Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Man I was like that for many things blizz has done. This one has just tips that over and out the window. :sweat_smile::neutral_face:

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Really? You’ve never antagonized anyone in this thread? Never made any snide remarks or veiled insults? Never suggested that people who were actively working toward earning the mount were never going to get it anyway? Never said that people were only being outraged for the sake of being outraged (thus dismissing their concerns as insincere)?


No, I guess you’ve never antagonized anyone by being snide or dismissive.:roll_eyes:


Don’t forget they said we have no “rights” to any opinions, feedback, etc here as well.

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Well, I don’t actually disagree with that argument they made. Posting on these forums is a privilege, not a right.

And let’s not pretend Yesuna is only poster who gets a little carried away and perhaps nasty in their posts. They’ve been snide and dismissive, yes, but I’ve seen even worse from others–even those whose basic arguments I agree with.


Did you seriously just go and pick and choose comments without any regard for context?

For instance:

If you’re going to try to throw shame and blame around at least add in the whole context of the comment instead of molding stuff to fit your narrative, that’s near vulgar.

If you want actual discussion with me, let’s have it, but I’m not going feed into nonsense like this.

I’d like to say thanks for at least admitting this much instead of staying solely clumped together in a hivemind with some of that stuff.

I just got mad mainly cause when I said “rights” I wasn’t referring to the definition to what they claimed I was using. Which appeared to me they thought I was meaning human rights for some odd reason. Heck whats funny is privilege is basically a meaning of special “rights”…For all one knows I could have been referring to that. Heck if someone met me in person they’d understand how I say things and can mean a weird definition or uncommon one of that word,etc. Even so it should be understandable of what definition of rights I was using/referring to as there are literally multiple means to one word.

And no I agree. We all get “carried away” I should have not let Yesuna get under my skin…but I’ve gotten tired of how they act towards folks and twist things to fit their agenda. :unamused: And at this point I’m ignoring them since all they want to do is like you said above. I feel like I can’t even have a proper convo with them without them always jumping,etc on every little thing said.

But anywho I think it’s best to get back on the real topic and not let folks get under our skin…


Now I got a question for folks. If you have to choose a color for a bruto to have as a mount…if they were to ever make more. And of course without* the AH on it. As I feel that one will stay/should stay special…what color would you like to see?

Me - ones to represent horde and alliance. I would totally switch to maining an ally toon for a blue bruto though. hehe

This is hilarious coming from someone who repeatedly quotes selective parts of posts so you can “mold stuff to fit your narrative”.

You have so far refused to have any actual discussion on this topic. You have stated that you support this decision even in absence of any reason being given by Blizzard as to why this change is even happening. It’s impossible to attempt to reason with someone when they say something like that.


I’d say even the same color should be available. Just make the non-AH versions smaller and remove the structure behind the saddle. So the non-AH versions would be single person mounts without any vendors.

Additionally, they should expand the FoS for the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to include a title, something like Tycoon, Name.

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I quote myself to support this


People say this every time quotes of their own words make them look bad. I didn’t change a thing you said. I didn’t move or change the words you used.

You are claiming the same people are always complaining, thus you’re implying the complaints aren’t legitimate. It doesn’t matter if I quoted the entire “context” when my point is you’re belittling and dismissing people’s complaints. Anyone can click the quotes and see the entire “context”. I’m not removing any of your precious words, only highlighting the statements that show your attitude. It doesn’t matter that you’re replying to someone who said you were part of a “peanut gallery”–two wrongs don’t make a right. There is no “context” that makes your snide and dismissive replies anything other than snide and dismissive.


This is an excellent suggestion. That FoS should have always had a title.


I’d rather they leave it be. No FoS is worth removing it from the game


Well, ideally we could have the FoS plus keep the mount as-is the same way they handled the Warlock green fire quest line. Did it during MoP and you get a FoS and title, but you could still do it after MoP.


Well, it really just comes down to the line of thinking. Here’s how i think it goes down:

Dev A: We need a hub, or at least a central place that attracts people to it.
Dev B: You mean a concentration camp?
Dev A: No, like a major city.
Dev B: Yea, we call it Stormwind or Origimmar. One has spikes and one has less spikes.
Dev A: I know, but we need to give people reasons to be there.
Dev B: That’s why we killed all other portals except those 2 places.
Dev A: There needs to be some other good reasons to be there other than being a transport hub.
Dev B: There’s the auction house for the generic public and entrepreneurs.
Dev A: But we got a mount that served that purpose.
Dev B: That’s why we have a 5 mil gold cap on that. Average people won’t be getting it in years.
Dev A: Still, they will eventually get that 5 mil, right?
Dev B: Statistically speaking, that is correct. We call that Compounding.
Dev A: So the problem still exist, just delayed?
Dev B: And what do ya expect? Remove it? wait…
Dev A: Wait, no!
Dev B: Yea, let’s just remove it. Most people won’t be getting it anyway.

  1. They were removed from the locations I specified. Locations far more useful than the just the new ones they put in the SW and Org. There are therefore less portals than there were before. They were culled. The only reason it was done was to give the illusion in the capital cities that there were more players than their actually are. They even put in npc’s to continually pour from the portals to further generate this illusion. Hence the countless rage posts on this forum when the culling took place.
  2. Yes it does look wrong. Yes it breaks immersion. Yes there’s a thousand and one other things in the game that also break immersion. No, that doesn’t make it any better nor is that an excuse to further break immersion. No, the shammy and DK skill were part of their thematic ability and therefore do not break immersion.

Why is this gold sink mount moving to the BMAH instead of remaining on the vendor? All the previous gold sink mounts; the mammoth, the yak, and the spider are all still on vendors. This mount should be treated the same way.

The only reason Blizzard has given for this decision; only after it was datamined; is that this mount is moving because it is a dinosaur and that is why it is going away. However the vendor that sell the dinosaur also sells a dinosaur pet and another dinosaur mount. IF the reason for removing this mount is due to it being a dinosaur then why is that same vendor still selling two other dinosaurs?

If there is another reason then Blizzard should explain it. If not then people may assume it is for another reason. Maybe to sell tokens? Maybe to keep it more exclusive? Who knows? Without explaining their reasoning we can only speculate and that speculation can lead to misdirected and/or negative attitudes towards Blizzard.

  1. there is still portals to iron forge and thunderbluff, i can see it right now in boralus/zuldazar
  2. broken shore dalaran is also in the new portal room
  3. shrines no, but jade forest yes
  4. portal to blasted lands is there… in the portal rooms there is npcs you talk to that will tp you to blasted lands, in alliance its in the bottom of the tower before you go outside.
  5. there was always one, go to shatrath, go to bar, talk to gal, your in the caverns. but yeah they added a more convenient one.

6.yeah they are still dinosaurs.

yes, why its a joke… of course not all dinosaurs go extinct.