Looking to the future for Night Elves

I don’t think children should be killed in response. The idea is that it shouldn’t ever happen again - no children should die at all. I get the impression you’re joking though but, I don’t want people to think that I’d want that.

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I’d rather that than some silly memorial days, to be honest. This is a fantasy setting, I cannot, for the life of me, imagine what you’re describing happening in the Horde and it not being ultra cringe.

Just nuke Orgrimmar to all hell and be done with it already.

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Quietly forgotten about, people groaned in Mists when the guy who did it was presented as a heroic figure by dumbass dragon baby Wrathion

I’m very ambivalent on this because as much as I enjoyed the Darkshore scenario for the taste of revenge it had, I also do remember a time when Tyrande, facing someone who’d walked in the same shoes she would years down the line, tried to steer him away from the path of revenge in fear that it would consume him

And what is the prize for the winner? A beautiful execution? A fight with the victim of Teldrassil?

I prefer the suicide of the older generation of the Horde. Children will do too, but the older generation is better. Orcs line up, elves draw their bows, near the gates of Orgrimmar the survivors sob or hold back their rage.
However, this is a one-time promotion.

In general, the ideal future is to disappear again for ten thousand years.

I could get the appeal of it with adults maybe, but with kids that’s just a personal bias. I agree that it could fit in the setting but I’m just a big softie, haha.

They get to live

What for? Why save the life of someone who kills better than others? Although … And where and how will he live? “You will live long, but you won’t like it” or will the winner just be let go?

Why do you always ask so many questions?

Or will it be “Ashamed that you survived. Fortunately, your own relatives will shame you”?

I do not know. I guess I just like to develop concepts? Or I’m just annoying.

Should Allied Races and Pandaren Send Representatives?

Idk man, I was half-joking. In the same spirit as when I joked about putting all Horde into some kind of jail, like a camp or smth. I wouldn’t really want this for my faction, but since I’m not a weirdo, I can make jokes about it.

But honestly, again, I prefer all that over some stupid reparations and memorial days and Nelf History for Horde kids. I doubt Horde even has schools, who will bother with all this?

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Well … The Horde has an orphanage. Goblins … Goblins study somewhere, don’t they? At least basic education, they cannot all be self-taught.

They can be taught by their parents or they can work as apprentices to a more experienced Goblin. The latter seems more likely.

We know Humans have grammar schools. Not sure about other races. I also know that thematically schools wouldn’t fit a lot Horde races.

The blood elves also had some kind of training, not sure if it was childish. When they turned into sheep.

Okay, what’s on the topic. Why is it bad to hide for another ten thousand years from the whole world?

Generations down the line? Do you really think that our great great grandchildren will be playing this game in the 26th century?

So who is going to make them pay? The Alliance tried to by burning down Lordaeron and traveling the sea to make war on the Zandalari. At the present neither faction has the ability to take down the other and they both have this literal hole in the sky breathing down their necks.

There is however no superior authority that can impose punishment on either. So again, who’s going to “make them pay”?

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It’s no more refreshing then having to question Sylvanas’ motives since…ever.

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Goblins probably use some sort of school system, or will have one, given their very industrial society. Schools as known today weren’t common or widely accessible to the majority as most people were concerned with their kids learning family trades and could get away decently enough with home education. A lot of Medieval European schools were really for the clergy, and serious education was religious or for the nobility.

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Reparations isn’t a good plot for current modern day WoW, we’d at least need a time skip of a few generations.

Let’s say nelvish society evolved to work pumpkin farms wholly in Stormwind and that the Stormwind humans are upset that one of their high kings decided to implement human rights to their treatment on the farm, then we’d be able to create an allegoric space that covers sensitive real-world topics while also providing a compelling narrative about reparations.

Like perhaps a Night Elf could argue that his/her life matters and suddenly you’ll get a bunch of angry Orcs and Humans crowding the streets demanding their lives matter, and the talk of reparations is met with Orcs going “well that was generations ago i don’t see the big deal you don’t deserve it”, etc.

If you wanted to cover other topics, you could even make Footmen and Grunts abusing Night Elves who live in unfair living conditions and have the Humans/Orcs stand in support of the abuse and encourage them because “night elves are nothing but criminals” which horrifies some of the other humans and orcs at the family dinner.

I hope that trolls tribe that was killed on the Darkshores in Cata, at least after victory on Darksores will finally be wiped out for a second time.
Probably no, Blizzard will take even that victory away. . .

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Having an atrocity inflicted upon you doesn’t justify committing genocide against another indigenous people.

If you’re an Orc, sure it does.

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