"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

LFR needs to be renamed to story mode


I mean, it’s raiding, just on game journalist difficulty.

Only by name of proxy, but by experience, no its not raiding. Its story mode like Thor said.

imho call it learning to raid lol an id be fine with it

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A loud minority hates this


correct lol

I mean, that would be a bit misleading, they cut more than half of the mechanics to make it work on a large group of completely disorganized people, you aren’t exactly learning anything, at the end of the day it’s mostly to get the story’s conclusion.

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id argue LFR is more of a raiding than normal-mythic

usually a raid is hundreds of people

pretty sure it was initially added because that tier of player wanted to experience content, they would otherwise never be able to see.

adding rewards to it changed the dynamic a little…

i agree about the story thing…but…its still a raid…thats the whole point jthe LFR tag is just that…

its jsut dumbed down enough that you at least have to learn some of it to at least eventually pass or fail an group falls apart…still a raid instace tho…

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you wont get anywhere bickering with the elitist snobs.

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G’huun and N’zoth would like a word with you.


ugh i’ve only heard tales of N’zoth lol

It was added specifically because participation rates on 3rd tier raids in an xpac was so incredibly low.

It’s raiding in the same sense that driving a golf cart is driving.

Technically the same, but not really what anybody means when they say it.

Rarely will someone who only does LFR call themselves a raider.

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I am not saying it isn’t, I was just saying that LFR doesn’t really teach anyone anything, it’s just raid story mode.

Well, that would certainly be a silly argument that wouldn’t convince many.

You can take more people to normal and heroic than you can to LFR.

It was not pretty.
I joined a few runs at 10 stacks of determination that were still wiping and had to just drop out of more than 1 group on that boss.

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Personally - I think it should changed to a single player scenario and maybe offer base mythic rewards once a week and tone down normal difficulty because the difficulty this expansion was kind of insane (my guild still managed to aotc but holy hell it was hard this time around…)

you would be suprised at how many people actually learn jsut basics of fights before steping into normal an learnig it all… instead of watching… you know a video…

stepping stones an all…