Looks like a lot of people dissatisfied with the game have left the forums

Oh my bad, I must have missed it.

Balance healers around not being able to actually cast, super fun design, right?

You may have never said the phrase “wow is fine” but you’ve gone into multiple threads and replied very snarky to the OP who voiced an issue with the game.


Well I do like pointing out factual inaccurate things people complain about. I even regularly state something like “If you want to get mad, fine. Just get mad at something real, and not exaggerated/false”.

Or how when a person complains about something, yet states they are waiting for classic…where the exact thing they are complaining about is present (or worse).

Not all complaint threads are equal, and I leave a ton alone (or post that I agree with them). Its typically the snarky complaint threads I respond to with snark.

Yeah I mean some healers can barely use their utility because of how quickly they OOM. I rarely see Druids even bother with Cyclone now.

When the content dries up so do the trolls.

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I think a lot of people have left the game and the forums. But I also feel that if you visit the forums regularly they become boring because it really is just the same comments and topics over and over again. The forums will blow up again once the next controversial change is implemented. Then they’ll go back to the same 5 topics being argued about.

I’ve pretty much quit. Haven’t played since early November. Nothing fun to really do. (For me.)

I’m totally bored out of my mind trying to grind the same content over and over for a reward that really isn’t that important anyway. I dislike the azerite bit, I have no ability nor dedicated play time for dungeons let alone raids, and with Fibro I can’t even anyway. So Pathfinder is out of the question.

Most rewards that I actually want are out of the question due to the grind fest and/or not possible to do content for me.

I have no “feel” of progression, nothing new to do, nothing new to get, just the same rotation I’ve been doing for the last 2-3 years. And that mostly consists of 3 to 4 buttons.

I’m no longer enjoying the game. I have a recurring 6 month sub that comes up in June I think it is. I’ll probably cancel, don’t know… But if I haven’t logged on by then, yeah I’ll cancel. I already canceled my second account.

I play for fun. If I don’t have fun I don’t play. Can’t see paying for a game I don’t enjoy.

I can be found over on Elder Scrolls Online along with an entire North American server of previous WoW players. lol Well, at least a Lot of them are sure there. lol

I can solo most content on ESO so my slow going or frequently logging off doesn’t affect others. There is a feeling of progression as you gain skills, passives, etc. So many more things to do, crafting is tons of fun. And you feel like you are accomplishing something.

Players are nicer, always someone around to help if you need it. Quest giver’s can’t be killed, and for those NPC’s that can be killed they have a super fast re-spawn rate. Lots of resources with no waiting… It’s a game that works. I realize the “engine” is not as old as WoW’s engine is, but still a lot of it is how it’s programmed, how it’s handled.

The things that I find so frustrating on WoW don’t exist on ESO.

On WoW = Can’t get/turn in a quest do to some idiot camping out the NPC’s.

  • Can’t find resources for crafting or not enough around to complete the quest…5 people all trying to kill x number of whatever when there aren’t even that many around and they have a 10 to 15 minute re-spawn time. Can take hours.
  • Long, time consuming travel to reach point A to spend a few minutes killing whatever then spending long time consuming travel to point B…
  • Dungeons and raids, sometimes at mythic levels to get simple things such as crafting recipes or complete Pathfinder so you can fly in areas that have nothing to do with dungeons or raids.
  • Different factions where you can’t co-tag that are also going for the same quest/npc’s of which there just aren’t enough around even for 1 person.
  • No new skills/spells/abilities leaving a feeling of stagnation. You just go out and kill stuff to kill stuff, no reward really other than a trickle of reputation.
  • Boring rotations that don’t work well if you switch something around or use that over there instead of this here… There is only 1 path, one way of playing that works, no flexibility, no choices. It frequently boils down to a 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 4 base rotation regardless of what you are fighting. Occasionally something comes off cool down and you can use it. Though frequently by then either the fight is over or your are dead. lol

Obviously this is just me. I’m not implying it fits for others. But for me, this is my beef and how I feel. And it’s why I’m no longer having fun.

MOP was fun. Even Cata was fun. WoD was horrid, Legion was passable, but had a ton of problems. BfA is worse than Legion as far as the above issues go and I’ve just rather reached the end. No more pathfinder for me, no more endless/senseless grinding. Some grinding of course, it’s an MMO and there will always be grinding. But there is also a limit, a point where it goes from no big deal to intense boredom/endless repetition.

I peek at the forums once a month or so but that’s it for me at this time.


My problems lie in the following:

-Feedback on Class Design is only listened on certain Classes. This includes bugs. Class Forums see the same thing. Moderators are too rare a sight sometimes. At least I have not seen the old shifting threads to the Class Forums to be ignored trick lately. Also CM’s could use a larger presence.

-The story is poorly written. One never should deconstruct something to build up another like they have been with the Light to bring in the Void. One never should try to pass off sociopaths as heroes (Illidan, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Maive) and have us just ignore their flaws. They also should handle huge plot holes better. Sira going Dark Ranger/Warden is fine as we have no real history for her that says otherwise, the same goes for a lot of risen NEs fighting for the Horde. Delaryn going to become Dark Ranger the way that they have written her to be makes no sense. Delaryn becoming undead to get her revenge on Sylvanas and the Horde does. To fix this, make the story telling better. Stop making parallels that go across games. Sylvanas right now looks to have a Kerrigan/Illidan styled story going on. She became a monster to stop another monster. That should not be coming up in an expansion or two, but it clearly is. Kerrigan and Illidan are enough. The same goes with this faction war. It’s a freaking rehash of MoP. Also end the chosen one theme, go back to having the players work as mercenaries or as militia.

-Gating content does not set well with me, i.e. dungeons to get allied races. Legion Races are a little too gated as well. Also I should not have to pug a raid to get a tome to tame a new pet. Put it in LFR Zul’s loot table, where it should have been in the first place.

-Azerite armor needs to not be Spec Locked. Nor should it be used to fix any issues that should be baseline. This was pointed out in Alpha. I know since I was there and did it myself.

-Flying has proven to be an issue with way to many. Back to buying it makes more sense. Toss a single level cap character on the server and a 5-10k gold requirement and call it done.

Things that they are doing well:

-Atmosphere, the art, music, and atmosphere are all excellent. Background sounds could use some improvement, chatter in taverns, cities, even stores, battle grounds could uses more noise, but those aren’t anything other than meh suggestions. Another suggestion is to include more things on belts like knives and pouches, and have them in earlier/lower content.

-Warmode, I can go with it on or off and not worry about wanting to or not. This allows me to be on the same server as my wife and lets me do World PvP while doing it.

-Invasions are also fun for me. I don’t have to be 120 to enjoy them.

-Hati, as a Hunter in Legion I like the idea of the quest to get both him as a pet, and as a mount.

-Allied Races, maybe tone down the racials on a few, or buff a couple of core races, but they are excellently done.

-Fist Weapons Transmoging, maybe open them up to daggers as well, but that was an over due change that hits the RPer in me in the right spot.

-In-Game Mounts have increased and the new models have included things like saddlebags, and more bedrolls outside of Worgs.

Overall, Blizzard seems tone deaf to a few things, tossing out cashshop mounts too quickly, releasing certain content too late (ZTrolls and Kul’Tirans) while rushing things forward and unfinished (BfA’s release). There are other issues, but I don’t have time.


Yeah. I still have fun and think the game is fine. It could definitely improve, but it is still enjoyable as is

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Theres been what…2 cash shop mounts released in the last 12 months?

4 Cash shop mounts in the last 3 and a half years?

Unless I am forgetting some…and please correct me if I am. But that doesn’t seem like “too quickly”.

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I really think that their development cycle is so long that beta feedback for the expansion currently in beta is really only useful for the following expansion. It’s almost a certainty they have the next expansion in the works right now. By the time it comes to beta it’s too late to make significant changes. So they take beta feedback from the previous expansion and try to overlay it on what’s currently in development.

So yeah, they don’t listen in a timely manner.

Two of them were tossed out within a six weeks from each other and during a time when cashshops were getting a lot of negative scrutiny from gamers. They completely have been misreading the community.

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But like I said. That is 2 in a full calendar year. When one HAS to come at the beginning of the year or it defeats the point.

A large portion of the community loved the mounts. Looks like they read the community well.

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That was still pretty tone deaf of them. Cashshops in general have been getting hate. Yes people like the mounts, I even have a few cashshop mounts myself, they were still tone deaf to the dissatisfaction of cashshops out there.

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So who gets to decide who they should be tone deaf to? Since either way they are listening to someone, and being “tone deaf” to someone else.

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Still here to fight the good fight.

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What makes you think that I’m the only one who thinks that?

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What do you mean by tone deaf?

I don’t understand how selling something people want to buy is tone deaf.

i play for free 10 hours a week im not going to ever complain much to be honest.

im tokened for few more monthes then ill. token up again for another 6.

plus im enjoying anyway for the most part. im not worried.

Did you read anything else I said on the subject or do you just want to argue?

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