Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)


Its not implying that and I made it pretty clear I am upset that we weren’t told day one it was going away like Mage Tower, or Mop challenge sets, or aotc mount end tier, or Field Medic title.

Had we been told like the Mage tower it was going to be expac locked I would have gotten it as I had the money to get it, now I dont.

With the markets as crashed as they are there aren’t very many ways to make good money other then grind old raids with an army of alts until your eyes puke or spend a ton of cash on tokens.

The things you list like Scarab Lord were a decade ago, with recent expacs going back to at least Mop they have been forthcoming about removing things, just like in Wod and Legion.

There was no reason to think they would suddenly revert and the only reason we even got a Blue confirmation is because someone datamined it otherwise I doubt we would have been told anytime soon.

My problem isn’t its going to be a Fos, or even moved to the BMAH its that they are doing it without warning us like recent things like the Mage Tower on top of only confirming its going away because someone else datamined it otherwise we have no idea how long they would have waited to say anything.


The Goblin and other Panda seem like bitter ignorant people who are the same ones that’ll complain about people complaining with no real argument but the predictable retorts. I wouldn’t waste my time on them.


I think they were banking on the idea that it would be quiet 'till Shadowlands and were anticipating a stir of sorts had they mentioned it.

Hey @Kaivax, double check with whoever told you to write the dinosaurs go extinct part, you left a few on the vendor that are clearly dinosaurs… little weird don’t you think… last I checked ALL dinosaurs went extinct :wink:


And whats funny now every time I get a dino mount. That which was said above will forever pop in my head like a meme. :unamused:


I don’t understand why this gold sink mount is being moved to the BMAH when all the other gold sink mounts are staying on the vendor? Hell the vendor that sells this mount still has his other gold sink items remaining on him.

Sure give players who already have the mount the feat of strength, this makes sense since it is a feat of strength at this point in time to have it. But leave the mount on the vendor for the ‘average’ player to earn in their own time if they want.


Exactly, and also, to add, the ‘‘prestige’’ argument I’ve seen made by some is silly, the fact that it’s 5 million Gold and owned by a very small percent is prestige enough… it’s like me buying a Ferrari and telling all the plants to stop producing it 'cause I want to be the one to have it…

Some people… :roll_eyes:


I think the earliest they planned on saying anything about it would be whenever 8.3 goes live in January.

What’s extra amusing about that statement is that the Brutosaur vendors have two dinosaur mounts, the Brutosaur itself and another Direhorn mount. Only one of them is going away “like all dinosaurs”.


Were you not there in the great portal culling? Panda shrine portals…poof. New Dal portals…poof.

As for the Striders, it’s just a shame to see it’s unique and thematic ability go…poof. Oh sure you can use the water booties on them. But it’s not the same now that rando mounts water walk. Just looks wrong and breaks immersion.

  1. We actually don’t know how long we have. We have no release date for shadowlands, just a latest possible date.
  2. Black and plagued, the blue is still readily obtainable.
  3. All of those were obtainable through gameplay or player set prices and were long before blizzard sold gold. The brutosaur is a gold sink vendor mount (blizzard set price), none of which have ever been removed until now. Blizzard set the price, blizzard sells the gold, and now blizzard is removing it from the vendor for no apparent reason, except token sales.

Actually the increasing aggressiveness of the FOMO tricks being deployed since WotLK, and other tricks like launching the new RAF program after Classic went live, is probably a sign that that’s happening as a trend.

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Actually, some dinos turned into birds. Maybe Shadowlands will have a giant bird mount with an AH vendor on it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I personally never cared about the AH part. I just want a sauropod mount. I was annoyed that the only option was the super expensive Mighty Caravan Brutosaur, but I pulled up my big girl panties and worked out a plan that would amass the necessary lucre by the end of the next expansion. Little did I know Blizz would demolish those best laid plans of mice and Tauren.

I think they should keep the mount on the vendor and just retire the Feat of Strength. Plan “B” would be to put a plain brutosaur on the vendor when they remove the Mighty Caravan one. Either solution is better than the phony “prestige” and “exclusivity” mantra some are spouting.


Just reaffirming my stance.

This is a stupid idea and blizzard should not do this. I do not support this.


They could also keep the mount and the Feat of Strength the same way they kept the Warlock green fire quest line while having a Feat of Strength and a title for those who did it during MoP.


Agreed. Also the fact is most of the gold sink mounts had a cheaper alternative. I.e. the various mammoths and yaks. I’m confident blizz will reuse to model at some point, but when that point will be is unknown.

For example the quillon mount created initially for MoP collectors edition didn’t see its like till BfA island expedition had some drop.

So it’s possible we won’t see another model like it for another 4 to 6 years :confused:

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This is my last post about littlefoot and bmah.
All mount bids starts at 20k.
You cant bid 15 million gold on it, the max is 9.99m. And yes, some claimed that with no evidence.
The best goldmakers in the game already have the mount or have no interest in pay over 5m on it, they will not pay 9.99m and they are not the competition.
IF today is the last day of bfa and you dont have 5m you will not bid 9.99m tomorrow when shadowlands is here, no one will, maybe the 9m unclaimed container troll just for the lolz.
We are about to see insane low bids at low pop servers.
ps: plagueds, raptors and world boss mounts costs about 700k-4m on low pop. Core hound about 50k-600k. Zulian still the champion, but some under 10m bids. I SAW 3 players with 9.99m on the bag bidding over a Zulian and the final price was 8m. The most rare mounts on bmah under 9.99m.

Whats funny I remember there being like 2-3 or so different colors via wowhead at the time the model of the dino was shown. So it could easily be done with the color models they even already have.

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  1. where? oh… the BMAH, same place this brutosaur is going…
  2. not true, the original epic mounts were gold sinks that are now gone, and we had no warning for that.

If they would have added a regular Brutosaur mount (minus all the bells and whistles) I wouldn’t have as much of an issue with the AH mount’s removal. I still think it’s scummy, but having an alternative would soften the blow.


What portals were removed that the portal rooms do not have?
And petty? it is better to have everyone go to one place, i didnt like having to remember “oh i wanna go here… pandaira? no its not in pandaria, the portal to that place is in dalaran… so i need to go to pandaria, then dalaran then caverns of time… oh wait darn i coulda gone to legion dalaran and gone there inthe lower area!”

its so much better to just have them all in 1 place.