Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

What there is a such pet. 0.o That flew under my radar. :open_mouth:

All the points raised in this thread against the removal are IMHO valid, but there is one (i’ve read well over 1k comments and have not seen any mention of it so i could be wrong) that hasn’t been covered, and that is the fact that not everyone can buy tokens to exchange for gold, since they are not available in every country. Talk about not caring for players in other countries, who could be able to buy tokens (they have the money) to get the gold in time, but cannot because Blizz denies them even that.

And yeah i’m one of the unlucky ones.

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You are not unlucky to lack the opportunity to waste ~US$550 on renting pixels in a game.

For all we know Blizzard will remove the auctioneer from it next expansion just as they removed water walking from the water strider. Or Acti-Blizzard could decide WoW is not profitable enough and simply discontinue the game.

Invest your money in something you have a measure of control over instead.


Activision Blizzard creating artificial scarcity for this Brutosaur in the hopes to attracting some whales to spend $560 on gold is just so greedy.

I really can not support a game that does stuff like this. Most likely will not buy the expansion. Its not this one thing but many things they have done. Tons of store mounts in a sub game is another reason.


Its going to be less than cap, over the years the mount will become rare to new goldmakers, but now its not.
Who is wating for it appear at bmah will not face too many goldmakers.
We are about to see insane low bids at low pops.

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What is prestigious about this mount though? You don’t earn it, you buy it, and can buy it with real cash in the form of tokens.


That all depends on how soon it goes up on the BMAH. It could take months, if not longer.

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Can you also put in an option to cancel a shadowlands preorder? I’ve canceled sub.


They change their minds yet? Taking this mount away is ridiculous.


They gotta wait til they hit the token threshold they’re looking for until they reverse it. A few I know have already dropped the $500 to get the mount

What’s prestigious about gladiator/aotc etc? You can just buy carries using token gold.


The descision was only communicated cause wowhead dataminers ratted them out.


I see, so the most effective way to control inflation would be for bliz to offer direct balance for gold, i.e. outright creating tokens…

I thought they already did this though… has there ever been a time when tokens couldnt be purchased for gold (ie they ran out).

Yay google, they have run out before…

You clearly are playing dumb here on why folks are mad,etc. There was zero evidence that they were even going to say a word. They only said something when a dataminer ratted them out. Common sense my friend - not hard to understand.

But please show us the evidence that proves otherwise. :blush:


It is on the PTR right now. The same day they ‘ratted’ them out, people with the mount logging into the PTR got that new feat of strength. Wowhead saying they ‘data mined’ it just meant who is doing that never had the mount or they would have noticed and no ‘datamining’ was needed.

Actually wowhead didn’t say they data mined it - they literally stated it was in the latest PTR build.

The latest PTR build added a new Feat of Strength for the Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.

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It is on the PTR right now, there was no secret. Anyone logging in the PTR who had that mount got the Feat of Strength the same day.


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There being a Feat of Strength for the Brutosaur is not the same as them removing the Brutosaur from the vendors at the end of the expansion.

They put in a Feat of Strength for the green fire quest line if you accomplished it during MoP. The green fire quest line is still available.


That is what started this thread and blizzard confirmed it was going to be removed - they didn’t have to say a thing really since it appears they are getting tarred and feathered anyway.

They’re getting tarred and feathered, and rightfully so, because this should have been announced at the start of the expansion.

Also, they still haven’t confirmed why this the Brutosaur is being removed. The closest they get to an excuse is saying that it’s like all dinosaurs, even though no other dinosaur mount is being removed. Not even the other dinosaur mount being sold by the same vendors.


No, however, once Blizz saw that the token system generated revenue, they developed a 2 mil. mount, and then expanded it to a 5 mil. mount, and a lot of highly expensive rep mounts.

1 mount @ 5 mil
2 mounts @ 500k
3 mounts @ 333k
12 mounts @ 90k