Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Exceeeeeeept people didn’t know it was an exclusive challenge until over a year later.


Why can’t you understand that if a year isn’t long enough for you to make 5 million then you aren’t good enough at making gold to deserve this anyway, at least IMO. So it really is pointless to keep on arguing with me about this.

I am not obsessive about collecting things in this game.

I don’t get to have a lot of things because I am not good at ‘x’ type of content, so I see nothing wrong with you not being able to have this mount if you aren’t good at making gold.

You aren’t going to get any sympathy from me on this and I literally can’t understand why you guys think you are entitled to every reward in the game anyway and nothing you say will change that.

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Why are you continuing to excuse Blizzard’s shoddy communication skills?

Different people like different things. More at 11.

We’re not saying we’re “entitled to every reward in the game”. That’s just something you made up on your own.


Stopped here. Tell me what downsides there are for Blizzard to have told everyone at the start of the expansion rather than right now. No side stepping. Tell why it would’ve been bad for Blizzard to announce this at the start of BFA.


Ah, so please tell me which vendor mounts blizzard has removed in the 15 years this game has been running. Also tell me what “challenges” have ever exclusively cost a large amount of gold to complete.


Why are you insisting they have shoddy communication skills in this instance ? That is all assumption on your part that they knew about this prior to a few weeks ago.

See above.

I said no sidestepping the question :grinning:

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They should have decided this at the start of the expansion. Also, we still don’t even have a reason for why this is going away. It’s pretty clear they weren’t going to say anything about it going away until later on.


A huge issue for me is I would have had the money to buy it already had I not spent gold on getting very rare pets and mounts from the auction house. Those items, most of them CCG items of a finite variety were seen by myself as taking priority over a mount that I figured would just be there for me to purchase when I got more money.

Now however I’m sitting at just over 2.5 mill and wondering if I can make the amount I need in time. Had I known it was a limited time mount I would have got it first. NO ONE could have thought, based on the track record of bliz leaving in other vendor mounts, that the long boi would be removed.

Not to mention the prime time for making gold in this expansion is long past. Not as easy now as it was even 6 months ago.


Not everyone buys gold. Why does everyone think everyone buys gold now? Some players still earn gold.

If you aren’t good at making gold then this mount was never meant for you anyway.

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I am sure it was a recent decision. They probably looked at the time played metric and saw that people were not taking the time to go through that fancy portal room to visit an AH. Also, this will increase their quarterly revenues because there are people who will buy some tokens to either supplement the gold they have, or to just buy the mount using cash.


Right, it’s just a happy accident that Blizzard is selling WoW tokens now.


That’s been a thing since WoD, this isn’t new. There were no 5 million gold mounts in WoD.

You couldn’t trade WoW tokens for balance in WoD.


No, but what is new is removal of a vendor mount. One that just so happens to cost a lot of currency that blizzard sells.


Then earn the gold and buy it, you have plenty of time.

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So far nobody has been able to tell me the downside of Blizzard telling everyone at the beginning. Guess it’s gonna stay that way since there’s no good reason to withhold that information.

  1. No vendor mount, much less a gold sink, has ever been removed. It’s painfully obvious that there is only one reason behind this choice.
  2. No time limited content has ever been announced as such after it has released. Doing so, especially on a gold sink, also makes it painfully obvious why they made this choice.

Removing content that has previously never been removed in a way they have never done time limited content before feels scummy. And this is coming from someone who defended their hearthstone choice and their toy/esports choice.


They’ve done it a few times, most notably with the black/plagued proto-drakes from WotLK and the MoP legendary cloak. And the blowback from those should have been a good lesson in never doing that again. And they appeared to have mostly learned that lesson until now.


Yep, 'fraid so.

And when no dino mount can can be a dino mount any longer, Blizzard will kindly hide a new, ridiculously expensive recipe in the game, only craftable by mythic raiders, for Inflatable Dino Boots. Once installed this equipment will remove flying from your mounts and turn them all into purple polka-dotted brutosaurs.

Take it from one who knows, I saw it all in a premonition - or perhaps it was a nightmare? Too much coffee before bed is bad, OK?