Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

According to the outrage surrounding this topic it’ll surely work. If there wasn’t as much outrage around this topic I’d probably agree with your statement if I believed it was about selling tokens.

No, quite the opposite.

I don’t need an explanation from doctors as to why vaccines work, I just know that doctors are mostly in agreement that this will keep a multitude of disease away from us. So, no, I don’t need an explanation to get my kids vaccinated.

Based on how many complaints I’ve seen vs how many Brutosaurs I’ve seen, tagging “limited time only” on something must be an instant money printer nowadays. Explains all the fast food commercials.

@Blizzard, you really should’ve just made the mount 10 mil on the vendor in the next expansion. You’d achieve the time-sensitive reward for players active in the current expac, and those who don’t really want it would just go on not wanting it instead of freaking out that it’s being “removed”. Applying the the Mythic raid mount treatment to the Brutosaur is a good idea, but I think people really don’t like the BMAH because it’s competitive in nature, instead of just requiring more effort like with the Mythic raid mounts.

Edit: Thanks Vox for reminding me about the gold cap. Now I think it’s even more silly that people are mad about the BMAH thing, since the worst that can happen is the price is doubled, and it seems more likely to be less, with the richest players already owning the mount.


If they made it 15 mil it would have the same result, as gold cap is 10 mil.

Honestly, this now just feels like a last minute scheme to keep subscription numbers up until the next expansion comes out. People who would have normally taken a break during this time will now have to spend hours and hours frantically grinding gold so they don’t miss out on this “all-of-a-sudden-time-limited-mount.” These Disney Vault moves Blizzard has been using just continue to diminish the respect that I have for them.


As someone who would wait for these things to become cheaper through inflation before buying them, it kinda sucks. To me, these serve as a multi-expansion objectives.

I really don’t see an upside here… Me buying the yak a couple of expansions later doesn’t harm anyone.

Seriously though, what does leaving it in hurt?

Oh, also, your dino explanation is bs, both in game and reality…


Well it’s your game obviously and you can do this. I just think it’s a really really bad move unless you foresee everyone having this due to gold inflation sometime soon.

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To your point of gold syncs…

Doesn’t everything released by acti bliz fall into that category, since you can turn gold into account balance?

Basically, once you have a real world dollar exchange, doesnt the whole ‘gold sync’ become a moot point?

And if you are only trying to force a gold/dollar ratio, couldnt you do that by fixing wow token prices?

Can one of you economists or econ majors explain plz.

The players are not a hive mind. It’s never the same players who are upset about things. People care about different things. I’m certain there’s at least one thing that would have you raging here on the forums if Blizzard removed it.

The “win” here for Blizzard is multi-pronged, but the number one thing they need to do is to stop making sudden reversals and major changes without communicating their intentions ahead of time. No one would be “raging” now if the brutosaur had been labeled as time-limited when it was first introduced. (There probably would have been some complaints at the time, but nowhere near what it is right now.)

I don’t expect Blizzard to do anything to right this mess, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to tell them I’m not happy about it. Hardly a month goes by now where Blizzard doesn’t do something that makes me question my dedication to this game. I used to say I’d quit WoW when the servers are shut down for good. I’m not so sure about that anymore. I think the devs should be concerned when a super-fan starts thinking of all the better things she has to do with her time than play their game.


No, because when you buy a token the gold goes to the player who sold the token. A gold sink removes gold from the game economy by selling something from a vendor npc.


We could go back and forth about this all day long. If you look at many of these outrage threads there are a number of the same ones in all of them spreading their doom and gloom.

I could pick any random Pathfinder thread, AV event thread, faction imbalance thread, this thread, and any of the China threads (or any other random ones) and I could point out a number of the same posters. Some players just want to complain, you know this as well as anyone else.

This isn’t new.

I used to be all about Blizzard improving their communication, now I understand why they don’t. If they gave a reason, even a perfectly logical one, for the removal of this mount there would still be a great number of players who would holler and scream about it. Blizzard is going to be the bad guy no matter what they say, don’t say, do, or don’t do.

it’s easier for them to not say anything and let the topic at hand die out in a few days like most of the other outrage topics do.

Nobody forces any of us to play this game. Sometimes players forget this is a game and seem to think they can’t walk away. This isn’t a serious life decision, either you enjoy the game enough to play or you don’t.

And buying account balance (tokens with gold and exchanging for currency) removes the gold from the economy.

That wasnt my question

This company has gone to trash.

Blizzard used to be a company above the rest, now they’re trash like the rest of them.

Shame on this company.


While waiting for a queue I went through a list of all the retired/discontinued mounts and the only dinosaurs that I could find in that list were the two original Troll Raptors from Vanilla.


No…the token is sold by a player. The gold isn’t removed. Your question was “is everything sold in the shop a gold sink because of tokens?”. The answer is no.

I would be fine with this, it is already how all but the r1 pvp titles work. They disappear as soon as the season is over. This is already how AOTC and Cutting Edge work as well, I would be fine with it being expanded to the metas too. More parts of the game work like this than you appear to believe. Its pretty consistent

Hmmm yet they tell players ahead of time,etc. Unlike this one. Back idea not to mention it’s going away,etc. They made it seem like it was staying. Dumb is dumb. Yet you support such stupidity. “Dont tell us players,etc it;s going away. Make it appear like it staying to crap on them. By then trying to sneak its removal via vendor under the bus” Is that what you support?

That is why people are mad. Learn to understand. >.> I’m sure you agree that they should tell their players beforehand. :unamused:

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I wouldn’t be so annoyed with this decision if we were just given a REASON.

It’s going away…but why? Why not the multitude of other gold sink mounts? If you don’t want people to think you’re a greedy soulless corporation…then just give the reasoning. People are going to fill in the blanks of your silence with projecting, and right now you have a lot of bad rep. Get your customers back to exalted before you try to get our paragon caches.


Anyone “good at making gold” got Francois, a battle pet that you can only get if your character has 1 million gold when you talk to him. Doesn’t actually cost anything though, you just need to show him that you’re rich.

Indeed, i nabbed him, then forgot he existed sadly.