Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

That would suck, but I’d remember all the great times I had with the Bruto and have an achievement to show how awesome at AHing I am!

wipes sweat from brow

Phew. Good thing this wasn’t one of those situations where the players figure something out that Blizzard should’ve informed everyone about long ago…what? Why’s everyone looking at me?


I would love to know why you’re removing this mount. it makes no sense, even if you’re adding another high ticket mount.


And suffer the wrath of the players who bought it full price? :fearful:

lol, my rent is $1400 a month.

Nazjatar benthic gear killed all crafted gear, the same goes for 8.3 when we get new black empire armor tokens for alts. There’s no reason to buy crafted gear


Do you get upset at people who buy things on sale?

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This is nothing but a “loot box” type of cash grab started by Activision theyll deny it of coirse but its clearly obvious whos pulling the strings on this one


Great, my favorite dinosaur gets made into the AH gold sink for starters. Didn’t get to play legion long enough as a new player to amass the gold from mission boards that veterans did…
And so now going to never get the mount cuz retired by next expansion.


Oh, Blizzard making dumb choices again? Not surprising. And these morons wonder why the keep losing subs…


It actually makes perfect sense, economically. Scarcity is a huge driver of economic decisions.

If every expansion has its own exclusive, uber-expensive mount, then you have that limited time window to earn it. It’s like a big multi-year achievement - can you earn 5 million gold in two years?

You might think that removing it removes the gold sink, but they’ll apparently (always) be adding a new one. Most folks who didn’t get the first one during the time window wouldn’t be able to get both of them in the second time window anyway, so removing it actually just adds to the economic motivation.

This increases the value of gold, which is good for the game - this makes every gold-earning activity more valuable to the players.


It’s now at a week low and continuing to drop…still think it’s a blip?

Depends on the item. A pack of socks at walmart that goes on sale the next day? I don’t care. AMDs new Ryzen 3950x going on sale next month, I’d be kind of irritated lol.

Where do you live where 500 dollars is three months rent? Id love to move there lol.
I own now but my last three bedroom apartment was 2800 dollars a month and that was 12 years ago.

You literally have a year to get this mount, go get it! I waited a whole year to buy mine, and had been focused on TCG mounts instead of Brutos, but I got it none the less.

…Why, Blizzard? Just, seriously why?

You’d think at this point, with all the controversy surrounding you, you wouldn’t actively be doing things to piss off the community even more.

You would think that would be the case but I have made 2 million in the last two months selling 370 AND 340 crafted gear.

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I’m real sure a thread on the forums with only three k views is tanking the market thirty minutes after an announcement.

This isn’t Blizzcon, when you have hundreds of thousands of views.

Can you at least leave a Brutusaur on the vendor? It be a shame for the mount type in general to be removed :frowning:


I find it really funny the people that are downplaying making 5 million gold in this thread.

Very out of touch, like most rich people usually are.