Will I regret buying this?

I’ve used that very computer. Dell Inspiron 3880 i7. It ran WoW at setting 3 and the FPS were 30 to 40, but in video intensive area, the screen would freeze for a few seconds.

Also, it’s not really upgradable. Only the memory can be upgraded as the power supply is way too weak to support a real video card and you can’t upgrade the power supply.

I do not recommend this computer for playing WoW.

As a few people have mentioned, there are places that can build a computer for you. You choose the parts and they put it together for you for a nominal fee. If you don’t have computer knowledge of parts, they have some prebuilds you can choose from. You can get a decent computer for about $1000 dollars.

I had a similar post some time ago and I’ll link the post from it where they suggest a few places that build computers for you…

I now have an awesome system with a RTX 3060 Ti I run WoW at setting 7 and my FPS are 144 (I have a 144Hz monitor). It could run at 10, but I like wiggle room. :smiley:

I’m giving the Inspiron 3880 to a friend of mine who doesn’t play video games and just checks email, etc.

Good luck!

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