


This has the potential for being even more annoying in Shadowlands where they will most likely remove the Ironforge, Exodar, Thunderbluff, and Silvermoon portals from Boralus and Dazar’alor respectively, particularly if they don’t even bother offering portals to these places in Shadowlands.

Considering the high probability that these four portals will get removed in Shadowlands, it’s ridiculous to use these portals in defense of Blizzard’s removal of portals in BI Dalaran and the Pandaria shrines, especially since Oribos could easily not offer portals to the other capital cities besides Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

It’s just like how it’s ridiculous to argue that the decision to move the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to the BMAH without much in the way of a proper announcement or explanation is “justified” because they removed stuff from the game without warning in the past.

I suppose next people are going to start to argue that Worgen models/animations bugs not getting fixed is “justified” because the devs have broken their models/animations in the past. It’s about as ridiculous as trying to defend bad communication by bringing up examples of bad communication in the past.

But really, the lack of explanation for the change to the Brutosaur mount’s availability looks bad. If they would have said something along the lines of considering moving the mount to the BMAH because of an upcoming global vendor price squish (and said this at Blizzcon 2019 or earlier), that would be one thing. Since they didn’t offer any kind of reasoning like possible changes to vendors in SL, it looks like they are trying to push token sales.

The lack of proper explanation practically confirms that this move is intended to be a FOMO thing, regardless of the original intentions for moving the mount to the BMAH.


Still no Blizzard response?

  1. WHY is this decision being made, what is the POINT of doing it?
  2. WHY is there still no official announcement - it was only acknowledged by one CM who promptly never commented on it again, literally abandoning the thread as fast as they could.



to be fair, it is the holidays. but they really should have said something by now


They’re still trying to figure out the least offensive way to say “Cash grab.”


For the same reason nobody ever went back to the “Don’t remove portals” megathread, which is still active, after the unhappy blue saying “don’t you feel the world bigger?” which was the WoW forums equivalent to “You all have cell phones”


That mount was made by Lucifer himself

The last time my druid tried to post in the druid “class mount” thread, it had been closed so I never went back. It was clear they weren’t going to make any changes to the “mount” not counting as a mount.

I don’t recall ever posting in any camera change threads, mostly because I was certain it would do no good. The camera changes were clearly deliberate (and probably entwined with other graphics changes).

I have been posting in the guild permissions thread. Ion said in a Q&A that they were actively working on a fix for the all-in-one “is officer” check box, and I’m going to hold him to that. So I make sure I post every day I can. I don’t want that thread to get closed like the druid one.

Other recent big issues that got shunted away are the portal removals and the water strider debacle.

I fully agree that the pattern is clear: announce a removal on a Friday, make a mega containment thread for the fallout, wait until people stop posting, lock thread.

I have a better solution on how Blizz should handle this type of thing: