Looking into xferring realm but have a question

The quest “Weapons of Conquest” can’t be completed till next week. I’m sitting at 2200/2500 as far as completion goes.

Will I lose progress on this quest and the quest itself if i xfer? Not doing a faction change, just a xfer to a realm that has much better latency for me.

While I’m asking will I lose anything in the xfer?

Edit: Also, will i be able to interact and do world pvp/ instanced pvp and such with my guildmates if they’re on moonguard and im on area52?

Thank you for your time

Pretty sure u only lose progress if u faction change.

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I hope that’s the case. Def gonna wait for some more responses though before i make any moves. Thank you for your info :slight_smile:

(post deleted by author)

There realm transfering but this is why i mention faction changing.

Oops, I need sleep.

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All good its not bad info tho,


Another thing im noticing is that everywhere I search, that I can’t join a guild from Moonguard if I’m on Area-52, but we literally have like 4 or 5 members from area-52 so it seems like that information is out of date.

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Cross-realm guilds are definitely a thing now. One of my alts on Twisting Nether is in my guild here on Bloodscalp.

  • Guilds are now able to invite characters on different realms. Cross-Realm Guild bank functionality will become available in the next update (11.0.2).

Has everything broken down for you.

Realm transfer doesn’t affect quest logs. If completing they conquest quest next week is very important for you, I’d personally just wait until after I finished it. It’s only a few more days waiting in the long run and if something were to happen GMs wouldn’t be able to fix it.

Your guild rep and such should transfer with you when you move realms, it says so in the above article. But yes, guilds are now cross realm as of The War Within pre-patch, so it hasn’t been in the game long.


Hmm yeah it says it doesn’t affect quests but idk I’m not really convinced until I see a blue say something. Might just wait until then like you mentioned. Ty for this info.

When and if a blue has time, can you confirm this last question for me? ty

The quest “Weapons of Conquest” can’t be completed till next week. I’m sitting at 2200/2500 as far as completion goes.

Will I lose progress on this quest and the quest itself if i realm xfer?

A SFA wouldn’t be able to give you any different answer than the support article and myself gave.

It should not affect the quest.

Bugs happen, and something may go wrong in the process.

If something goes wrong, a GM would be unable to re-instate your Conquest points for the quest.

If it is very important to you that the quest is finished next week like expected, I would suggest waiting. While you are likely to be just fine, bugs can happen.


There’s a blue horse around here somewhere that might be able to offer that more “definitive” answer you’re looking for later this afternoon.

I’d agree with this and just wait until next week. There have been some issues recently with transfers failing and characters getting locked out. I’d hate for that to happen to you, especially if the GMs can’t get it fixed for a while.


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Well, I figured I’d test it out for myself and see. I bought 3 realm transfers, and transfered my alt to therealm of my choosing.

Before I did though I collected the sparks of war quest. its the weekly pvp one. I got some sparks so i have progress on the quest now.

And it shows all my quests and sparks are there and stuff. So it seems to be working just fine. Still it could possibly bug out though, which im hesitant to xfer my main lol.

It did however kick me from my guild. Which i didn’t think it would do, but thats an easy fix.

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Awesome! Glad it worked.

Understandable. If the timing of the transfer isn’t critical, I’d wait.

I think you might lose all your guild rep, though. I remember seeing a few posts on that. I don’t know if that’s intended or a bug… and if it’s a bug, has it been fixed.


Hey thanks for testing hah.

Though in case you missed this, they are actually removing that quest on Tuesday and making it an achievement.

So feel free to transfer whenever now!


I know I saw that lol. As soon as I saw that i xferred my main. Ofcourse the progress for the quest and the quest itself is still there.

Funny funny.

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