Looking to the future for Night Elves

The distant future seems to have not yet been discussed. Only about the near future, within five years.

There’s races in the setting that live for hundreds of years, including the Night Elves, so I think it’s relevant to discuss. Especially when a lot of the Horde races live for a short time comparatively - that’s why their children should learn, because when their children grow old or have children, there will still be Night Elves alive who suffered through the burning.

That will then be hunted down by the Horde later.

You know… the Horde didn’t really regret what they did at Teldrassil… ever. And also not what happened to those souls of innocents that they killed since they were obliterated in the maw.

If they did regret it, they would’ve shown it in some way, and not just kept Ashenvale or blighted Darkshore even after they commited genocide.

And this is one of the Droité questions. Usually this boils down to the fact that tens of generations of orcs will change, and the victims of Teldrassil will still be alive.
I don’t remember the details, I don’t remember the blurred image either.

The Darkshore warfront happened almost literally after Teldrassil as a result of the same war

They also didn’t keep Ashenvale as far as is known.

Honestly I’m giving them sort of the benefit of the doubt because of all the messed up stuff that’s happened since then in terms of world destroying threats, and leaders being kidnapped and stuff. Horde leadership is in disarray so it isn’t as if it’s totally possible for them to organize this stuff in the exact present. Thrall delivering Sira to Tyrande was sort of a start but I think the best time for any of this to happen is after Sylvanas is dealt with.

Wail about the future! We moaned about the present and the past for a long time, it’s time to look for reasons for moaning for hundreds of years!

If you’re mocking me I don’t really appreciate it given the fact that I’m just trying to start a discussion to talk about with others in a non judgemental way.

Should the alliance pay reparations for what Ironforge agents did to the Stonespire tribe?

Nope, I’m not kidding. To me it looks like this: I’m trying to change the traditional direction of Etriel’s movement.
And if you think about the distant future, then I do not know how.

@Skaniev , what for? All those dwarves seem to have been killed, no?

I proposed Horde Hunger Games several times already but nobody listened :confused:

Two children, each Horde race, fight to the death, let’s go. My money is on little Trolls.

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There’s a big difference in the scale, but I don’t think it would be wrong for the Alliance to do provide reparation given the Stonespire peoples were displaced.

Also it wasn’t the whole Alliance doing it though, was it? I don’t know much about the event admittedly.

So what you’re saying is Twinbraid’s death after getting promoted by Varian to the rank of Grand Marshal is enough after all, curious

M? Is there a link?

@Skaniev I do not know the details of the event that I read on the forum and the canon.

Yes, they did. You’re free to prove otherwise, the Night Elves never reclaimed it.

And there’s your mistake.

Yea but dealt with means that she’s getting redeemed and get away with her crimes. Because Tyrande already told us that we’re giving uo and that there won’t be justice.

There can’t really be a future since they never got their zones back or a new home. And they are mostly dead with their souls obliterated in the maw. And neither Horde members nor Sylvanas has been brought to justice.

The Hunger Games were used to punish the Districts.

It’s mostly vanilla Bael Modan questing, it was quietly never mentioned again in Cata except for one questline from one of the three survivors of the tribe deciding Mulgore abandoned them

That is, the population of the Horde is divided into quarters and they regularly send children to fight with each other for the amusement of the night elves?

Does that mean it was quietly retconned or just sort of forgotten about because of popularity? Since I mean, Tauren aren’t super popular. Honestly I think killing the native inhabitants of an area is always wrong, though my point about scale still remains important. It doesn’t make it any less bad what happened to this Tauren tribe, though.

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Yes. I often see Nelf posters mention countless children being burnt alive or whatever. An eye for an eye.