Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I’m not attacking anything, I’m saying it’s not a challenge and that it feels like a job

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Yes, I can, I’m one of those people. I don’t think I’ll be able now


Then they shouldn’t remove it. And it was not communicated, it was datamined!

We didn’t get 3 years notice. Actually, we don’t even have a year.

Do you know expansions devalue gold, don’t you? You are talking Cata economy for an LK item. How difficult was in WoD to get money for the Yak? Yet in NoP it was actually difficult to destine that much money to a reforge mount, and in Cata it would’ve been just impossible.

Because this info came by through datamining. It was never officially announced, and even if you count that late blue post here, that should’ve been done when the mount appeared.

Because how the law of offer and demand made the price of the token drop immediately when this was discovered. Since the demand remains stable, what changed was the offer. Suddenly a whole lot of token appeared, that means lots of people buying gold.

You don’t get to decide the definition of plenty

Nope. The option to buy it with dollars was always there. They removed options, since any gold-attaining option from SL, which will be able to buy, for example, the yak and the spider, will not be able to get gold to buy the Brutosaur. The removed future gold-attaining options, that, as with every other gold-sink, utility mount, everyone thought would be available.

Then don’t remove that either. Easy.

Go check the Water Strider and Portals topics. The spark won’t die.

You’re ignoring the fact that the token price has dropped since this was announced. So there’s far more people buying tokens than you think

There’s nothing to agree with, since they have said nothing, but confirmed datamining. When they explain, you can choose to agree or disagree. For the time being, since there’s no comms form Blizz, there’s nothing to be able to agree with.

Yes, you do. If you don’t know the reasons, you cannot agree, you can just comply.

Why is it right?

Tell that to the token price

  1. We actually have no idea how long we have. 2) It’s way easier to get a PvP seasonal mount than 5m

Better yet, none of them

Technically you’re right, it is their game. But since we pay for the game, and then pay monthly to be able to play the game we bought, it’s kind of ours too.

If it drops at the BMAH when SL launches. 6 months later it will be gold cap

You need to open a ticket for that



No one can guarantee “all these people” will buy anything. No one can guarantee all of us will be alive come morning.

However, I was actively working on saving up my gold for the brutosaur. I calculated how much time I have to play the game, factored in my other in-game goals, and figured I would have the necessary funds by the end of the next expansion (which turns out to be Shadowlands).

I never imagined Blizz would remove the mount from the vendor because all the other gold-sink mounts are still available. Thus, I had no way to plan my gold gathering to account for that unprecedented change. I doubt we would even know about this if it hadn’t been data mined and then called out by the OP of this thread.

It’s bad enough that Blizzard made this decision that honestly feels like they suddenly moved the goal posts just because I wasn’t advancing downfield fast enough. To have posters like you come along and tell me that I must not have really wanted the mount since I didn’t get it already is downright ignorant. You have no idea what I want or how hard I was working toward getting it. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.


You obviously don’t live in a country where gaming is part of culture. Let me guess, you’re an American that was told, “Video games are bad for you.” growing up and you believed it.


I’m guessing this will end up in another 10,000 post thread a lot like some other ones with naught done?

I’d like to reiterate for feedback’s sake, I don’t appreciate or approve of removing this mount. It’s already outrageously expensive.

Give people who bought it during BFA a Feat of Strength but don’t remove the mount from the vendor.


You missed the point entirely. The 3 days a week and 20 min islands are all configured via spreadsheet and you just do it. There’s no way to max your AP in 1 week, it’s all preconfigured and slowly declines.

And often players do more than the minimum so they can get ahead/enjoy themselves. That’s the problem. An MMORPG should have some freedom.

Blizz has their tentacles in how you enjoy and play the game, and you’re comfortable with that; i’m and a lot of others are not.


I urge people who feel as strongly against this decision as I do to not let up. I usually pre purchase the next expansion by now but am now holding off to see how this latest decision unfolds. I’m a little disgusted of the choices blizzard has made this expansion and how they have completely disregarded player feedback concerning them.


Me too. They’re pretty much bleh in my book now. :frowning:


I don’t get it either. I purchased the mount because I liked it, but I could careless about a feat of strength for it.

I agree with this as well. It is one thing to be proud that you worked hard at something and got such a reward. It’s another when people do the work for you.

Actually each one of us has one very important right. We have the right to unsubscribe and go play someone else’s game. If enough people exercise that right, then eventually the company will listen to their customers.

I saw this first hand when I worked for a very large fortune 500 company. They did not listen to their customers because they too took on the “it’s a privilege” attitude. It wasn’t until they lost 4.9 million customers per year that they changed their attitude.


Never forget.

RIP Water Strider.
RIP Brutasaur.
RIP City portals.

Never forget.


The biggest reason I am upset and from the look of quite a few replies I am not the only one is that we weren’t told or warned day 1 of the expac or before it was going away/BMAH.

If I knew it was going to be time limited I could have bought one then. I cant now because I had no reason to think it was going to be suddenly made time limited so bought some other mounts, pets, and transmog that I had been wanting thinking I could re-earn the gold to buy it sometime during the next exapc.

I doubt im the only one in the same boat, if I never had the money or close then fine but I know I could have bought it beginning of the expac and would have had I known it was going to the BMAH.

It just sucks because I am not spending $540 on tokens and I dont fancy grinding until my eyes bleed hoping I get enough to get one before Shadowlands and with the confirmation by a Blue its made the few markets I was making good profit in heavily contested.

This just sucks.


and you do have freedom, you dont have to spend every wakign moment of every day to get your AP.
you have just as much freedom as you have always had, having to do your weeklies and dailies all the way back to even vanilla. yet now you have more freedom, as you have a larger option of dailies, you can save your dailies for up to 3 days, you can do your dailies all at once, or over many days.

Blizz does not, you are the one choosing to have to be max AP the day the patch comes out.

I took a 2 and a half week break to play classic, i did 0 stuff on live.
yet i returned and just did my usual weekly 4 heroic islands and a few emisarries, and boom i was capped on AP.

What do you mean rip water strider and rip city portals?
Have you even been in stormwind/orgrimmar portal rooms?

your entire post implies it has already been removed and your tough outta luck.
“we weren’t told or warned day 1 of the expac or before it was going away/BMAH.”
No, you still have nearly an entire year to get it.
We were not warned when the black scarab was going to be removed, we were not warned when corrupted ashbringer and atiesh were removed, we were not warned when the black and blue protodrakes were removed.
these are things that were sprung on us AFTER the fact.

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I think he is referring to the reactions, mixed opinions to changes that weren’t really needed,etc.

Your probably overthinking on what he meant by his post. :sweat_smile:

The portal rooms don’t have all of the portals that were removed. And it was petty of them to remove the portals from places like the Shrines in Pandaria and Legion-Dalaran to make sure that SW/Org are always the places that people go to.


Not to mention there was a HUGE thread on that as well…

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And don’t they pop back up here and there too. I thought I saw the portal one the other day.