Going with Priest, Druid, Hunter for first three toons.
Looking to make or become an officer in the type of Guilds listed in the title. I’m a former (As it isn’t current content.) semi-hardcore MC/BWL/Naxx raider from 2004-2006. I mained a Priest, Hunter.
Please message me on Discord for more information.
Hi there! I’ll keep this short and sweet. Interviewing people today and tomorrow.
Server TBA.
Midwest based.
Looking for 1 player of each class.
Tues/Weds 6pm PST (9pm EST) Thursday will likely be added down the road. Major needs: MAIN TANK QUALITY CANDIDATE. Class Officer(s).
We do efficient PVE for the gear to dominate PVP. You are free to be as casual or hardcore as you like. We have all kinds of players. Give us a look. You can contact me at JohnnyChainsaws#9034 on Discord.gg/enclave
I’m the GM of Vision and we’re currently looking for both raiders and casuals. We plan to raid Tu/We 7:00pm EST - 10:00pm EST. I’ve include our guild recruitment post below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hello there, thought I’d extend a message in response to this looking for guild post.
Ethos is currently recruiting healers and dps. If you have any questions regarding loot or expectations don’t hesitate to ask! Our raid days are Tues / Thurs 8-11 CST. We will announce our server name either today or tomorrow before name reservations. There are open officer spots as well as the help is always appreciated.
Very straight forward application process if interested -
Discord: Saws#8386
Reddit: Sawsy587
DM me if you have any questions / application form.