Looking to the future for Night Elves


The Blight scattered the Alliance forces at UC. After Jaina showed up they rallied

and pressed forward.

I’m not denying that the Alliance lost troops to the Blight but it didn’t eradicate their forces and it certainly wasn’t :point_down:



So the best thing you envision is removal of the Night Elves as a player race since they won’t get along with ANYONE?

The lack of night elf characters doesn’t mean they can’t be played.

When your lines break and your troops are routing the battle is over and you have lost generally. Its not a good picture for a win scenario.

Especially if its a chemical weapon then its all over.
Anyway there is no numbers game in WoW, the only thing that we can judge is the presentation and outcome of the event.

Yes this is correct. Though idk how you could reform a line against a toxic cloud that kills almost instantly.

Save when numbers are actually given such as the 90 percent decimation of the High Elves and the 8 to 1 Horde outnumbering the Night Elf forces in the War of Thorns.

Yeah even those don’t matter. Not really. All they are mean’t to do I guess is give some vague notion of scale they are trying to describe.
WoW tells personal stories, 1 death is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic, that’s why arbitrary numbers thrown around are not really that much of a big deal.

Well, this whole story goes back and forth for a long time. The devs decided to have a cake and eat it too. They sold the plot as “justice”. Then it turned out that from that topic we go to “Genn and Sylvanas would not rest till Sylvanas brought to answer for the stuff done”, which is already misleading from the promo.

Then it goes into “nooo, revenge is bad-bad, strictly bad-bad” which after setting up expectations and having people paying money for the product, and then turn on that.

All while surrounding the players with quests like “help these fungarians to get revenge”, “help this soul in the Maw with revenge”, “help these kyrians with revenge”. Which is a literally WTF moment, as this is the same story that by the idea of the devs should tell the story of “revenge is bad bad”.

That contibutes to people first being concerned. Then when more mild players see that their concerns are thrown out of the window by the devs (as they intend to stick to plotline that brings mostly negativity across the board), more radicalized crowd stays. For a while.

So, yeah. The devs are grown up people that did not get that sometimes the correct answer is not the best one. Flames of Teldrassil might burn a big chunk of blizzard.

They chose not to follow-up what they started, and when the pressure left unchecked, what happens? That’s right, either it will go up so much that alongside other things it could change what blizzard is as a complany (and we already have Vicarious Visions replacing a part of blizzard, although that only will bring us D2 remaster for now) or people just distance so much from the game that the devs will have to find another audience.

Situation is not good, but at least at the moment usually the players do understand that it’s the blizz narrative team who caused the troubles, and bashing each other is pointless. However, sometimes accidents still happen.

gl hf


Eh, who knows really. I mean, depends on the goals, etc. It’s not like the idea of “cycle of hatred” had that much presence in reality - people whose relatives died in wars might hold grudges for ages and eventually it might be exploited for profit, influence, or whatever other gains.

What would be the alternative though? Can you imagine like right now society going to the path of “victim must for sure forgive everyone and just go home”? So, it’s kind of cool to talk about the importance of those virtues and all, but it depends on the situation.

Sometimes people are so devastated when realise in what were they dragged that the further justice is not necessary - those might themselves seek how to do at least something to improve the situation. Some might not be able to live with that.

But there are also more than enough of “cool, let’s do stuff again then” crowd. Sadly, a lot of such people. Or at least that’s my experience.

Example of why it’s pointless in the WoW framework (IMO) would be the forsaken stories. Because if revenge in bad-bad, can the actions they did be ever considered “fine” / suitable in the story? By all accounts, they must then either forgive Scarlets, or encounter some terrible trouble after acting like they did, with turning them into undead or using as test subjects.

Inconsistencies like that lead to the fall of suspension of disbelief. If the story is about morals, they should be shown indiscriminately. Show how those who do not pick “the right choice” is unquestionably causes only troubles because of that. Or that it’s futile. Etc.

When the story tells that the forsaken leaders must be forgiven, but killing Scarlets is “ok”, there is no narrative anymore, just pure chase of narrative convenience.

If the story should be “morally grey”, then the devs story should expand the backstory of Scarlets so that they are no longer “just bad”.

And so on. Pick a direction - rigorously follow it. Be explicit about such direction. Otherwise we have the story that we have which only makes many people unhappy.

The WW2 also finished. With then former allies going soon into the cold war. Reasoning aside, that sadly happened. Like, it’s nice to talk about “cycle of hatred” and such, and it was an opportune moment to move on. But reality is reality.

WW2 also had reparations as a part of the outcome. We do not have the 3rd one so far (hopefully never), but the world has many pain points to address. Arguably, those are not caused by reparations after the WW2.

But al of what I said might be just a random mumbling of a silly random from the internet as well.

gl hf


The reparations demanded of Germany after the Great War contributed to the situation which would result in the rise of Fascism and the onset of at least the European theater of World War 2.

Which is not what I mentioned? (subject being post WW2 situation)

gl hf

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Which is only part of it.

The Allies solution for Germany after World War 2 was to be even more strict than they were in World War I. From the beginning, the rhetoric was that the Axis needed to be disarmed and kept disarmed so that they could never again plunge the world into World War, something that I think mirrors World War I General Pershing’s concern that if the war ended when it did, that Germany wouldn’t think that they had “been licked”.

And, he was kind of right. Reparations weren’t actually that much of an issue until the economy got bad due to the Great Depression, and a certain political party that I can’t mention got in on that basis. They propagated the “Stab in the back” myth, which held that weak politicians and “inferior races” betrayed the fighting German in the field, and ran around with this crazy ideology about Ayrans being super-men who had a natural right to gobble up and destroy “weak” and “impure” nations in a worldwide crusade to combat the systems of Capitalism and Communism that they accused of both being directed by said “inferior races”.

It had very little to do with mere anger over reparations. The problem goes much, MUCH deeper than that.

Actually i remember a documentary that this was grossly exaggerated. The german anger that led to WW2 was more social than economic.

Far right populism and hatred of what they considered the elite. And many saw the surrender as a betrayal of the military by these elites who never technically lost according to the german public.

Really fascinating stuff. I wish I could find it again…

For those of you who are worried about NE population numbers, just know … Population numbers have never mattered in this game. For example, if somehow the Darkspear and Bilgewater still exist … I think the NEs are gonna be just fine. Given the settup for those two groups of people (seriously, I have no idea how the Darkspear aren’t extinct after MoP. Nor exactly how the Bilgewater have more than a 2 dozen people left tops).

I don’t think anyone beside Ethriel is throwing around the 90% figure to complain about.

People are frustrated a victimized entity continues to be victimized and their apparent fighting back episode, the night warrior, was nothing more than a “Actually you better embrace your abuser” storyline to bury the hatchet.