Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Its one thing to remove prestige items like CM mogs or MT skins

Seriously do they have a monkey in charge at Blizzard? What moronic kind of rational reasoning could they possibly expect people to believe for justifying removal of this other than for creating panic and encouraging an increase in players buying tokens in a last pitch effort to obtain their own longboy?

Blizzard has pulled some sketchy underhanded cash grab tactics before but this one takes the cake

They claim to have autonomy but dont think for a moment people will not see this for what is really is a last minute cash grab orchestrated by Activisions influence


My sapling isn’t bad, it’s just a tiny tree.



Dedicated the first 5 months of this expansion to farming up this mount.

Was well worth it.

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Blizzard wants people to buy tokens because they’re greedy.


That’s great, you’re not a game designer. Sinks like this were clearly intended to help bleed the gold pool the top goblin in the game have to reduce the impact they have on the economy.

Repair costs/AH taxes/Flight paths are the sinks that everyone has to pay. If you make it easier to earn gold without raising the costs of everything else, then inflation booms out of control. Meanwhile the top goblins regain their power to affect the AH as they wish.

There’s no “old gold” or “new gold” it’s all gold. It’s constantly created and it only has a few options to be destroyed.


I agree with you. I am not sure why people are getting worked up, it’s not like they were going to remove it tomorrow.

If it was really a scheme to get people to buy tokens, announcing it a few weeks before removing would be significantly more disruptive in terms of ‘rushing’ people to buy it. Plus I really really hope that isn’t the way people are planning to get it now…


Gonna be real funny if the rumor about the AH being removed from it is also true. That’s what dataminers are also saying.


I’ll laugh in a year.

They didn’t announce it and had no plans to announce it anytime soon until this was datamined


They could have not responded.

You’re right. They could have not. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone right now is getting an earful about how he shouldn’t have.


Please reconsider this; as someone who has been trying to save up for it since it was first put in, but who is not likely to make it to target before Shadowlands hits, this is really disappointing. Vendor mounts haven’t been a limited time deal since the original epic mounts (which I’m still frustrated about fifteen years later, but anyway) and this is SUCH a huge investment and SUCH limited notice for that much gold, especially since SO many things this expansion have been deliberately priced high to try and suck gold out of the people who already have millions of it.

If the prestige spider wasn’t limited time, if the lightforged warframe wasn’t limited time, if the rustbolt exalted mount wasn’t limited time, a mount with actual, unparalleled utility should DEFINITELY not be limited time, and ESPECIALLY not with THIS little notice.

Please. Don’t do this.

(also whoa why is this the character the forums chose to post on as it logged me out as I hit post? Whatever, it’s not like I have that much more gold on my primary server or set of characters than I do on Korgath.)


This forum is full of people who are exceptionally discontent with themselves and/or their circumstances and they look for any and every action from Blizzard in order to turn that discontent somewhere other than inward.

That’s why.

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The fact that they’re removing it at all is nonsense. They didn’t remove the spider, the yak, or the mammoth, there’s no good reason to remove the brutosaur.


If theyre removing the ah then there is definitely no way i’m buying the brutosaur or the next mount either. Why play this stupid game of theirs when they intend to remove the item that makes the mount in the first place? There are better time limited exclusive mounts I can waste my money on.

Like seriously to any of you thinking you should buy the brutosaur. Why buy that when you can just save and get a spectral tiger instead? The exclusivety of the tiger isn’t going to randomly be toyed with the blizzards delight in the future. DO NOT buy tokens to get this mount. DO NOT buy the next ah mount either. This is REALLY scummy.




That’s not true, you’re here and you’re clearly more interested in slobbering all over Blizzard instead.


is this a marketing strategy to sell it in the cash shop later for real money?

Because it looks like crap.


I feel you irmão. :disappointed_relieved:

And why i am naked? :flushed:

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