Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

This expansion for sure. It’s not hard to figure out where this direction is coming from.


Lets see:

Power leveling
Mythic carriers, both raids and +
Pvp carries
Rare collectables

I don’t know how it would work but some people try to illegally sell their accounts so there’s that too.

Money can make anything happen in wow so once again, your point is moot.


I hope blizz learns from this though. That to plz let your players know ahead of time…or if you guys even have the idea. It’s sucks thinking something isn’t time limited and then suddenly the “o sorry it’s going away but BHAH you have a low chance of it popping up so you can bid war with other players”. Poorly thought out. I again would always like to know so I can prepare myself. >.> I wouldn’t be as mad as I am about this if we were told way way way ahead of time. >.> I would have planned my gold earning a lot better. /sigh/


You are wrong. None of these are being sold in game for cash. If so, the sellers can and will be banned.

Blizzard does not support any of those transactions unless they can be sold on AH.

The idea of buying a mount in game for gold that can be purchased with cash and the item made limited time only does push the sale of gold in game. The rest of what you mentioned is not comparable at all.

I don’t need an explanation to agree with a decision.

This is a typical sheeple response.


The why doesn’t matter when the decision is right.

O so you meant actual cash. Not reverting it to gold then paying. I miss read that. I need my coffee. >.>

The mount isn’t being sold for cash either, it’s being sold for gold. Gold is also used to purchase everything you just said he was wrong about.

If you’re bad at making gold then this mount was never meant for you anyway, you simply were not the target audience.

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You have lost track of your own argument. You tried to say whales convert cash into gold via tokens and then buy neckyboi. Can you not fathom that same gold can be used to get carried through difficult content?

Carry groups are providing a service, whether levels, gear, mounts, titles etc and they are everywhere these days. There’s nothing stopping a rich wow addict paying people to form a guild with them and employing them on the down low to clear mythics or rated bgs etc but that’s getting into the same dumb conspiracy territory as your assumption that all neckybois are paid for with cash to token transactions.

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Words fail me.

To make people resub and spend all their real money

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I’ve noticed.

Wow gold is cash, wow gold is worth more than some real currencies in many countries.


If we’re going to use that argument then flasks, repairs, and changing transmog also costs irl money. Which means most of this thread is irrelevant since everything is bought and sold with irl cash.

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They do if you intend to buy copies of the new call of duty and sell them to people for a slight loss, you could very well farm flasks and buy call of duty blizzard accounts and sell them for $50

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Technically it is if you count those who spend the cash to convert it to gold. /shrugs/

Which you can do that for everything really. since it’s part of the game. To stop those what gold sellers at the time.


Welp, then this whole thread can be deleted since it’s nonsense. No reason to be mad anymore if Blizzard is just trying to boost token sales when everything is equal to irl cash anyway. We can stop being upset now.


apparently you didn’t get the memo where 3rd world countries literally play wow as a job because its worth more than working in a factory in their country

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It’s not worth arguing with Yesuna since they’re blindly defending anything Blizzard does. You’ll never change their mind since their only position is that Blizzard is always right.