"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

This post is a veritable Gatekeepingpalooza.

LFR has coordination. Maybe in some fights that coordination is mostly on the tanks, or there’s an AOE damage you need to dodge, or you need to focus down a certain kind of add. Usually the only difference is in how forgiving the mechanic is, where failure would be an auto-death in mythic, it might take must MOST of your health in one hit in Heroic, more than half in Normal, and you might get a second or two to realize that you’re dying in LFR.

You have to go above and below on LFR N’zoth. You have to do the maze on the LFR eyeball guy in Mists. You have to switch platforms on LFR Sylvanas. You have to kite the bear and either CC or burn the adds in LFR Huntsman. There are overall fairly few phases or abilities that are entirely missing in LFR, they just kill you less immediately.

You will get kicked if you “semi-AFK” through LFR. People who take three steps in, hit the boss once and then purposely die get tossed. It might take a wipe, but people DO look through damage meters and see who is only using one ability or auto-attack the whole time, but fortunately hardly anyone does - at least not to the extent that people who also mostly do LFR but keep demeaning other mostly-LFR players because in their personal case they just don’t have the time to do Mythic, they could if they wanted to. Everyone else is just a scrub.

Also? 50 year old office ladies who regularly play Candy Crush on their phones are “Gamers”, sorry bro. Video games are so ubiquitous now that it’s not a nerdy subculture that people can turtleshell into and act like just enjoying an extremely common, nearly all-pervasive form of entertainment makes them unique. Literally everyone plays video games. Everyone is a “Gamer”. Go set up your gates around something else.

It mostly translates into gear. Gear isn’t skill. LFR is tuned to people in mostly world quest and low Mythic + gear. People in higher gear can sometimes ignore the mechanics a bit more, but that happens at every level but cutting edge Mythic raiding, and those mechanics largely still exist.

Having higher or lower numbers on your gear doesn’t make you fundamentally better or worse at the game, and the developers have leaned into giving people that impression for way too long just to keep them on the treadmill.

I reiterate,

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Seems more like an issue of effort than of skill, to me. The way I would describe what I’ve seen in LFR is that players basically treat it as a deluxe world quest where tapping the boss and standing there is good enough, and when that expectation doesn’t pan out they leave. They’re capable of a lot more than that, but don’t make use of that capability.

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I know, I again, I agree with you, my point is specifically to LFR, I’ve always learned fights by going in them with my guild, hearing the explanation of my guild leader and then doing a few attempts.

LFR though has the vast majority of the mechanics cut and it’s designed to be, well, beatable by anyone.

I know that there are groups that are just pure chaos and after every wipe 5-6 people just leave, sometimes you get the DPS that doesn’t even know what rotation means, tanks that don’t know you have to swap or grab adds in some fights, healers that think they are DPS and so on and so forth, but, you hit your head against the wall and eventually you break it in LFR.

Point is, you don’t really learn how to do the fight on normal in LFR, normal gives you the basic mechanics and heroic and mythic subsequently add on top of those mechanics, LFR is completely isolated.

More wow players do LFR than any other difficulty. I think LFR should reward the best gear and higher raid difficulties should only reward cosmetic items…


based opinion

kinda the point… its basics more or less… normal jsut amps up the damage of said abilitys i guess…

ive seen this kinda situation happen… but it doesnt happen alot either just like other such claims… i got stories myself :slight_smile: but i do agree with this tho… just dont think it happens as often as some make it seem.

that’s because any calibur player can do it, and it has rewards worth the time for most people way above the skill requirements. Obviously it’s going to have the most players running it - but i would bet it’s not for the fun of it

I do Archaeology and fish for the fun of it.

i actually enjoy fishing and archeology too! i thought i was weird lol

and i was mostly comparing LFR to the similar instanced activities like M+ or heroic raiding for example…i think people do those for the fun of it, but LFR…i don’t think so, at least that’s not the impression i get when i run them. (yes i’m sure there’s exceptions to this “rule”)

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So we agree they are both jobs.

Oh, I agree. I never do LFR. Look awful. But I’m sure some like it. There’s no accounting for taste.


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Absolutely irrelevant. No one cares about how low it is. The entire point is that IT IS A RAID.

I’m not sure how many more times that needs to be said.

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As the OP, I can confirm that the thread ended the first time this was stated.

This is the Epilogue.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Sir, this is World of Warcraft, leave your jobs in the critically acclaimed MMO, FF14, which has a free trial all the way to level 60 and includes the award winning expansion, Heavensward, at no extra cost.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

…and Anduin and Halondrus too.

Have you done LFR Sepulcher? Almost all the bosses have the major Normal mechanics, including one-shots. Not a bad way to at least learn when to move where, how often mechanics happen, and what they look like. That’s a ton of benefit. Obviously things hit a lot less hard and things like Halondrus orbs require a lot less personal responsibility. But it’s not a waste of time to see each boss on LFR.

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I don’t think it should go away, but it’s not raiding when you can just spam your 1 button while standing in the fire

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One-shot mechanics are too difficult for most people in LFR to understand. Thanks for the laugh though.

I find that I die more often to things I don’t understand than to things I do.

If lfr isn’t considered raiding, then why even in the adventure journal when you click on a raid no matter what raid then again click that little box next to raid name you know the one that says: normal, heroic, mythic and yes even looking for raid it lists the gear and boss fights.

I swear all these elitist tryhards were waiting to come out of the woodwork just to bash on lfr and when Blizzard once again spats in the casual players faces was like the dinner bell.

What I find funny reading these replies is that the really good mythic raiders aren’t the ones bashing because they don’t care about lfr or those who raid it only the elitist normal-heroic ones can’t stand the lfr players getting anything.

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