Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Cause many of us never brought Gold ever but made it from questing and raids and AH…I find it totally stupid for Blizzard to remove this mount from Vendor.


Another bizarre and stupid design decision. +1 Blizzard!


…which will instantly go for goldcap on any server that isn’t completely dead.


I wouldn’t worry about that. That will only happen once a year or so…if it comes up that often.

To address the “anyone who was going to buy it already has” point I’ve seen raised, I have enough gold to buy one Brutosaur, but I was intending to save up until I could buy one for myself and one for my husband who is a huge dinosaur fan. I no longer have that option, and have to choose which one of us will get the mount.


What you need to do is give it to me so that there is no fighting over it.

I’m saving your marriage so it’s the least you can do for me.


I do appreciate your generous offer, but I’m probably going to give it to him as a birthday present in June.

On another note, the BMAH had Siege of Orgrimmar loot added to the list relatively recently and I can’t help but noticing that the list of items up has always included one of those pieces since that change. This means there are fewer other (mostly non-farmable) items up on the BMAH at any given time. :thinking:


Since you brought it up, can we ever get SoO gear fixed so the Spirits of War drop from DEing again? I don’t know what happened but it feels like it got nerfed at some point after MoP.

I wouldn’t instantly say it’s a greedy tactic to get people to buy more tokens. If someones dumb enough to spend like $500 real life cash for something I believe is intended to be a gold sink, then let them lose their money.

Some of us have too much gold and need something to waste it on.

Also I’ve heard it’s going on BMAH so it’s possible to get it for even cheaper than 5 mill if you have the patience

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Are there other examples of vendor items that go to the BMAH being cheaper than they were on the vendor?

I’m wondering if there will be a second AH mount introduced in 9.0 - I can’t see any other reason for this move. If so, then some will either be forced to keep it or sell it at a loss.

It’s subjective. If you manage to learn how to make gold on a dead server then everything will be cheaper. I’ve managed plagued proto-drake for 3.9 mill and whooly white rhino for 900k

The more time I’ve spent thinking about this, the more it makes me less angry about THIS and just more generally disappointed in Blizzard as a company.
In Wrath, there’s a good comparison:

Three colors of mammoths, white, black, brown.
Three colors of brutosaurs, green, blue, grey.

Three normal mammoths for each color, available by different methods each.
Three multi-seater mammoths for each color, available by different methods each.
The multi seater brown one is a gold sink that comes with vendors.

Only one Brutosaur mount - the gold sink one with vendors, and now it’s being removed.

Honestly? It just makes me disappointed in Blizzard as a company.


I’ve no opinion about the weight of your opinion, but I do want to say I (and many of the other “whiners”) never asked for “special stuff for doing nothing.”

I intended (and expected) to buy the brutosaur with gold that I earned in game. I figured out how much time I have to play and how many other WoW goals I wanted to achieve, then made a plan that would earn me the necessary gold for the mount. Because all previous gold-sink mounts are still available and nothing was said in advance about the brutosaur being time limited, it never crossed my mind that I wouldn’t be able to get the mount within the time frame I calculated.

So, right now I feel like Blizzard suddenly changed the rules right in the middle of the game. I have every right to feel betrayed and a little ticked off. And I have every right to let those feelings be known to the devs through these forums. If that makes me a “whiner”, tough cookies.

Players who get offended when other players call Blizzard out on their shenanigans should probably just skip the threads that ruffle their feathers.


Gold stays between expansions…

Id say it was much easier to make gold last xpac, what with the mission tables printing way more gold

If progress was reset at intervals, like the other progression systems, then exclusives doing the same would make sense for gold items

That wont happen though.

Id be willing to bet you have enough gold from just legion to buy the next several expansions worth of gold mounts. But why should they be exclusive AND obtainable through several years old progress? World First on a boss doesnt net you gear in perpetuity.

I bet the real reason it’s getting removed is out of spite.

Someone with the mount was trolling a dev without it, by letting them start using the auctioneer and then repeatedly moving away, and now “they’ll show them” by removing it.


If that was actually true…then that is the dumbest thing anyone could ever remove a mount from game for. :rofl:


The sad thing is it’s almost believable.


I mean, anything is possible once you know the Bus Shock story…

I literally had to look that up. :sweat_smile:

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