Looking to the future for Night Elves

Is there any genocidal EU poster ideation you won’t white knight for

I don’t know, will there even be content with Sylvanas being avillain lacking an asterisk?

You’re right.

They shouldn’t redeem Sylvanas. They should entirely absolve her.

Make her Elune’s second avatar, the bright moon to Tyrande’s dark moon.

And it will be your fault.

I would rather have that, and think it sounds a great deal more interesting then a mind wiped Tyrande, and a Sylvanas the Alliance is supposed to thank. Sans the absolution part. Sylvanas is a trash character.

No, sorry, complete absolution. Your whataboutism earned you no less.

Okay, well then I’ll take it. Where can I pick it up? Your house?

You’re delirious if you think that any discussion here is going to have any impact.

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No but it does typically require a military response that would neutralize the threat and cause punitive damage to ensure future attacks do not occur.
Its a perfectly human response when someone commits an atrocity against someone else. Not everyone is a messiah on earth who would offer the other cheek rather than defend themselves.


It was less delirium and more being tired of that dude.

But genocide is always wrong.

Not if:

  • Sylvanas does it
  • It’s targeted against the Night Elves

Then that’s an exception apparently


That’s not relevant exactly to what was being discussed. I’m talking about the poster who proposed genocide in response. That’s not the kind of reparations I want for the Night Elves in the slightest.


Did you just use “quisling” when the subject is cartoon elves?


The Battle of Lordaeron was that response.


You should probably stop calling people n*zis for their video game opinions, this isn’t even the first time and it’s becoming a pattern for you.

I suppose it’s an improvement over you defending rape threats in that other thread but not by much.


What is going on

Ah, the city that the Alliance blighted?

I don’t think anything speaks against the Night Elves getting a clear victory against the Horde in one of their own zones, for example Ashenvale or Darkshore. Without the Horde blighting it and getting their ressources beforehand.

Which failed its intended goal.
And by the way we were talking about those trolls living in Dark shore.


That response was given by a world quest. They were essentially mowed down.

Ah right I think I vaguely recall this when I was farming the Darkshore mounts I did that quest once or twice.
Alright point to you, yes there was a response to the trolls then but we just don’t know if these trolls are now permanently gone or was that attack just a wack on the head.