Looking to buy a new system


I have no more than 2k to spend and I don’t want to build it. I would rather stay away from Dell, HP, etc. I’ve looked at some built from Asus and MSI and other motherboard manufacturers and they look like great systems, but when I examine the reviews, I get skittish from some bad reviews. I’ve been looking at newegg.

So, looking for an Intel based i7 system. Can someone recommend a system for me? I’m mostly playing WoW and watch movies, but that’s about it. Not a lot of heavy game graphics.

Any help would be appreciated.


First bit of help? Stay away from current intel builds. AMD is the new gaming king atm. However my advice is to wait till early 2022. Intel is dropping alder lake which will blow anything currently on the market out of the water based off current leaks.

AMD in late 2021/early 2022 is dropping their 3D-V-Cache Ryzen CPUs which should be insane! If you HAVE to do your build today? get a Ryzen 7 5800x. I would strongly advise you to wait for the reasons I stated above.

alienware pc

Bad Advice. Waste of money. As I said above. The OP needs to wait a bit. Anything the OP could buy today will literally be trash compared to the new CPUs dropping late 2021/early 2022. 12th Gen intel is looking to be 15-20% + faster than current AMD and 40%+ faster than current intel. Its only a few months away. Zen3 refresh and and Zen4 are not far off either.

Building a new rig today unless you absolutely have to build it TODAY for work or something?

Its just not bright. Wait for one of the two new CPUs OP

Thank you both for the help. I’ll wait until early next year for the reasons stated, but when I do buy one, Alienware seems to get good reviews, so how about buying an Alienware computer early next year?

Alienware is a waste of money my my own personal opinion. If you MUST go prebuilt and you know a lot about components? Use a building site like ibuypower or cyberpower PC. Most of the negative reviews from people on those sites are from folks who didnt select good components and know nothing about building a PC. NEVER get one of their “prebuilts” as is. ALWAYS customize it. You select your components and they build the rig. I would HIGHLY recommend getting the components your self and having a friend help you assemble it. If your not good at any of that and MUST go prebuilt? I guess Alienware is an option

As I said wait for the 12th gen intel CPUs, the Ryzen Zen3 refresh 3D-V-Cache CPUs or Zen4. Alienware should have rigs with those CPUs once they launch

Unless you enjoy building systems.

Then you can build one now, and then build another one in 2022!


As you know I did that myself. Twice! Did a 10900k Build. Then did a Ryzen 9 5900x build. If anyone looks like a :clown_face: atm its me. Luckily I was able to sell the intel for more than I paid for them AMD. So I didnt lose money on the swap

Hey I “upgraded” from a 5ghz 8700k to a 5.1ghz 10900K. Smoother experience, but hardly worth the money. I’ll be upgrading again with 12th gen.

I’m man enough to admit my bias towards Intel. I have done Ryzen but I just don’t enjoy the setup and overall user experience.

Gaming wise the difference is pretty marginal as things stand, so I’m okay with losing on paper.

Meh thats a mobo swap and a cpu swap. 1hr job tops. EZ

Whats going to be nuts is everyone needing 1000w+ PSUs on the new Nvidia 4000 series lol

buying an alienware PC is throwing money down the drain

for their $1800 PC the case is cheap, the cooling inside is literally a $300 walmart special PC setup cooling

they put an Intel stock cooler on a Ryzen, that alone is bad

then some people who owned these Aurora systems, had this happen


also to mention, with Ailenware you can’t upgrade it, their parts are all propriety, I mean look at the GPU, you can’t get a better card in the future because they purposely make it to where you have to buy another one.

something like this would be more beneficial, if you really want pre built


We meet again… YOU


I’ll probably be upgrading my wife’s 8700 to 12th gen and hold onto the 10900k for another year.

The 8700 holds back the 3070 she has a tiny bit, and she needs an 8 core+ upgrade.

I’ll probably skip 4th gen if the 3080 holds out long enough.

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If the roomers/leaks are true the 4080 will be 105% faster the the 3080 hence the new MASSIVE power draw

well if its the pin thing they use on their CPUs, AMD is going LGA for Zen 4, as shown

so if the pins on ryzen were a problem, they won’t be no more

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I use to be more of an intel fan. However my ROG Dark Hero and my Ryzen 9 5900x combo has grown on me. I now lean more towards AMD. I Still hate AGESA but its bearable now.

I love this idea! I’m not going to build it myself, but I love the idea of selecting the components and having someone else build it. I’m no part master, but I get around and know what I’m doing, so I put something together using one of those two places you recommended and BAM! new system…next year.

Thank you all for your posts! I appreciate it.

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No problem. Start with cyberpower. They normally have the best deals. Just remember never buy one of their prebuilt rigs. Always use the “customize” option and select decent components. High Quality Motherboard, PSUs, CPU coolers and adding case fans should be your focus. You MUST have good airflow in the case!

PS> All the PC building websites should have the new CPUs when they launch.

Their cases are known for having bad airflow its also almost always a tight squeeze. Also you cant add case fans to them very well on their site ect ect. You are kind of limited. For someone new to this id recommend cyberpowerpc over them any day of the week just on case and cpu cooler selection alone!


Yeah the 3080 is already at the upper limits of my power draw comfort level. If absolute performance doesn’t degrade on the 3080 (can still play 1440p high with decent framerate) then I won’t upgrade to a new GPU until efficiency increases enough to allow me to get an upgrade at a lower power target.

Probably actually prefer a matured RDNA GPU next time around, presuming prices aren’t inflated as bad as they are now.

That’s not it at all, part of it is my own experiences with Ryzen being wonky with RAM, and continued reports of USB issues etc.

Obviously Intel isn’t immune from these issues either (there’s a huge thread specifically about an ASUS Z590 board and 11900k right now with instability issues), but I’m just used to them.

You could prob. just “okay boomer” me and I would take the L on this one.

For me,

Intel > AMD > Nvidia