Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Omg. How dumb are you YES we do have a right to come here give feedback and our opinions. Your doing it right now idiot.

  1. Your speaking nonsense - we have no rights to our opinoins,etc is what you basically said
  2. OMG your really gonna whine cause I called you an idiot. Are you 5?
  3. I’m not derailing. You responded to me and I responded back. You started it not me sweetie. It’s still on topic. So idk what lies your spouting.
  4. Doesn’t kill the convo. You attacked first saying and acting like our opinoins/feedback have no right here. Yet blizz said to come here to give just that. You clea5rly have 0 knowledge when it comes to this.

You just stated we have no right hypocrite.


I’m not sure which you’re refering to, but no. None get passes. But do you have a problem with some while using them yourself?


You’re going to need to get used to steady actions against your account if you keep using that word.

That is correct, you have no rights here. You only have privileges.

hahaha, amusing take

You misunderstand.

Calling people idiots is a naughty thing, and Blizzard can shake their finger at any of us for it and revoke your privilege of posting on the forums for it.

If you have the ability to post on the forums, however, you have an entitlement/a right to post your opinions on the game as decreed by Blizzard. That is what these forums are for. The term right isn’t reserved for human rights and legal rights protected by the government lol.


At this point. They are trolling to0 hard making themselves look like a fool. :unamused:


We do have a right. Blizz has STATED we do. They WANT us to do so. OMG over a small word. Stop whining. Can’t handle little word. People use it here all the time.:rofl:


If that’s what they think I mean by rights then they are just trying to troll. >.>


That’s not how a privilege and right work.

A simple google search gave an amazing description between the two.

A privilege is a certain entitlement to immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis. ... By contrast, a right is an inherent, irrevocable entitlement held by all citizens or all human beings from the moment of birth.

Blizzard gives us the ability to post but only on a conditional basis, if it were a right it would be an irrevocable entitlement. Blizzard can revoke this privilege at any moment they deem fit.

In literal terms when speaking of human rights, but on a conversational level on a video game forum we all would assume that context is enough to infer that “rights” when spoken of in this situation don’t refer to irrevocable human rights. It refers to the right Blizzard has given us to express our opinion.

Again, if you have posting privileges then you have an entitlement to posting your opinion on the forums. Blizzard says so.

Is it my right to live in my own house? Yes. I pay for it, I pay taxes, I follow the law.

Is it a prisoner’s right to? No.

Of course, there are some people who will remove context and make themselves look silly but what can you do, right?


This a whole different situation that has no bearing in this conversation. lol

No, I don’t assume anything is a “right” when it’s not a right, especially when players who think they know what they’re talking about freely and openly start talking down on others.

That’s correct, that’s still not a right. That’s a privilege, you even said so here yourself. So why are we going back and forth when you know the difference?

You don’t have anything to say so now you’re going to argue semantics. Really shows why you keep posting in this thread.


Words have multiple meaning. When I said rights. I dont mean literal human rights. :roll_eyes: Idk what made you twist my words to even think that. :rofl:

Read all those different meaning to one word. :slight_smile: then come back to me and tell me did I mean human rights…cause no I did no you silly panda. stop twisting a meaning of a word to fit your argument. Plz and thanks. :slight_smile:

When I says right I said blizz has given us and express to us our right to come here and express our thoughts,etc to chat,etc. Not human rights. /facepalm/


You have no rights here, you don’t have any iteration of the term “right” here. You only have privileges here, nothing more and nothing less.

They gave you a privilege to post here, not a right.

Omg When I said rights I don’t mean literal human rights for the 73486363756 times get that in your skull.


Because you’re trying to tell people that they aren’t entitled to posting their opinions on the forums, and you’re wrong.

It is, but it’s not the situation I brought up. It’s the one you brought up.

They don’t have a right to talk down to other people, they do have a right to talk about how they do/don’t like something in the game, however. If you really want to stew over semantics, that’s your perogative.


That’s not true, show me where I said that.

They have a privilege, not a right.

Ya know what I’m not gonna waste my time or breath on this troll. :roll_eyes:

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I would ok boomer you but I don’t think you fit the intended age requirement.

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privilege definition:

  1. a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group

That will be the last I feed you. :slight_smile: We have no rights you said. :thinking: