Looking to the future for Night Elves

The Shatterspears have never rated a lore mentioned so it’s doubtful we’ll ever know. In the days when the only access to them was highly unofficial they were neutral.

This isn’t your Discord, Kyalin. You can’t call people you don’t like N*zis and expect to be taken seriously.

Looks like the post was deleted. No surprises.


Unfortunate but expected, fanatics can’t expect to conduct themselves civilly.

No doubt it’s why you, and the rest of your ilk are here.

Big yikes.

I just wanted to talk about Night Elves but fellow fans were accusing people of awful stuff. This is really upsetting. :frowning:


Defending Kyalin calling me a n*zi now? You’re sure a contrarian.

I’m sure anyone else, calling anyone else something under the sun is fine by your standards. Just sort of pointing out how you’re a little focused in who you want to apply those solutions too.

Why are you so interested in Kyalin’s discord activities?


So I assume Kyalin got the ban hammer? Peu importe.

Honestly, I expect they will get a new capital(WoW always needs a new expansion hub). The how, where, when and how it affects their relationship to both the Alliance/Horde eludes me however.

How sad that you’d go the extra mile to defend it because you’re salty about my in-game opinions.

Perhaps you’re taking the game too seriously, friend. Maybe it’s time to move on, lest you become just as fanatical as Kyalin and her ilk to the extent that in-game opinions warrant calling people real-world war criminals.

Why is it that you only post to jump in NE discussions to troll, bait and antagonize?

What is it about the NEs in the story that you despise enough to troll their fans?

It seems the only time I see you post something is when Valko shows up to the latest drama.


My opinions are making you sad, such a tragedy.

This is the story forums, and you never even weight in with more then dismissal. How ordinary.

It’s pretty funny to see you say stuff like this when people imply the Alliance is played for it’s “colonialism references”. :confused:

But, here you are, being so injured and victimized.

Sorry that just posting in any thread constitutes as trolling, baiting and antagonizing.

He has nothing to say. Scrolling back through the other thread, it’s pretty funny how so many rude things go overlooked, but we see pretty quickly how it ends up.

Just posting? Nah.
Its the contents of your posts that show that.

What have you posted here that can even be called constructive or on topic?


Why are people on the side of someone who compared someone else to a real life war criminal? That’s really messed up.

You’re the one acting hurt on behalf of Kyalin.

I’m sorry your waifu got her post justifiably deleted.

This is why… or atleast should be telling.

Scroll back through the other Kyalin thread, and tell me if there’s a little bit of white knighting going on, even for yourself. :confused:

I am not sure what the story is nor that I care but a lot of these discussions have become some discord rivalry of past events.
Every time a topic like this pops up these people come out of the woodwork and renew their old discord fight over and over in multiple threads.
Its not even on topic. Just take it to discord and have fun there.

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