Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

It is only a way to push token sales for limited time items.


O but we will forever run into each other here via forums. :yum: Still won’t admit you were wrong either? :thinking:

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No, we really won’t.

Umm…We are doing that now…:roll_eyes: And it’s a higher chance here especially if we both frequent GD. Especially if you keep coming to this particular thread.

  • pvp seasonal rewards
  • mythic final boss mounts (got my jaina water ele a few weeks back for 2 mil)
  • mythic +15 for mount in 8.3
  • the ugly nzoth squid mount off what I assume will be mythic nzoth in 8.3
  • mythic EP to boost ilvl before 8.3 drops.

There’s a few reasons to buy tokens and spend some gold.

It’s funny, because the converse of this is equally valid- if you show disrespect, you get disrespect. I don’t know how long you’ve been playing or following these issues, but Blizzard went radio-silent -before- the forums turned into what it is. They caused the problems that have lead to unhappy players voicing their opinions.

Then you also know employees are rarely berated for no reason. As a representative of the company, they should be shielded from anger and criticism no more than they’re shielded from appreciation and praise.

Sure thing man, I’ll just shoot a text over to my homie J. Allen Brack to let him know how I feel. He’s a real good listener, don’t know why I didn’t do that first. It sure is great that we all have a direct line to the decision makers, and NOT people they’ve delegated that responsibility to.

I see you didn’t bother trying to refute any other part of my last post, which tells me you accept the validity of my points. Trying to pretend like this single point you’re making invalidates everything else I’ve said is intellectually dishonest.

You’re pretending like there aren’t literally years worth of respectful, thoughtful, comprehensive feedback posts. Tell you what, dig into some archives of WoD, Legion, and BfA beta forums and what we actually got in terms of communication from Blizzard. You’re going to find a huge gap between feedback from us and acknowledgement from Blizzard.

Heck, just look at all the feedback posts now and the huge lack of blue posts on relevant topics.

I defer to my previous post when I say a company doesn’t have the luxury of feelings, and Blizzard doesn’t have any excuse to ignore its consumers. Literally every other MMO has responsive, mature staff who aren’t afraid of having their feefees hurt, and the resulting open communication from them reduces most of that flack. It’s a tried and true method of avoiding toxicity (and excuses), but I’m supposed pretend Blizzard is an exception because reasons?

That said, the consumers will win out in the end since most people protest with their wallets as well as forum posts. There’s a reason WoW keeps its sub numbers a secret now when they used to use it as a primary marketing tool. By all current metrics, the game has dropped from about 15 million to about 2 million if you don’t adjust for multiple toons per player. That speaks for itself, but I’ll break it down for you since you don’t seem to understand: Blizzard apologists such as yourself are in the minority, and you always will be. The market has already demonstrated it disagrees with you.


Nope, they are un-supported transactions and not limited time! I hope you spend at your own risk.

Anyway, going to wait for a reasonable comparison that is a direct push for tokens.

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If this is truly the case then we can all already see the new path that World of Warcraft will take, pay to win will surely be on the way. So are we going to pack up now or what?

You can only make your own choices. Either way it is not a good move by Blizzard.


And if the BMAH is good enough for the Brutosaur mount, then it should be good enough for all other limited time rewards.


Tbh, they should be consistent. All gold sinks should be removed and put on the BMAH.


I am in full support of this. Let the gold wars begin.

I’ve said that a few times actually! Allow for gradual collecting of everything, stop removing things OR put it all on the bmah.


That’s sounds like a plan that is either a surefire path to the land of diminishing returns or, in game with a theoretically infinite amount of gold that can be bought with real money, a road paved in gold sinks that don’t actually work.


Irrelevant. Cause you’re aware from the moment the PvP season drops there are exclusives. What else ya got for me?

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Actiblizz is hungry for some $ to pad their numbers again. :money_mouth_face:

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Because they don’t have a full year expected date for next expansion is on or before Dec 2020…history of past expansions shows release date between August and October.


And how often were those with December announced released by dates ? It really makes no difference anyone good at making gold can make that amount in a month. Anyone good at making gold already has it as well.

They haven’t even started Alpha yet, they aren’t going to release it much earlier than a year.



By that logic, why even put it on a vendor, why not just mail it to people who already had that? Oh, right, because it isn’t for them, it’s for people who want to save up to get it, but now can’t because for no apparent reason it is limited.