Looking to the future for Night Elves

Yea, so the Horde keeps all of Ashenvale and Kalimdor and the remaining few Night Elves can’t do anything about it basically.

Why would the Horde pay reparations then, or return lands. To whom? The former inhabitants of those lands are all dead.

The Horde honestly executed BfA flawlessly.

The Horde doesn’t own all of Kalimdor, the Night Elves have Darkshore and Hyjal still. More bloodshed isn’t going to bring back Night Elf lives and it isn’t even going to guarantee them keeping land if they advance. It’s a bad move for everyone.

Hyjal also has Horde in it though. And they can’t do a whole lot in Darkshore when they’re surrounded by Horde.

The Horde needs to be forced out of Ashenvale, there is no other way. The Horde wouldn’t free willingly pay reparations to those that they want to wipe out (and mostly did).


No absolutely not. They are horrifically guilty of perpetuating the war. They could have stopped but didn’t. There has to be consequences and honestly this “Bloodshed will continue” is such an empty prediction.

It has continued. We have been at this crossroads several times and the Horde has failed to pass the test every single time. To assume different results by doing the same thing is the definition of insanity. I should know, Ubisoft made a game about it.


i agree with smallioz

i want another faction war

killing nelves is fun

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I never stated killing a specific race is “fun” I think either you are trolling or you suffer some sickness that killing a specific fictional group gives you pleasure.

For that you have my pity.

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it’s a game bro

killing elves in general is fun

the death animation for male nelves is funny with the way they scream in the air and while i would enjoy killing nightborn too they arent as popular

Sure thing.

This one was a little early for a Sunday thread but I’ll let it slide.

I think… every member of the Horde should be required to learn interpretive dance. And every six months hold be required to do a show commemorating the burning.

The Alliance can show up and heckle. Oh it will be such a joyous event for the Alliance. And the Horde pandas must perform on balls! :laughing:

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Uhh, no? Did you forget Mechatorque was ordered to pull the Alliance troops back just before they went to confront Sylvanas in the Throne Room? Its a quick line, but it is there. The Alliance forces actually didn’t really suffer losses from that part of the invasion of Lordaeron (you can thank your Gnome leader for overseeing that. As always, Gelbin is a treasure). And as a note, as unsatisfying as it may be, Scorched Earth tactics being relied upon are an indicator that you cannot hold a territory. It was an Alliance win, Sylvie just gassed the reward.

The remaining troops! If I may remind you, when the blighting happened with the normal troops, as Jaina intervened…Genn said it was over.

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No, Genn said the Blight had broken their [the Alliance’s] ranks. This doesn’t mean it killed a ton of Alliance troops (though it likely did) only that the Alliance had no means of effectively pressing forward since they didn’t apparently plan for the Horde to use Blight…


If your ranks are broken, what do you think means this? Of course many died there.


no reparations…not going to happen. Night Elves probably don’t have a future…It doesn’t seem like there are enough (genetic pool) to repopulate…

That is just my two cents.


And also no zones where they could settle safely.

The Night Elves are dying out, and there’s nothing that could change that.


Especially when Tyrande not being Night Warrior anymore, I doubt that NEs will even get justice which looks awfully like vengeance.

If Night Elves are going to “live” again, its going to be in the Shadowlands…

Well, their souls were destroyed in the maw, so there’s no living in the Shadowlands for them.

And Tyrande also told us that there won’t be justice in 9.1. So both the Horde and Sylvanas got away entirely. And the Horde even gets rewarded.




Their lines are broken means…they are dead, killed. You see even after the sol the entire sw harbor full of sargs

No, that doesn’t mean they are all dead. It means some have been killed, some have been wounded, and some escaped harm while the units lose unit cohesion until they can reform the lines.

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