Looks like eventually every race will get every class

Just off the top of my head, Vulpera tank form could be like a wowified desert tortoise, feral could be a hyena, travel form could be a jackalope, flight form could be a vulture/condor, balance is the only thing I cant think of immediately, but there are plenty of options.

Agreed wholeheartedly!

Counting the days for my Vulpera Paladin/Sunwalker/Dunewalker/whatever


Why not? We already have a form of druidism based around the “death” stage of the circle of life. Just because you don’t pay attention to the lore doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense.


I feel like Tauren rogues should have horrible stealth. How are they going to sneak up on anyone

The same way Tauren Hunters currently do using the Camouflage talent.


A gentle breeze makes the tree leaves wave as all is quiet, Walkerbo can finally rest his weary bones under the boughs of the evergreen in strangle thorn, taking the time to eat some fine cheese and sip some even finer wine, but suddenly a stun lock and then almost instant annihilation, a swift death delivered by a Draenei rogue, I guess the sound of clip-clopping hooves should have been a warning.

Gimme Troll Demon Hunter :eyes:

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They better not do it. If you really want racial identity to be stripped from these races then by all means.

Some things will never make sense. Half of the races in-game cannot be paladins, druids, or demon hunters no matter how hard you try to make it make sense. If they go the route of never explaining it(which is definitely what will happen) then that is worse.

Leave some restrictions in, or core game identity is just lost by doing this.

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Grim totem and blood totem used fel magic.

Bam, warlock.

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I can not wait for the day they do this with shamans! Finally will be able to roll mechagnome and nightborne shamans.

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First order of business should’ve been monks for goblin/worgen, night elf paladins off the top of my head.

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All I need is a Vulpera and dwarf druid and I’m good!

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Stealth has multiple lore reasonings. One is that they can just be your traditional rogue, another is that they can use some form of shadow magic, and another is that they may use some sort of stealth-tech or potions.

I think I’ve read someone even coming up with arcane illusions, so it’s really up to how you want to write and develop your character.

There’s also Grimtotem Tauren Mercenaries that use spells like evasion, fan of knives, etc… so just use your creativity.

I’m honestly happy for possibly more options for demon Hunter. I would love to be a Zandalari Demonica. I don’t really want to play elves, but I love the feel of the class.

But I’m guessing we probably won’t see demon hunters and druid as new options for quite some time as they have special custom forms they will need to figure out.

I just pray they don’t get lazy and copy/paste the same forms already in game for certain races. I hope each race receives their own unique look for the various forms.

what a waste of time to make druid forms for all classes. not to mention the idiocy of forsaken paladins.

line in the sand for me…it would just ruin the whole fantasy of the game for me

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And they still will.


Undead Priests never made sense because in the lore Undead are harmed by Holy magic, even if it was a heal or casting it themselves and that race and class combination has been in the game since it first launched.

Like what? Final Fantasy XIV has no race/class restrictions. Neither does Guild Wars 2. I guess you have Classic then.

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Gnome Druids, Mr H, you know you want to.

I believe I read that Paladins are one of the classes that presents extra work for them to create. I’d guess having to do with some of their unique combat animations.

Either way, I’m with you though! I have three Ret Paladins and and dying to make a Panda-din, and Orc-adin, NightBorne-adin etc!