Looking to the future for Night Elves

I posted about Night Elves, which is far more relevant than you and your friend’s insistence to keep insulting me in every thread I post in.

Perhaps it’s time you stop being salty that I exist and just block me so you and your friends stop derailing every thread I post in, no?

Didn’t this all start becase Mel said it was wrong to kill indigenous people in revenge? Why are any of you NOT on his side for this? This is crazy. Smallioz and Vuldezi, this doesn’t make you look good at all.

What did you post? Lets discuss that than your drama you have been “discussing” for the past 50 posts.

Do you actually want to talk about the topic or boohoo someone said a mean word?

I’m sorry, those Trolls don’t actually exist, and hardly deserve the sympathy afforded to them, to make me care. It’s a game.

This is a weak bait. Try again.

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His first post was a response to the thread, you guys are accusing him of doing the thing that you’re both doing right now. Stop it!

I didn’t mention anything about a Discord.

Kyalin came into the thread out of nowhere and called me a n*zi and then you came out of nowhere to defend her for doing so, and you’re placing blame on me.

The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

Where on this thread did Kylian call you the NZI word?
Did you report them? If yes. Then move on.
Discussion over regarding that incident.

Let the mods handle it.
Now do you want to talk about the lore issue or just hurt feelings and drama?

The post was deleted, but she said he was like an infamous nzi collaborator. You’re the one continuing to drag it on.

Yeah, it truely boggles the mind.

I did, and it got removed.

And then Vuldezi came into the thread defending her right to call me that, insulting me and then you joined in to insult me too.

This wouldn’t keep going if either of you didn’t keep it going.

My original posts in the thread that led to her calling me that had nothing to do with Discord drama but that requires you have reading comprehension.

What insult did I give?
If I did then report it and have the mods deal with it.

I have asked you 4 times now to get back on topic. Will you finally do that or do we keep going?

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I mean, if it didn’t have anything to do with discord drama, it’s kind of weird you unpacked it right after you got a response.

Especially considering no one mentioned Discord until you did.

You came into the thread to justify Kyalin’s use of the insult by saying I antagonize, troll and bait.

Smallioz you haven’t even contributed anything to my topic so you have nothing to stand on. Stop acting uppity on my thread! Go away!

You do.

5th time I ask.
Can we talk about the topic or are you here to just antagonize?

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Ironic considering your only contribution to this thread is trying to antagonize me.

If asking you to stop this petty tit for tat and go back to talking about the topic is antagonizing you then maybe you shouldn’t have been posting here.

Its difficult to talk about anything when any post quickly gets buried by this drama.
Anyway 6th time.

Do you want to get back on topic or not?

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Maybe he knows he does these things, but is so painfully aware of what people call him that he feels like he needs to try, and defend himself.

Like every conflict where the Horde commits atrocities, the game wouldn’t suffer as much would the Alliance be allowed to return fire. I think the negative impact of the Alliance actually standing up to the Horde would cause to many frowns though.
That’s how we see the Night Warrior shed like a wet towel.