Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I’m one of those that believe that inflation is good for the economy. You can disagree with it but you aren’t too a game developper, so heh there’s that right. Inflation makes the economy thrives and makes people spend, deflation slow the economy and makes everyone save. Inflation also give more buying power to people that still play the game vs people saving, and that’s what old gold is. You can put your head in the sand and not understand that concept, but it’s a valid one. Too much inflation can be bad, but some inflation is always good.

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This doesn’t make any sense. You didn’t do it with the mammoth in wrath, the yak in Pandaria, or the spider in Legion. BUT OH MAN, that mount needs to be removed in battle for azeroth when shadowlands comes out. Because we can’t let people have time to make gold enough to buy the mount.

I just spent 2.7 million on a tcg mount that is unobtainable, but if I knew the brutosaur was going away I would not have done that. This is ridiculous and makes absolutely no sense to past history with in game mounts.


5 mil. LOL!

Some inflation.

You’re trying to argue that inflation where 5M is common within one expac won’t destroy an economy.

That’s not SOME inflation.

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THIS. We knew from the start from things like Elite PvP, Mage Tower, AOTC, Challenge modes…

That the items would be limited edition. There was NO indication of that when thias mount came out until literally just this post.

Not only that, but they’ve never done this with any other vendor mounts before.

Plus, if they remove the functionality… Yeah that’s extremely slimy.

Shame on you Blizzard.


it might become common over the course of 2-3 expansion, 2M is pretty common for me if you play the game decently.

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They’re probably going to remove the auctioneer off it at this rate.

Hopefully those with constant inner turmoil find this a good reason to quit and actually get some help. :ok_hand::grin:

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Pathfinder AND you have to buy the skill again?

That’s just evil.

Don’t give them ideas!

Seriously? You got to be joking. As if it isn’t already annoying enough to get gold to even obtain this mount. You now want to retire it, and put it on the Black Market, which I feel like it’s gonna be sold for much worse.


Ah, the usual response from Blizz.

Make a bad decision, flip the players off. Eesh.


They will what?

Way to murder the mount’s value too.

You can thank their president and the Hong Kong controversy.

They have to make up their profit loss from losing tons of Hearthstone players and WoW subs somehow. What better way than to bleed it from WoW players who will now be in a frenzy to get the AH mount by buying tokens?

*This is a sarcastic post, FYI, but also probably their reasoning.

Actually you don’t 9.0 will likely drop in the next 9 months. This mount disappears then, not when shadowlands officially launches.

You know, if someone wanted to be extremely cynical about this, they’d think that this was being done temporarily to generate some controversy (and token sales) over the mount being removed, then “generously” decide to keep the mount available so they can appear like they’re listening to the players.


Wow this is total bullsht. Announced with 1 patch left that it is suddenly becoming unobtainable (BMAH is the same thing) and it is already the biggest gold sink possible. It is the one thing I actually cared about from BFA and now if I dont suddenly acquire 5mil gold it is gone for good.


To that I say let the games begin!

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Blizzard, this is a huge mistake. Don’t remove more content, even less gold sinks. Gold sinks are important for the state of the economy, don’t remove that one.

If you want to do something for the players who did buy it before 9.0, add a title or an achievement or something else to reward them for getting it back when it was rare (like Ahead of the Curve but on economics), but don’t punish the players who are more casual or not as capitalism-driven in game by removing content they may have been saving for for literally months or years.


Is this a quote from you yes/no?

You make the assumption that inflation will increase enough to make the mount common and justify its removal now.

Not in two to three expacs. You state “next expac.”

mic drop



They might do that.

Possible they’ll replace it with something else in Shadowlands.

Shadowlands is stated to release on or before Dec 2020. I wouldn’t count on it being released much before then but so what, if you wanted this mount you would be working towards it already.