Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

So much for saving my gold to get one. Gee thanks blizz. :roll_eyes:

Bad idea is bad. Why make a mount worth 5mil to later say “nope can’t buy it for 5mil after one expansion of it existing. But black market you can still have a small percentage of getting it”. That is just gonna drive the price on black market up unbelievable price over 5mil. /sigh/ All other gold sink mounts we can still earn like normal. WTF. This is just stupid. :rage:

Just crush my mount collector dreams. :sob: And I literally got into being one since Legion. :frowning:

I tolerated things but this just crosses it for me. :confounded:


The simplest question in response to this is… Why?


There’s no reason for this other than to pump up token sales. Don’t be fooled people. This is the same stuff EPIC does to make money in Fortnite, the difference is, we pay to play this game. Fifteen dollars a month plus 50 dollars every two years. DO NOT accept crap like this. DO NOT defend crap like this.

It isn’t about exclusivity its about having another avenue to drive profit when blizzard have already introduced plenty over the years.


Activision: “Subs are down which means retail isn’t making enough money. Fix it.”
Blizzard: “I guess we could add incentive to tokens? They have been getting inflated lately.”
Activision: “Sure, as long as you force peoples’ hand by making it tied to a time-exclusive somehow to instantly rake in profits.”

I will say if enough people are dumb enough to be fooled by this and actually start mass-selling tokens, I won’t be upset since I would like cheaper sub time.
So please people, be dumb and fall for it. Please do justify spending over $500 on a portable AH.

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I’m actually not a fan of them removing things, but this thread is hilarious. First off, you’re being given a warning of a year before the removal, more or less. That is plenty of time to earn the gold if it’s important to you. Secondly, they’ve clearly said a number of times that stuff like the brutosaur is not intended as a goldsink. They’re intended as prestige items for the goblins, much like the mythic-only mounts are generally prestige items for the top raiders.

To think they’re doing this to increase token sales is hilarious. The number of people who would pay $500+ for a mount is quite small (and those that did have that willingness have probably mostly already bought it, especially since when the gold price was confirmed during the beta the dollar amount was significantly less as tokens were selling for quite a bit more than they are now). They also wouldn’t be announcing it this early if this was the intent. They would wait until much closer to prepatch if it was for tokens because that would put pressure on those that have a decent chunk of the gold, but not enough that they’d make it in time, so that they’d put out the cash for the tokens.

This is about prestige, not tokens, not gold sinks. The gold sink mounts are those that are in the 90k-500k range. They have stated this before. A gold sink is one that a decent amount of the playerbase has some chance of getting. It’s one that people can feel is within the realm of possibility and so might actually work towards.

Finally, the idea that the only way you could afford stuff like the brutosaur is if you abused the garrisons is freaking hilarious. Many of us made lots of gold long before the garrison existed and many of us continue to make lots of gold long after the garrison got gutted. Buying the brutosaur is the first thing I did upon setting foot in Boralus and I can assure you it had nothing to do with garrison gold.

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removing it is negative for a lot of players while not being beneficial to anyone.


I have one at my garrison as well. I barely use it though,so I know I have no need for a mobile one. :smiley:

So… what is the reasoning for this?

Good housing is hard to come by its all bout location


Stop taking crap out of the game. There is no point for this.


LOL. THANK YOU. It was taking everything in my power not to say the same thing.


Nah I haven’t but I’m putting tokens on the AH now :slight_smile: Man it’s a pain buying these things 1 buy 1, Blizz let me buy 10 tokens or 20 tokens at a time wtf.

Yeah, keep taking stuff out of the game like always. Because that’s basically what you’re doing here. The amount of time that we’ve been warned in advance is irrelevant. I am so sick of Blizzard doing this.

That aside, I’m hearing that the auctioneer is eventually being removed from the mount so if that’s true, then on a personal level I don’t really see the need to get the funds necessary to buy it at all.


What. A. Load.


Oh? Is that why the token price dropped to under 100k for the first time in forever when BfA dropped? :thinking::thinking::thinking: People paid way more than $500 for it back then, too.

There was also ZERO indication of it being a timed exclusive. Now that it’s significantly cheaper than back then, as well as being a “get it before it’s (basically) gone!” kind of thing, I can guarantee you some people will definitely be getting it now.

There is no way in hell this is true.

They swept $500k from their esports prize pool @ Blizzcon this year - why would you be surprised by this?

They have no shame and know you won’t quit WoW just because they do shady stuff like this.

So be quiet - and continue to pay your sub fee.



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I’ve literally spent years grinding gold to get this mount, only for it to be removed before I can probably buy it? What the actual heck Blizz


Why shouldn’t I be able to provide my feedback.

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You never removed one of these from the game before, so why start now? My server is deader than dead and no one buys anything, the people who already have tons of gold completely control everything and it’s the complete opposite of fun to play the market there. Really hoping you reverse this, the last thing people with endless supplies of gold deserve is exclusive mounts.