Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

I’m just giving an example of a limited tcg mount. Go buy something in the BMAH for all I care. Do not be buying this mount when they’re playing stupid games like this to get money off of us.

Because you have the preorder gear on.

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This make absolutely no sense at all. Blizz please reconsider this.


That’s cute. Or perhaps we could just apply occam’s razor and say they are just pissed because a really expensive mount that people would have liked to have the option of buying in the future is being removed.

I know you already have the mount and are just enjoying watching the rest of the playerbase getting screwed over while you try and exonerate blizzard.


But why? What’s wrong with you guys?


Next minute, not a GM anymore. :rofl:

Could happen. It’s not something you confirm offhandedly in a forum thread at the GM level.

One of the rules of media training is to stay out of controversy, not kick it off.


The long boy is honestly a prestige item for having a lot of gold. You kinda justified it being removed there

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I find it strange that you guys are removing a purchasable mount… I mean you didn’t remove the spider mount… Why this one? Doesn’t make much sense… But then a lot of what Blizzard does now days doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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Oh well, guess they would have quit anyway.

Why? What is the point of this change?


The token value has already dropped ~2k on NA servers since the blue post.

Its stuff like this that reduces my faith in Blizz.

Stop removing stuff from the game. Its is way beyond annoying and problematic now.


Will you guys be saying what the starting bid on the BMAH will be before its removed?

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There’s absolutely no way enough people have read this to link the two.

2k is a blip.

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You realize these official posts – when announcing something – don’t come from the community managers. These come from the designers / devs. CMs might give it some personal flair when they type it, but the meat of the announcement comes directly from the devs themselves, not the CMs. Don’t crucify Kaivax for Watcher’s decision.


How crappy. And here I thought Id have time to save and eventually go back and buy it.


I just bought a TCG mount from the BMAH for 630k, overall pretty cheap, but I’m regretting it now. I’m sitting at 2 million gold but if they don’t allow you to get gold in place of azerite power next patch that will greatly hurt my ability to generate gold. I think I’ll still be able to get the mount regardless but my wife who has been slowly saving money for it and doesn’t get as much time to play as I do probably won’t get it.

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Ahh … crap mount, never compares to the Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak or the Reins of the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth that will always be necessary somewhere in Azeroth.

there are better feast of strength than a giant mount that did not enter anything just for auctions … Pff … better that worthy engineer than alms for 5M gold for a simple mount.

announce it at the end of the expansion…