Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

True, and those would have been frustrating too. Imo though, this is still worse since those would mainly be obtained from gameplay, while in this case it’s exclusively from obtaining and spending large amounts of gold.


that can be…

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Can also be obtained by paying blizzard hundreds of dollars. Which is more likely since there is now a very limited time on it for no reason.


Oh, cool, so even more options to obtain it. Sounds like a win/win to me. This mount was never intended for the mass population to buy, it was a tier 1 mount aimed at gold tycoons, the top 3%.

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As has been said by a gold maker. This mount was not aimed at gold makers because gold makers want to make more gold, not spend it. So yes, this mount was made to be a goal for anyone who wanted to try to earn it, but it is not a “limited time challenge”. If they wanted it to be that they should have temporarily removed tokens from the shop until shadowlands prepatch. There is only one reason they would remove a vendor mount gold sink, and it isn’t for “prestige”.


They WERE never meant to be a CHALLENGE to begin with. These aren’t what real CHALLENGES are in this game. Pls point to where blizz ever said they were,etc. :slight_smile: And don’t try the stupid points at Long Boi


I also love how some people coming here saying, “removing things is a good thing” Yet the whole “removing flying in WoD forward” proves a different story otherwise. :rofl:


And then this thread would be replaced with one full of players screaming about not being able to buy gold.

There is no winning for Blizzard when there is a group of players who rage about anything they say, do, don’t say, or don’t do. Players are going to rage.

Many times the players will rage at stuff that doesn’t even effect them, that’s the crazy part. It’s like all the master loot rage, the greater majority of those players had never been in a position to even use master loot. lol

More “it’s only fake outrage” nonsense. You keep wanting to dismiss any complaints toward Blizzard.

How about you stop blindly defending them until at least after they give us an actual explanation for why this is happening.


Says A gold maker, 1 single person with 1 sole opinion. I make my gold and a portion goes to expanding my ah operations, another portion goes to bnet balance for my wife and I for blizzard stuff and sub and the rest is to blow on gaudy junk such as neckybois, mythic mount carries and any particular transmog that catches our eye.


I really hope they don’t. It doesn’t matter how much sense an explanation would make it’ll just spark the uproar on this topic again, thankfully it’s slowly down at a rapid pace.

Blizzard is saying they want gold making to be part of a new set of challenges in the future.

Pretty weird since you can buy gold!

Also, I hate any time limited items in game and think this is very very idiotic move on Blizzard’s part. It shows a huge lack of respect to the player base.


You’re ignoring the fact whales can buy their way to anything in game. Those types of people are few and far between.


Yeah, let me know any other challenges they can complete in game with cash.


Blizzard has to accept that things have changed as well. If they want there to be any trust in them, then they have to explain themselves.

Meanwhile you’re blindly defending anything they do, even when they don’t explain themselves. This is 100% proof that you are not interested in constructive discussion on this topic. So if you’re not interested in discussing things, then kindly vacate this thread and find someone else to harass.


Because I disagree with you and agree with Blizzard? So you aren’t really interested in conversation, you just want an echo-chamber with like-minded people who don’t disagree with each other. Well, that’s not how this forum works.

Blizzard has been aiming at whales for a while now. Things like the brutosaur mount being removed and the “last chance” package from the store from last year are two big examples. They need to dial back the FOMO nonsense.


How can you possibly agree with them when they haven’t explained why this is happening?

The answer is that you’re not agreeing with them. You’re just posting to disagree with people who are unhappy with Blizzard.


But not all dinosaurs are going away. It is just one actually. This is just blizz trying to drum up token sales while also getting away with putting in another AH mount in next xpac for more gold and look like they give a flip about customers…


cough Don’t forget AOTC and end game mount. Can buy them with gold with cash then spend via gold on those.

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