Looks like a lot of people dissatisfied with the game have left the forums

I read this. I was asking a question, not trying to argue.

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Yes, there is a large number of gamers who have issues with cash shops, this extends outside of this game, much less this forum. That is what I was saying. I have heard a lot of negative feedback on it from WoW players as well.

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Oh. Ok. Thank you. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Sometimes tone doesn’t translate on these forums.

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No problem.


Unless a game is so good that nobody has issues, a quiet forum devoid of many complaints is a bad sign. Every active game has issues. Complaints mean players have hope the game can and will be fixed.

So many players have left.

Those of you who want a forum devoid of criticism are nuts: That’s a sign your game is really failing. Better to have tons of specific complaints from lots of different people. That means oodles of folks are still playing but would like to see this or that change.