Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Word gets around in game pretty fast. 193k earlier - 183k now - see what it is next week.

Of course it is. All it takes is a couple rich people selling tokens like mad while the price is still the highest it may be for a very long time.

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That’s when I’ll actually treat it as credible. Maybe even in a couple of days when it gets picked up by YouTubers and bloggers. Not within an hour.

And they wonder why we don’t trust them? :roll_eyes:

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How the hell? Why would anyone buy them, even if they wanted to disenchant stuff crafted gear is around 3-6k at times so wouldnt be worth it for the single epic crystal. And I cant imagine there are that many that dont know about benthic gear by now

Guess i need to try selling some and see

People throughout the game will actually benefit from this. Maybe not the angry people in this thread but that was my first thought when I heard this that they were trying to drive that token price down.

It’s still not as low as it was a couple days ago when it went below 183k gold.

I live in subsidized housing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzard CMs are setting their Twitter acct settings to private as a firewall even as we speak

The feces is about to collide with an oscillating air appliance big time

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Give it a few minutes =)

For reals. I think the most I ever had was 1mil. Never complained though, knew I’d eventually hit that 5mil mark and get that mount.

Hopefully they’ll remove the mammoth and the yak, too, for good measure.

Fixed that for you, all this does is drive token sales which drives bottomline. This will actually hurt players long term by causing deflation.

You know when people post things like that on here, it is always harder to make gold that way because 100s of people go and rush out and do the same thing.

I actually didn’t even start selling 370 gear right away because I thought the 385 would kill the market and it probably has somewhat but almost everyone selling that gear was thinking the same thing so if you are the only one posting you can sell it.

I buy BoEs for my All The Things (it’s an addon) collection :slight_smile: You have to collect all the appearances for every item in the game for every class if you have “insane account collector” mode on.

Or i could just teleport to my garrison and AH there, and convert my gold to bnet balance.
You: “omg limited time mount”
Blizz : “thar she blows!”

STOP :clap: REMOVING :clap: THINGS :clap: FOR :clap: NO :clap: REASON

Removing the MoP cloak was stupid, the WoD ring worse, the Mage Tower artifacts REALLY stupid, and this is quite likely the worst thing of all. There is absolutely no good reason to do so. Don’t go giving us EA’s patented “sense of pride and accomplishment” BS. I can still go get Thunderfury, Thori’dal, Warglaives, etc. with no issue. Elitists don’t cry if I do quests for Shadowmourne or Fangs of the Father after they’re current. Nobody throws a tantrum if someone buys the spider mount post-Legion.

Removal of content is VERY hard to justify, and in this case there is no way to justify it.


Some countries like mine cant buy tokens, so we only can farm like maniacs.

So, in deed, even if we are some AH wizard, this is a bad move from blizz.


Lots of people buy game time with gold, those people will benefit.

I run two accounts on gold, I am happy to see those tokens prices drop because I need to buy some more soon.

Yeah…in Denver $560 will get you a dumpster to sleep under and you’ll still have to fight the bums.