Looks like eventually every race will get every class

Mr. Smite multi-classed, technically.

Those already exist.

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Lolwat? He was a Warrior. What Rogues do you know that swing a 2H mace?



Be afraid that youā€™ll never see him coming.



hereā€™s an idea: to create a forsaken pally, 1st i need to be a human pally. go on a quest chain and in the end, after gaining exp and gear i am killed and raised forsaken and continue my chosen path as forsaken paladin.

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The totems might easier to create than making forms for Druids.

I still donā€™t understand why canā€™t Humans be Shamans? Kul Tiran are Humansā€¦

Iā€™m no fan of Worgen, but let them claw people as Monkā€¦

Iā€™m still waiting for my Pandaren Druids.

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Says you.

Others creativity should not be restricted because of peoples lack of imagination while already play a unrealistic fantasy mmorpgā€¦


Gnome and Mechagnome Druids for me!

A robo-bear tank would be amazing! Mechabunny travel form!

(wiggles with anticipation)




No paladins?



Iā€™d wonder what Races like Blood Elf, Vulpera, Goblin, Undead, Dranei, Human, Dwarf, etc, etc, ā€œTankā€ form will look like?

Vulpera is a ā€œSuper Foxā€? What About Pandaren? They just go down on all fours and suddenly theyā€™re in their Tank form. Hehehe

Druid is the one class that I thought would always have Race restrictions, just because of the forms. Iā€™m not saying story wise they couldnā€™t happen, but one a purely technical side, creating forms for so many Races will take an incredibly long time to get done, and I bet Dillards to Persons, will be the class that gets implemented last and will have the longest roll out time to accommodate all of the Races.

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He meant ā€œnot fat and fuglyā€ human Shamans.

Youā€™re playing a Blood Elf. You should know they mean humans that arenā€™t fat and ugly.

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Let me pause this whole little argument right there. Lore hasnā€™t meant anything substantial for years, they keep changing things and retconning things, lore doesnā€™t matter at this point for classes. To hold onto some fractal concept from a dead age is asinine especially considering how many lore changes there have been over the years.

tl:dr the ā€œbecause loreā€ argument doesnā€™t work anymore, find another dead horse to beat.


Coming soon! :rofl:

(these are meant purely in jestā€¦ though it seems like they may actually happen someday)


i know they would never but i wish that if pandarens get druids they got a bonsai tree for tree form

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Finally my dream come true.

Iā€™ve never even dared to hope for gnome DHā€™s or druids as I figured there would be to much art assets involved with different forms. Both of these would be great as well.

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Been saying this for a while. In a world where other races can learn from each other, it simply doesnā€™t make sense to have race/class restrictions. Let people live out their in-game fantasy and look at how happy people are!!


You know what else makes no sense? Void elf mages. The only spellcaster that they should have is priest. Why would you use the arcane when you are empowered by the void to the point of physical mutations?

Lucky they prioritised your class/race combo preference over some arbitrary restriction


I am a pretty big lore buff even with the omega mess of it with Shadowlands but after a certain point with retconns and ridiculous class/race combos that are currently playable now (LFD Death Knights) I realized that none of these restrictions hardly matter anymore itā€™s from a time in this games history when it made sense but as of today it no longer does. Let people play what they want and if that bothers you so much there is classic WoW for you.

Alliance literally had Baine just hanging out in Stormwind Keep last xpac and Anduin at the Ogrimmar gates along with Greymane and various other faction leaders. Not sure what you are trying to get at here other than also being mad that cross faction is going to be a thing in a couple of months.