Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Why? Why do some players “deserve” to have a mount because they have the ready cash to buy enough tokens to get it? Do you really think WoW should go the route of games that reward players who have plenty of disposable real-world currency? Or should it reward players who dedicate themselves to achieving a goal in game by doing in game things, even though it may take them a long time to reach their goal?

Speaking of things that not every “Tom, Dick, and Harry” have, I’m a “prestigious” owner of the Big Love Rocket. Aren’t you impressed? I worked really, really hard to make that RNG come out right. :roll_eyes:


Most didn’t pay real money for it. That’s an insulting misconception.

Once again - playing the ah is in line with other “challenging” activities so if they’re fine with removing those things then this is no different. I’ll support bringing back old gladiator mounts, mage tower etc as well as keeping in the neckyboi but people need to stop pretending gold making is less than other activites in game.

I “earned” a black protodrake and that’s now only on the bmah, why is there not more forum posts about that?

So you’re saying that playing the AH is on par with Mythic raiding?


Playing the AH is not challenging, it just requires a kind of time and patience other more challenging activities do not, plus a starting capital to make the gold flow. Basically, it’s tedious, but not challenging

Actually, because of how many forum posts there were back in the day, you can still farm the Drakes from ICC and any other raid meta achievment mounts. Both Naxx protos should’ve been put back in Naxx, but now that many people have bought it through BMAH it would be unfair for them

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As somone who lead an oceanic top 10 guild back in the day with server first titles etc and who did 12ish mage towers from the “solo challenge” of legion - yes. It’s a different style of play but it does take its own form of skill, time and dedication.

Anyone starting from scratch right now will face a similar learning curve and time investment as anyone starting to work on a gladiator mount or joining and playing in a cutting edge mythic guild.

Pretty sure they’re a fairly “new” addition to the ah and wotlk was a weird expansion for tinkering with raid difficulty/design.

Everything takes time and patience and is tedious. You’re not making for a convincing argument.

I’d argue that it’s a lot harder to “wipe” when playing the AH. The people at the top aren’t in any real danger of losing anything.

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To begin with, the BMAH is a MoP feature, so of course they were not added immediately. But because of the forums complaining about Naxx’s protos is that from that moment on, no raid meta mount was removed

Errr… no? Raiding in itself is not tedious at all, for example (though preparations can be), and does not require you to be 24/7 checking if you’ve been undercut, or if someone made the mistake of putting the one product way too cheap to buy and resell. Playing the AH is more of a 24-hour job, and that’s what makes it tedious.


Please stop making old mounts in the game harder to get. 80% of the reason I play this game is to build my mount collection and this makes this that much more difficult. 10M gold will still be a steep price for the average player even several expacs from now. Look at how many casual players still don’t have the transmog mount.


there’s a lot more to it than what you’re implying and a lot more tedium to raiding such as rosters, recruitment and wiping over and over and over until the fight clicks and you get the kill. Playing the ah isn’t about sitting on the ah undercutting 24 hours a day, thats called sniping and is a dumb way to make ah gold but do keep spouting off more ignorant comments.

Wiping on the ah involves predictive investments going badly or just the plain unpredictability of other players behavior/buying patterns. I’ve had random people wiping out entire markets either through noobery or as a deliberate dump of their stock which drastically impacted my investment into those markets. It’s not as simple as so many people here keep spouting.

Sniping is getting a last second winning bid, don’t mix up stuff. And if and when you get to have a considerable amount of gold flowing, you don’t need to pay that much of attention, but at the beginning you don’t have any other choice but to check for every undercut, and check for really cheap reagents to buy and resell. It’s not simple, but it’s not challenging either.

As for raiding, roster and recruitment are not “raiding” but “raid leading” and it can be really tedious, sure. Raiding in itself, which means going into the instance and doing the fights can surely be annoying and even infuriating if you get stuck wiping in a boss, but that’s almost the opposite to tedious.

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Who are these people spouting off about how simple the auction house is? You keep saying that, and acting like people are insulting you by over-simplifying the challenges of the AH, but I don’t see anyone actually DOING it.

On the contrary, I think the crux of people’s problem with this mount being removed is many of us DO find the AH game overly challenging, and beyond our scope of tolerance to master, and many of us assumed that like EVERY OTHER gold sink thus far, rather than play the AH to buy the Brutosaur NOW, we’d have the option to slowly save for it and buy it an expansion or two down the line. That’s the whole point. Making 5 million fast isn’t easy. Sure we may still have a year, but many realistically already know a year won’t be enough. There were many of people who were counting on that mount being available for vendor purchase longterm, in the hopes they’d be able to buy it a few expansions down the road when the curve of the economy potentially changed, like other gold sink mounts before it.


So in a situation like this, that popped up, do multi-boxers have a unfair advantage over non multi- boxers in the case they can make more gold faster then the average player? Just curious.

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Are they going to kill my Venomhide Ravasaur? My raptor mounts, even my undead raptor?? I just barely got the raptor mounts from Legion, are they dying too?? My poor Child of Torcall that I only just got, and the pterrodax egg that’s dropped but I’m waiting for a guildie to get it so we do the quests together? I have a lot of dinos, is Blizzard going to kill them all???


I never once said gold making is “less than other activities in game”. I think every person’s play style and goals are legitimate.

We have no way to know how many paid for their gold and how many earned it. Be insulted if you like, but there are folks who buy tokens and convert them to gold to buy in-game things–and the brutosaur is one of those things. To pretend that getting that mount is some kind of super-special badge of prestige is ego-stroking to the max. Note: I’m not saying you’re pretending such, but the poster I was replying to in the statements you quoted certainly is.

The basic fact remains that if the brutosaur was intended to be time-limited, that should have been made clear at the expansion’s launch. To have the change outed by data-mining and then brought to the attention of the forums by a player–with no official statement from Blizzard other than the one blue post here–just makes things worse.

They could leave the mount on the vendors and remove the associated achievement if they want to differentiate those who got it “AotC” and those who didn’t. They could also make a non-AH version if the AH part is the main reason it’s being removed from the vendors. We don’t know why Blizzard made this exceedingly unpopular move, so it’s difficult to suggest alternative solutions.


I mathed it out, it costs around $560 at the current rate to buy the mount through tokens. And to actually do the farming, Blizzard would have to pay me a vastly greater sum, because this game is barely even worth $15 a month.

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Those are two recent ones but there are countless others that I can’t seem to track down in this massive thread and elsewhere. Basically instead of arguing how its bad to remove things from the game to create artificial prestige (which is something I can get behind) they’re attacking the legitimacy of being successful at working the economy and drawing a clear distinction between it and other playstyles be it pvp, mythics or mythic raiding.

It’s stupid to remove content from a game for the sole reason to create prestige and it’s doubly stupid to remove content from a game just to force people into spending money.