Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Did I state exact numbers or I’m just speaking in probablity?
if it’s 30% easier to get gold, it would still be a lot. But yes it would take a couple of expansion to make a 2m in 5M.
You’re just pointing out numbers at this point. The thinking is the same.

I didn’t get my Mammoth until Mists.

I didn’t get my Expedition Yak until WoD.

What makes you think we should have to get our Brutosaurs during BFA?


Once the news hits ingame i suspect it will drop even more

My predictions for the price of tokens once that happens

I find I can generally afford gold sink mounts a couple of expansions later without it being a big deal for me. 400k gold was a lot in MOP but not very much today.

I am not super worked up over the change but I do think it shows incompetence on the part of developer communications.

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Well, this is some serious bullcrap…

Was working towards that.

Monkeys will fly out of my butt before I get enough gold to buy it before 9.0 hits, and GORILLAS will fly out of my butt before I buy tokens to get it.

As of the writing of this post, it would cost approximately $543 USD to buy enough tokens to get the 5 million gold needed.

(Yes, I am WAY closer to 0 gold than 5 million.)

NO WAY am I risking divorce to buy that.

Screw you all and your lust for tokens, Blizzard.


Its very easy to make 5 mil in a single expansion, you just have to put the work in. i’ve made 5 mil in the past 2 weeks /shrug, you just aren’t motivated enough.


I would HIGHLY expect it to be released before then, a 9 month content drought will loose too many players. I’m expecting official release in August-October at the latest.

I forget, did they remove either of those from general purchase after those expansions were no longer relevant?

Wouldn’t having it on BMAH also mean you can get the mount cheaper than 5M gold if you’re in a smaller realm?

If its starting price is less than 5M gold (which it probably will be), you have a chance to get it for even cheaper than you can now.

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If they love you they’ll buy it for you :smiley:

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I hear mailbox dancing is popular. You might want to lose a few layers though.

If they are removing the AH then its totally not worth it and those who have bought it got screwed hard


I don’t know if this is bait or you just don’t realize the ramifications of what you’re saying but you’re about to get some hate thrown your way lol


I could see them remove the functionality on the BMAH version of the mount if its cheaper, but its still baffles me that they wanna remove it at all. How would a returning player make that much gold …?

The amount of money it’d take to buy a Brutosaur through Tokens is like 3 months of rent. Lol.

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Lazy people will get mad, of course! You ain’t working hard enough, you don’t deserve it. Plain and simple. If I can make 5 mil in 2 weeks this xpac, you can too, but you need to put the work in, plain and simple. There is no way around it.


Dont worry, in 9.0 theyll have a 10M mount that does it all :wink:

Gotta give credit to Blizzard on this one i mean only they could manage to make a dumpster fire of thermonuclear proportions


The starting price is probably going to be at 5 million since they didn’t mention what it would start at.

Maybe, but most buy it with gold. So maybe artificial scarcity to combat end of xpac inflation.