Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

bUt HuMaN rIgHtS

Also, I think removing the dino is dumb.


I dunno why you guys keep feeding Yesuna.


Be careful they may get upset over that word too and call you out.

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I’m starting to ask myself this. They keep twisting everything everyone says. >.>

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First they came for the water strider and the water strider fans were told this was no big deal…

I don’t have this mount, but I don’t see the point in buying functional mounts if this going to happen. Even this pre-order mount is just a way to make you grind more crap.


Eh, at least with the water strider, it’s still in game, you can still snag it up, and it’s functionality isn’t inherit anymore, but at least you can still put the mount equipment on, and be done with it.

This is them completely removing a gold sink mount, probably to bait people into buying tokens.


No, it isn’t. This isn’t even partially true. It’s going to be available in the BMAH.

:sauropod: :volcano: :church:


I don’t view a gold sink mount any differently from a time sink mount since both can take play time to achieve.

Some may point to tokens as equating game gold to real money, but some earn their gold with time and that is just as valuable. The tokens are kind of like stock though where you aren’t sure what you are going to get for your money -it’s a risk. It’s also a risk to pay cash for a fictional item and expect it to still be around in a fictional world.

As the water strider fans were told, it’s Blizz’s game and they can do as they wish. I guess the Brutosaur “evolved” (Blizz’s words) much as the water strider did.

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Man reminds me of when I got it before the change. My friends were jealous and still needed it themselves. Now it’s like “O yea mount cool but look at me horse on top of water”. :rofl:

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So, yes. Effectively removed.


I nearly spit coffee all on my keyboard especially at the old man part. >.>

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Yeah, because comparing a mount that’s still accessible, who had it’s ability to walk on water removed, but given an option to give it back if you wanted, is totally comparable to effectively removing the mount from the game.

I’m not a fan of what they did to the water strider, but at least you guys got a work around.


Yes, and that’s why i would have no issue with this mount normally. The problem is earning gold with time is a lot less viable now that there is a very finite time. This is going to drive people to buy tokens as they may not have enough time to save the gold required.


Could’ve been 2 years for people who aren’t that good at making money


You can still get the mount on the Black Market and people who own it still own it so it’s not removed.

I’m not a fan of ANY of this honestly.

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As I said. “Effectively Removed.”

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When the strider “evolved”, many in the forums were complaining because of their time (which costs money since they need a subscription to farm rep).

There was also a group that was more concerned since they felt it might be a sign of other mounts functionality being removed. Those people were told they were conspiracy theorists, over reacting over some item in a fictional world etc. And yet here we are.

There is still an auction house in game and they are relatively easy to reach. (note: I’m being a bit sarcastic with these type of lines.)

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Why is Blizzard removing this gold sink mount to the BMAH but keeping all the other gold sink mounts on vendors?

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That is the 5m gold question isn’t it :slight_smile: