Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

That was clearly meant as a joke. I’m not sure people found it funny though.

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i just wanted to say something in another megathread.

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I just came in correct those two who claimed blizzard was trying to keep this a secret and if wowhead hadn’t ‘data mined’ the information no one would have known. They were wrong.

As I said to you previously, it is very possible they didn’t made the decision to do this until recently and consequently it would have been impossible for them to tell everyone at the start of the expansion.

I have no idea what you think you are gaining by repeating your argument over and over and over again but I think I will just put this thread on mute because most of you aren’t even interested in the truth.

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Can we just let this stupid thread die? Stop complaining about a mount you would never get anyway. Its nice that the mount is going to be a BMAH exclusive mount. I’m glad blizzard puts in some things that become exclusive after an expansion.

Blizzard, don’t cave to these loud mouthed idiots.


Well we can call blizzard out on their stupidity. I could have bought the mount in 8.2 had I known. I used gold on other vanity items thinking it would always be there. My bad I guess.


The feat of strength is on the PTR, not the removal of the mount. Why would anyone even think to connect the FoS with the removal of a mount that is purchased with gold? Answer is, they would not.

Another example of being out of touch with their customers. There is a time and a place to make a joke like this. This thread was neither. It would have served them better if they had explained why they felt the need to remove this particular mount from the game.


So? You decided to use your gold on something else in game. Others, like myself bought the mount the day it was available when BFA launched. Gold farming / making can be just as daunting as mythic raid boss kills, and its good to see blizzard giving the gold making community something exclusive for their efforts. Not everything needs to be obtainable 100% of the time for everyone to get 3 expansions later. And besides, they gave you fair warning last week. You have a year to come up with 5 million gold. Get to farming.

Okay r/woweconomy. Go quietly back to your subreddit please.


Yeah, right.

No, actually it isn’t good to see this.


Blizzard was keeping the removal a secret until it was pried out of them. The fact that we still don’t have a reason for the removal shows that they were not prepared to say anything about it.

Because you have yet to actually counter my argument. You just keep making excuses for Blizzard’s horrible communication skills.


doctors also used to be in agreement that smoking was good for peoples health, and recommended narcotics to treat sniffles in children.

i’m not sure what that’s got to do with anything.

there are heaps of feats for mounts which are still obtainable


If you bought it the day BfA came out, then you most likely made a large chunk of gold from mission tables, in which case that can not even remotely be described as being as “daunting” as mythic raid boss kills.


Stop complaining. If you want the mount, save the gold, like the rest of us who bought it did.

And this is in no way a “cheap ploy” by blizzard to get people to buy wow tokens. The minuscule few who would is not enough of a financial gain for blizzard to make a move like this. They are doing it to make something for the gold making community to be GASP exclusive. It shows prestige and the ability to make lots of gold.

Most people won’t ever have that much gold in this game anyway.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

Your conspiracy theories are amusing.

They weren’t keeping anything a secret. They openly replied to a person asking about the mount come Shadowlands in this very thread. Or can you not read?

ya i can agree with you on That and if there going to do it then they Must be desperate to full the quarter on sells they made.

They only replied after someone asked them about it. So yeah, they weren’t prepared to say anything on their own. And the fact that we still don’t have an actual reason for the removal should be a gigantic glaring sign that they had no intention of saying anything on their own any time soon. We would have been lucky to get an announcement in January when the patch goes live.


Ok, Mr. conspiracy, whatever you say. They blatantly said its going away in response to someone asking about it. They don’t need to tell everyone, every single damn detail about every one of their plans about their own damn game.

Point is, blizzard have removed items and mounts from the game with much less warning than this, and in fact, they don’t ever need to warn anyone about removing something. If you fail to achieve something in game during the relevant expansion its in, and they decide to remove it, too bad. Let me play you the world’s tiniest violin.

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Remember when they did broken isles scaling in legion and they tried to slip it under the radar. I bet this was intended to be the same thing.


I dunno. surprising your customers about things they care about seems like a poor plan. Stuff like saving up 5M gold is something many people treat as a long term goal, not an immediate priority.


Again, only after it was datamined and then brought up on the forums. And with zero explanation as to why it was happening. Quit making excuses for their horrible communication skills.

If they want people to trust them? Then, yeah, they absolutely do need to tell us when things are going away. And why those things are going away. And they should make those announcements on their own, and as early as possible. Not over halfway through the expansion and after being prompted by concerned players.