Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Durrr you had your time! You must have not cared enough about it if you didnt get it day one


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Yeh I kno rite. I shuda bin flippin 50 tables all thru leg 2 git de big moneh.


They saw that back in WoD… there was no 2 million gold mount in WoD, there also wasn’t a 5 million gold mount.


Sounds like you better not vaccinate your children then.

This has already been explained to you, you couldn’t turn tokens into balance until after WoD was over.


So? You could still buy gold with tokens and buy stuff in game just as one might do with this 5 million gold mount.

The WoW token also started at 30k gold. You would have needed to buy 167 tokens to afford a Brutosaur mount. When the tokens were around 200k, it became much more viable to use them for the more expensive items.


Okay, that’s cool and all but it still has little to do with the topic at hand.

You don’t really understand inflation, do you?

It has everything to do with the topic at hand. Also? You brought it up first. So you should be telling yourself that it’s not related.


:unamused: It’s like I’m talking to a rock.

It was datamined no one knew over it regardloess. Just because something was descovered on ptr. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a “no secret”. It was hided you dork. There is a difference between no secret = secret. If it wasn’t a secret we would have KNOWN. Did we? NO. They threw it hidden under a bus without a word. It was a secret till someone discovered it. You should learn thing or two about the meaning behind things. Since you are all high and mighty like blizz told us,etc. They didn’t do crap till it was datamined. Get that threw your thick skull. If it was again no secret then no one would be this upset like people are. Geez are you a rock that can’t be communicated with? Besides it was the feat of strength that was shown to be the not obtainable thing…Did that mean the long boi was going to go poof/BMAH? No. It was just the achievement.


They would have never said a thing if this thread wasn’t made and everything in the past that was removed they told us at the beginning…never once have they ever said near the end of an expansion - “o yea we are removing this.” They always told their playerbase at the start. That is the problem with this which your clearly seem to be acting blind about.


considering your earlier sentiment above, I hope they do.

Don’t like it then ignore the thread. Instead of coming here whining over people whining/complaining/expressing their disagreement with something. People got a right to chat about it.


This is where you’re wrong. We don’t have any rights whatsoever here.

At least it’s condensed into a mega thread and the forum isn’t filled with spam.

I fully agree with you.

:joy::rofl::joy: I’ve had this mount since day one of BFA.

If you want to believe that the company is doing this for exclusivity, then go ahead.

However, consider this, there was a 900% increase in the cost of rep mounts, and I won’t even go into the cost increase of other vendor mounts. If you do not believe that increasing mount costs has nothing to do with increasing micro-transactions through wow token purchases, then I have a :bridge_at_night: to sell you.

All of this is about bringing in more revenue so that they meet their revenue goals.


Well. I have Francois, but I’m apparently not “good at making gold” since I don’t have the 5 mil for the brutosaur.

I did have a financial plan that would have netted me the necessary funds by the end of the next expansion (plus or minus a month or so). Obviously the “exclusivity” of this dino mount excludes players like myself who gradually build our wealth as we focus on other aspects of the game.


At least they are supposed to be EARNED and may players do earn them. This one is ONLY bought. There is absolutely nothing prestigious about it.


This has been discussed to death within this thread - gold making is a playstyle for some, just like pet battles, pvp, pve, achievement hunting etc.

I “earned” my server first titles but remember some in my raids who were initiates at the time who may not have been as deserving and you know what? It doesn’t matter what I think, those people were there and got the “prestigious” titles. The same applies to this - you may not think its an achievement to be proud of but who cares what you think? Judging by just how many people don’t have the brutosaur means it must be quite challenging to get.

Why are you still discussing it then? Since, earning gold and buying mounts is not the same as raiding… your logic is way off.


Because i keep getting notifications from people like you replying to me. As someone who has done both I’d like to think my opinion holds more weight than random posters who can’t raid cutting edge nor make gold whining because they want special stuff for doing nothing.

You uhh can make it so you get no notifications