Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I am sure they will have new and better mounts when 9.0 comes, and probably have the upgraded version of Brunosaur somthing like in 10.0, so like 3 years from now?

All this and it seems like they knew this was going to cause backlash so wait for perfect time and then run for hills for flames to die down. Theres been so many anti consumer decisions done over last couple of years, its just getting close to breaking point, for some at least. Or maybe its just me but, with all thays been going on i dont feel passion like i used to.


Oh. There’s passion. Passion for the ol’ time-played and token sales metrics. Passion for the player-centric, finish it when it’s fun / done, sort of passion? That’s been dead awhile now - might have something to do with a certain devs hate for trees and NPC vendors.

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Neither do the devs. They crapped on us and, I agree, ran like cowards.

“We heard you, we’ll communicate better!” has been the biggest cloud of butt-smoke they’ve blown in a while.


I think it’s being removed because AH on a mount (which mean AH almost anywhere) is a poor design choice. Given enough time (2-3 expansions) everyone would have one. No one would go to the AH. Org/SW would have much less people. Players would have access to post/snipe all the time.

Overall this would be bad for the game. I’m sure someone figured this out and told them to axe the mount ASAP.

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So, let’s just let the richest guys (those who already play the AH like madmen) have that AH access.


Remember when reforging was removed and they had to change the vendor on the yak? I reckon they could. You know. Replace the vendor.

Or add another, different coloured, non-NPC laden brutosaur. We were all pumped for brutosaurs, they gave us one - a very expensive one with a surprise time limit. There’s nothing defensible about it because there are different things they can do to handle… whatever issue they think the brutosaur is causing (though I don’t think they see any issues with it, they’re so well known for doing random shady crap like this, we can’t really trust them can we?).

Edit; Not even sure n anywhere AH is even an understandable issue.
“We want everyone out in the world exploring!”
“Wait, we want everyone in the city if you need to do anything outside of questing and raiding!”
These two ideas are conflicting - should we camp Org/SW, or go out in the world? If someone is dead set on camping the AH, they’re gonna do it with or without the mount.


The garrison AH is pretty cheap to put together and engineers rarely have to visit the SW/Org AHs. At 5 million gold, the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur is never going to be very common. And I know it’s going to the BMAH, but it should stay on the vendor for anyone who does want to scrounge up the gold to buy it.


Something I don’t get about this is, if the Auction House NPC is the problem, wouldn’t it be much easier to simply change it to something else?

Like, we still don’t have a mobile Void storage, and only Nightborne and Goblins have mobile mail and banks and even that’s on a CD.

Would you pay 5 million gold for a mobile bank? I sure as heck would.


Huh… I mean, I don’t really care about losing the chance to get this mount personally, because I will never have 5 million gold at one time I’m certain and I also rarely go for huge gold sinks like this in games anyway

However, even for someone like me, I really have to ask, why remove it? It seems like a decision that can’t really have a reason that a large part of the community would be able to accept.


^This. So much this.

There is NO REASON to remove this mount from the vendor. If they put in other brutosaur mounts that don’t have the vendors (and priced them accordingly), I could accept the removal of this one. I know many folks bought it just for the AH perk, but I think I’m not the only player who would be less disappointed with the removal if some kind of replacement brutosaur were available.


At this point, I’m starting to suspect a gold squish to match the expansion squish. Since they are making all pre-SL zones 10-50, the gold value in each chronological expansion must drop to accommodate this change.

Does that make this Brutosaur removal okay?
No! They could easily squish all gold in the game and still inflate the Brutosaur (and other gold dump mounts) to a comparative value that meets the new gold standard.


About the time they introduced the Action Camera setting, they reduced the maximum zoom out distance and changed something about the anchor point so there was a lot more sharp swings with collisions. The changes were enough to make some people motion sick.

That’s very good to hear.

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Still not happy with this choice on Blizzard’s part.


They expanded on this recently. Not only is the mount not available post 9.0 launch but the AH vendor will be removed from the existing mount and replaced with a personal barber NPC.

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The source?


I am personally very annoyed at the removal of this mount. I think it is an awful decision to do so, especially after there is zero precedent with similar gold sink mounts. MANY players have purchased other things (including myself), such as the 2 million gold spider mount, with the assumption that this would be around later on to get as long as we kept plugging away and making gold. For those of us that do not play the auction house all day or have multiple hours on end to sit around and mindlessly farm gold, it is a slap in the face. Also, telling us that this mount IS FOR those people who do those things, is a terrible explanation, especially when you claim (and very clearly shouldn’t want) the auction house controlled by a small group of farmers. I really hope you reverse course on this. I very, very rarely post on the forums (maybe 2-3 times in 15 years?), but I absolutely had to say something about this. This mount is an insanely huge quality of life upgrade, and to simply remove it on such short notice (yes on short notice, even if you gave us a year from today, people starting from scratch would have to farm almost 14,000 gold PER DAY) quite frankly is a terrible choice.



(By the way, forum team, this is WoW. Our characters tend to be blue, green, purple (lots of purple), light-blue, brown, black… I get the emojis are usually yellow, and several human skin tones, but there are more non-humans than humans in this game, add some “realistic” emoji colours)


All engineers have mobile mails, you can do a quest in Dalaran (Legion) to get a mobile mail toy for your whole account, and you can grind the Argent Tournament like a madman to buy the saddle for your Tournament Squire pet so it can also officiate as a mailbox in that character. Basically, I have 3 mobile mails on this character, and another three in my Nightborne mage (because I’m not farming the tournament again, or she’d have 4).

What once was a rare occurrence (with Orgrimmar having the one mailbox with a Tauren on a kodo, and then on a mammoth sitting on top of it, which wasn’t fixed until the Cata revamp, while it was way too easy for them to drop 3 or 4 mailboxes here and there) is now an easily-accessible commodity.

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Blizzard hasn’t said anything about the mount beyond what little they’ve said in this thread.